The Last Boss Live

Chapter 5: Chapter-5 An Eye for An Eye.

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A day later, during the early morning, Mui and his new allies went out the fortress and set out on an adventure to travel the world in search for answers for their transfer to this unknown world. However, there was one slight problem.

After passing grasslands, forests, and finally travelling through a deep valley, the group found themselves in a deep and terrible situation. "Look guys! dragons!" Jack said as he pointed at the group of dragons at the lower part of the valley.

"No Jack, they're wyverns." Mui said and turned towards Chris, "You know how to use a bow?" Chris looked at Sullivan who returned with a raised eyebrow. "Hahaha! GO! GO! GO! go get them brother!" Jack said excitedly while Mui and the others watched as his brother shot every dragon with extreme accuracy. "Impressive Chris, even I can't compare to that sort of skill." Sullivan commented on Chris's shooting as he continued to take down the remaining dragons who were looking around confused. "Is it weird to feel sympathy for a bunch of winged lizards?" Sullivan asked Mui. "Unless they're innocent? then yes."

Mui crossed his arms, "But let's face it Sullivan, no one, no matter how merciful they are... they are sinners the moment they were born, that includes you and I, and everyone around us." Mui sighed before lowering his arms.

"But then again, what is life without struggle? what is life without death? ask yourself that Sullivan. People only care for those who care for them, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth... or so it goes... I think." Mui shook his head, "...I may not know where you live or how you lived your life Nomad, but your perspective of life sure is bleak." Sullivan replied.

Mui let out a soft laugh, "The world is cold Sullivan, It's damn cold. And I'm freezing." Sullivan nodded in defeat, content with the current answer he got from Mui as he sighed. "Well, I think it's best you get some warmth then."

Mui and Sullivan watched as the two brothers happily enjoyed each other's company, Mui envied them, but knew better. He sighed and turned towards Liora while she turned to him. "Princess, I think it's going to be dark soon, we should rest for the time being. And while I make us another place to temporarily stay, you will have to teach these three on how to use magic. I don't want dead to have to carry dead weight until we get home, unless you want to stay that is." 

Liora smiled, making Mui blush a little but did not show before they both went on their ways. Mui used his powerful magic to build a smaller fort that took only hours to complete, and due to his past experiences, the effort was much easier.

"Alright, all done." Mui said as he clapped his hands together. "Wow Nomad! you did this all by yourself?" Jack asked as he held Mui's hand. "That's right." Mui nodded, "But better get inside though, I don't like staying outside for a long time." Jack smiled and nodded. "Alright!" Jack turned to his brother, "Come on Chris! let's get inside before the monsters get us!"

Chris followed his brother into the fort along with Sullivan while Liora walked towards Mui and then stood next to him. "So princess, what did you teach them?" Mui started, "Everything there is to learn about magic." Liora calmy answered.

"Everything huh?" Mui looked at Liora, "Well, everything that I could teach them." Mui smirked, "Of course, of course..." Mui then walked inside the fort along with Liora before arriving at the main hall where the others were gathered.

"So where to next Nomad?" Chris asked as he toyed with a sword that even Mui didn't know he had. "Find civilization of course, we can't survive in a barren wasteland without knowledge or anything to grasp the situation." Mui answered as he walked towards a set of chairs before sitting on one. "Sir Nomad..." Mui turned to Sullivan, "What is it?" Mui asked.

"By civilization, what exactly did you mean by it?" Sullivan asked with crossed arms as he leaned on a stone pillar. "Find a city of course, one where the citizens don't look like people who are xenophobic to outsiders. It'll be better if they're human." Mui explained while turning to Chris. "By the way Chris, do you know how to use magic now?" Chris sighed, "Well..." Chris paused for a moment. "Jack knows how to use them, but I don't have mana like he does. At least not the same amount." Jack smiled while waving his hand at Mui. "But do you know how to use that sword?" Mui asked again, and this time, Chris nodded.

"Yes, I practiced Kendo before and Fencing with my other classmates in the dojo. But I'm not really confident in my skills in terms of fighting monsters and all that, let alone..." Mui interjected. "Alright, alright, I get it." Mui raised his hand for a moment before turning towards Sullivan again. "And you? do you know how to fight?" Mui asked Sullivan.

"I am used to fighting in the streets when I was at your age, however I've grown quite slow compared to before..." Mui rested his chin on his hand, "And...?" Mui said with light annoyance. "...Just don't expect me to fight forever." Sullivan responded and took out an orange before starting to peal it. "Ok then, I guess we continue tomorrow, whatever's out there must either be monsters that wants to eat our hearts out or something from the depths of hell. Either way, if it wants to kill us, we kill it first. And we kill it swiftly or brutally, depending on your mood or preferences... or whatever suits your style of fighting."

"Didn't you say that before?" Jack asked while scratching his head. "Just a reminder." Mui answered before exercising his back and then resting it. "But still though, even if it speaks, kill without hesitation. Even if it begs for mercy, just remember that it attacked you first, whatever excuse it had, it doesn't matter." Mui said in a far menacing and cold tone.

"Even if it has a family?" Liora asked worryingly. "Yes princess, even if it HAD a family." Mui answered before turning towards Liora with lifeless eyes. "I don't give a damn about anything else apart from the objective and all your safety, everything else is an obstacle. Obstacles that could either be resolved peacefully..." Mui paused for a moment. "Or violently."

A brief silence fell onto the room the group was in until Mui broke it. "Just don't forget that I reminded you all, TWICE." Mui turned towards Chris and his brother. "If one of you gets killed, don't blame me for it."

Mui sighed and clapped his hands twice before speaking. "Well, enough of that. We've got goals to accomplish and questions and problems to be answered, get some good night's sleep before we head out, I'll stay here as always."

"R-Right..." Chris said nervously. But before they could all make a single move, yet another knock was heard. "Something tells me that the goddess is fucking with us..." Mui murmured as he heard footsteps slowly approaching them. "P-Pardon my intrusion, but could I trouble you if I join your journey?" A man in a brown cloak and brown leather armor entered the hall where Mui and the others were gathered. "Care to introduce yourself first?" Sullivan asked. "That's my line jackass..." Mui muttered under his breath as he inspected the approaching man. "That's as far as you go." Mui commanded and the man complied with a calming smile, but Mui didn't take it for granted.

"White skin and hair, a damn angelic face and golden eyes." Mui placed the clues in his head based on the appearance of the man, he was taller, though looked much younger. "You're an angel, aren't you?"

The man flinched before quickly calming down and once again smiling. "That is correct sir, but if I may ask, how did you know?" Mui rolled his eyes before answering. "The fact that you look like the perfect man is a dead giveaway dumbass, only a mindless idiot wouldn't know the difference." Mui mocked the angel under his breath before the angel could introduce himself.

"Ah, then allow me to introduce myself." The angel bowed before introducing himself. "My name is Amil, an angel who fell from grace." Mui raised his hand before quickly lowering it. "Spare me your life's story Amil, I don't give a damn about who you are and what you did. All I care about is what do you really want?" Mui said aggressively.

"Straight to the point I see..." Amil bowed once more. "Like you I am in search of home, but not the one you think. I only wish for a life of adventure and meaning, as well as to settle a score with my fellow colleagues."

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"Revenge, eh?" Mui said with a smirk. "Well, as long as you don't screw up our journey feel free to join us." Mui paused for a moment before standing. "Your safety is my concern as long as you're with us, and I think we all need a friendly face every once and a while." Liora, Sullivan and the two brothers nodded in agreement while Mui continued. "But instead of this nonsense how about this, you help us, and we help you. Does that sound like a good deal Amil?" Mui extended an open hand towards Amil for a handshake and waited for his response.

Amil smiled and accepted the handshake. "Very well Sir Nomad, you have a deal." Mui let go of Amil's hand before sitting back on his chair. "Welcome aboard Amil, however I guess I'll have to prioritize your revenge first before finding a way to go to our own homes. I'm sure you already know that we're not really natives here?" Amil nodded.

"Of course, I overheard your conversation over the past days, and I too am not from this world." Mui sighed, "So you're as clueless as we are... shit." Amil nodded, unsatisfied with this outcome. "Unfortunately, yes."

"Goddamn it! whoever did this to us must be laughing his or her ass off." Amil raised an eyebrow, "You mean mocking us?" Mui answered with a deep breath. "Well, in your terms of speaking, yes." Chris interjected. "Not to bother the welcoming party Nomad, but I think my brother needs some sleep." Mui nodded. "Alright, get some shuteye."

Chris nodded and took his already asleep brother to a nearby room to sleep. "Sir Nomad, I will also go as well." Liora said after Mui nodded, permitting her to do so. "Nomad." Mui turned to Sullivan. "Sullivan?" Sullivan approached the two before sitting on an empty chair next to Mui. "I'd like to ask something first before taking my rest."

"What is it?" Mui asked, "I've been wondering ever since we got together... since there is more than one of us here there may be others like us, some with... different goals." Mui's face turned from his usual relaxed expression into a serious one. "Does that mean we are going to face other people like us?" Amil asked. "That's IF we're forced to." Mui interjected. "But we could recruit them if we all have similar goals." Sullivan added, "That might be for the best." Amil commented.

"But what if there's only one of them?" Sullivan asked with a troubled look in his eyes. "Then we either recruit or leave him or her, or whatever it is. Unless it wants to kill us." Amil nodded. "Agreed."

"Alright... Then it's settled, I just hope that there's not too many." Mui returned to his normal state as a laugh left Amil's mouth. "Your humor amazes Nomad, and your name suits your skills best." Mui crossed his arms. "It's just an alias Amil, don't take it too seriously." Sullivan sighed. "Then I better get going. Farewell Nomad."

"Whatever Sullivan, goodnight." Mui said as he slowly closed his eyes while Amil went and followed Sullivan. And as the night slowly passed and the sun soon rose from whatever direction it rose from, Mui and his allies soon set out for yet another adventure. Days passed, and weeks wandered by. Months of wandering and training, constructing weapons and armor unlike anything anyone could ever make, all within a mere fraction of a moment for Mui, at least for him.

Wandering past forests and ruined cities of old, past rivers and mountains and beast untold. What troubles will our greatest heroes find? with their boundless faiths and steeled minds, the age of old is at end's time.













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