The Last Progenitor

Chapter 36: Durge: 1

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We had finally arrived at the capital of the Ender Kingdom to feast our eyes upon the carnage that Eliah created. Thousands were dead. The death toll was unlike anything I have ever seen in my entire life. Axcl, the magic bow user of our group, commented on it. 

“Have you ever seen anything like this?” All of us shook our heads. Never have I seen so many die due to one spell, but the thought was exciting to me. While Axcl looked nervous just like Indel I was filled with excitement at the prospect. I finally found a worthy foe. Even drakes weren’t a real foe to me. The only true enemy I have dealt with so far was that filthy beastkin. Drakes especially are too slow to be a challenge. They don’t call me “Durge of the Lightning Sword” for nothing.

My technique is something special. I don’t even think the real Eliah will stand a chance. She might be stronger than me with magic, but in a melee fight I am confident I will be able to strike her down. That is why I wish I could have gone about this whole mission solo. I just hope my comrades won’t be a burden to me. I should probably hide the joy on my face. They are all looking at me now. It was my turn to speak. I am the pseudo leader of this group anyway.

“Let us go meet with the surviving Prince Eren. He was face to face with Eliah according to our report, so he might know something about her. There is also the fact that we need to learn about the other target Emma. She will be crucial to this mission after all.” 

“I ain’t much for talking I’ll let you folks take care of that.” Rigur said as he started to head off towards the tavern. Again I was questioning why this guy was even a part of our group, but I should not question Father. “Well I will come with you.” Indel voiced his desire to come with me, and then Junath and Axcl agreed by nodding their heads. “Well whatever, if he wants to go to the tavern then we will just have to brief him with what the prince says later.”

With that out of the way our group of 4 headed up to the castle. Rigur can handle himself. We were all chosen for this mission for a reason. None of us are what anyone would call a weakling. I just don’t know if our personalities are a good match; nonetheless, we are quite a strong group of individuals.

There is me who just got promoted to the highest rank adventurer following the killing of that filthy vampire beastkin. There is Rigur who is well known for being a strong frontliner. He has been praised for killing a higher variant of a troll by himself, and it was a fire troll which should have been a bad matchup for him. It is a deadly troll species because it isn’t hindered by fire. Instead the fire would only speed up its regeneration, but he felled the troll by himself even with the handicap. It was a battle that he himself said took hours.

Then there is Indel the court wizard of the Leo Kingdom. He was trained in the arts that the ancestors used to raid Eliah’s kingdom. It is said that he is unparalleled in his magic knowledge across any kingdom. Aside from that, I don’t know much else about him.

The next one is Junath who was given the title of “Divine Assassin”. She is said to be a deadly killer who rips the life force from foes by enchanting her twin daggers with a special light type of magic. Usually assassins don’t use light magic because it is flashy, but apparently her technique is unique. She uses the light magic to sap away the lifeforce instead of demons, and she was a prominent hunter of vampires unrelated to Eliah.

Lastly but certainly not the least is “Axcl the Silent Hunter”. He uses a magic bow, and if I didn’t know any better I would classify him as an assassin. It was said that he killed a drake silently from 2 kilometers away. I don’t know if I believe the stories, but he is definitely the one I have to watch out for the most. He is the unpredictable silent type. You would think it would be Junath that I would be afraid of killing me when I sleep, but that would be a mistake. Sure she can zap my life force away and kill me silently; however, like me, she is an assassin. I know how she thinks. I can never guess what Axcl is thinking. He always looks nervous, but I know it is a facade. Unlike Indel, he is no coward.

With that mental note to myself to watch my back for Axcl we made our way to the palace that was grown from the cliffside. It was still as extravagant as ever with all of those red banners. There is only one prince in this kingdom. The now dead king, had only ever had one son and no daughters. Now Prince Eren will have to take up the throne.

We made our way into the throne room once we were let in by the 2 beautiful maids of the castle, and we were greeted by Prince Eren sitting in his throne. However, his eyes looked completely dead. He no longer had the sharp eyes that I remember. I much liked his older face in comparison to these dead fish eyes. He used to exude an aura of intelligence. It made him look like he would be able to read you as if you were an open book even if you never once opened your mouth. I wonder what truly happened to his poor soul.

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We all made our way across the large red carpet that was flanked by knights on ceremony. Then we took our positions in front of the throne and we all started kneeling. It is rude to speak before the leader of the nation unless you are spoken to first, so I will abide by my manors just as Father said.

“Greetings travelers and the newly formed team ‘Requiem for a Vampire’. I hope all of your travels went well. Forgive my rudeness, but I was told there would be 5 of you.” Damn, that stupid Rigur just had to bail on us!

“You are correct your highness, or is it majesty now?” I was unsure how I should address him currently. “You may address me with ‘majesty’ now. After my fathers passing the kingdom wouldn’t let me rest. They deemed it fit to grant me a crown and everything. Even had a small ceremony.” He chuckled to himself as he finished speaking.

“...So where is the other one?” I can’t just say he went to the tavern and ditched the king of a nation can I? “He is not good with words, your majesty. He stayed behind while the rest of us made our way here.” I said as I tried to hide the annoyance that was coming up from thinking of that loud mouthed buffoon. 

“I do apologize, your majesty, but we will have to brief him later after our meeting is adjourned.” He nodded then said “Very well, than all of my retainers shall leave this room at once with the exception of the names I brought up before our guests' arrival. Viscount Belier, surely you have no problem with that.” He looked over towards the viscount.

“There is no problem, your majesty. As we discussed before, nothing we speak of shall leave this room.” 

“Then it shall be so!” King Eren said as he slammed the silver cane on the floor that he held with his right hand. Then everyone except for Viscount Belier and a few other nobles and retainers left the room. “Now we shall begin the meeting,” King Eren said.

 Then the meeting went under way and we discussed our plan to lure out Eliah. Surprisingly Viscount Belier wasn’t against the plan of using his own daughter, but I suppose, it is only natural when she sided with that vile thing.

We also discussed ways that the church could help with loss that happened in the kingdom. His majesty also told us of all of the things he was familiar with about Eliah like her mannerisms and even down to the fashion that she prefers. He talked about her speech patterns, but what was concerning was the fact that the king and Viscount Belier had a different impression of her. The viscount said that she couldn’t be cornered through speech, but the king disagreed with the evaluation; in fact, he posed it as her greatest weakness.

We learned a lot of valuable information from the meeting until it was adjourned several hours later. It still blows my mind that she was able to end the lives of so many with a single spell. We will definitely have to be careful; however, she isn’t immortal like the people say. She was killed once. We can do it again.

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