The legacy of Algrion

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: It’s a party so i’m trying not to die.

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The room had almost filled up with pixie dust but the letters were still hovering at eye height. Charlie wondered if the guy at the golden toilet would be surprised when suddenly the words “92x  dragon heads” started floating around his head as he was trying to wash his hands…

(*it was supposed to be 26 but the numbers got knocked around*)

The room was completely silent. He felt the mood go from amazement to extreme envy. He was sure he’d made a lot of enemies. Everyone had seen how awkward he was. All someone had to do was scam this amateur out of his fortune, well that or kill him. Easy peasy! Free money! He took a deep breath to calm himself. He walked back to the middle of the room. He felt the gaze of everyone follow him. It was quite obvious they wanted what he had and that they didn’t have to do a lot to get it.

“Calm down, it’s not over yet!” He thought. There were a lot of people in this room and the law was solid in Loridia. They would probably wait until he’d left the country or at least the palace. Right now it was just over 16:00 (since the receiving ceremony would start at 16:00). The party ended at 18:00. First they would dance another half hour untill 16:30. After that came a feast that lasted an hour. 17:30. And another half hour to socialize get someone’s address or another way to reach them. After all these parties were made to help rich people get to know each other and form business bonds and such.

“Ok focus” He told himself. Algrion probably has some strong servants somewhere, or if he could get the armor and sword… But there was no way to just summon it here was there? Why did that list have to vanish into pixie dust?! Wait a minute, the signed paper is a good thing to have just in case so why did it vanish? Charlie walked up to the priest and asked him. “what? Oh, no the scroll didn’t vanish my child. It just teleported to your new home so it would be kept safe.” The priest explained. If only he could be teleported to his new home.

He thought about it for the rest of the evening. Could the carriage guard be enough? No if a rich elite wanted to strike it then the three guards couldn’t keep up. It was something though. Maybe he could ask Glorixius for help. He looked around the room. He saw Glorixius talking to a pretty wealthy looking lady somewhere. No, this party was important for him too. He couldn’t bother him with this. Besides, his armor and sword weren’t meant for combat, just for show. And against an army he wouldn’t stand a chance. So what should he do! Nothing came to mind.

He looked at the clock but he didn’t have to, right when he spotted it a bell rang. Time for dinner. 16:30. He took his designated place at the table. In front of him was a very pretty girl with long red hair and a purple dress with a lot of golden jewels. During dinner he talked to her a little. It was obvious that she was sucking up to him because of his wealth but he almost didn’t mind. Almost.

He also got around to talking to the duke. A brother of the king. At first it felt like a big deal but then he realized that the most honored guests would be seated next to each other. Somehow he didn’t mess up with the duke and he thought that the conversation went genuinely well. He also got the name of the girl in the purple dress: Rosemary. Though she said ‘close acquaintances’ called her mary. It couldn’t be more obvious that she was trying to pull some scheme using her looks.

The time flew as they were having dinner, he found himself actually enjoying the party. Suddenly he heard the bell that signaled the end of dinner. Crap! He completely let his guard down during dinner! He quickly finished up his conversation with the duke. “Stop by anytime!” The duke said. “I’m sure I’ll need to someday soon.” Charlie said. Ok he had about 30 minutes to think of something. 30 minutes turned to 20 minutes. 20 turned to 10. 10 turned to 5 and 5 turned to 2. he saw people packing up and leaving. somewhere in a corner he saw a few people talking suspiciously while looking at him.

All doubt was gone and he was running out of options quickly. His hart started beating faster. He felt panic welling up inside him. “Come on, come on, come on” got it! If there are so many people at the party at least some of them should know communication magic! Right?! He could contact Algrions head-servant! She’d be able to send someone strong! He franticly looked around, everyone was leaving! Rosemary! He ran towards her, “You can’t use communication magic can you?!” He’d completely forgotten his manners but he didn’t care. She obviously wasn’t expecting this. She barely held her composure. She smiled nervously “Ehm, no I’m afraid not.” Who else could he ask? Who else? Maybe the priest?! Just in time! He was just about to walk out the door! “Mister priest!” He yelled “Wait up” He felt bad calling him ‘mister priest’ but he was very desperate. The priest looked at him, he looked confused. Charlie ran over to him. Completely out of breath he asked “Can you- *pant*  use- *pant* communication magic?! *pant pant*” The priest saw the desperation in his eyes and Charlie could see the sad sympathetic look in his. “No, i’m sorry my child.” He said.

Charlie looked around, maybe someone else could help him? But the hall was empty. He was going to die. He really was going to die. He walked to the wall and collapsed against it. He cried. Curled up into a ball. He felt completely hopeless, powerless, helpless. All feelings you’d think the richest man alive could never feel. He sobbed for another 2 minutes, maybe 3 minutes. At least no one could see him, completely broken and alone. He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t want this.

he felt a cold shadow cover his body. (At least no one could see him? Ha!) Was this it? Was he going to die now?’ “Are you coming sir?” someone said. Charlie was tired. And confused. He looked up. He felt the water on his cheeks, the slime and snot coming out of his nose. In front of him stood an older well groomed man in a red uniform and a red cap.

“You’re the porter” Charlie recognized. “Yes sir” the porter said. He sounded like every letter in that sentence was exasperating. “They’re going to kill me.” Charlie said. Did he just say that to his porter? It didn’t even matter anymore. “Thats unfortunate.” The porter said. That was an understatement if you asked Charlie. He looked down. “Is there any way I can help?” The porter asked. It sounded rhetorical. “Not unless you can use communication magic.” “Well I am able to send light signals to a specific place.” The porter said, “It’s quite useful when we need to pass through a gate. I can send message instead of walking all the way to the control tower and they’ll open the gates for us.” It took a while until Charlie had recognized the meaning of the words. “Wait, you can?!” He asked. “Yes sir.” Charlie didn’t understand how the porter could care so little. Did it matter? He was saved!

As a child Charlie used to study the main home where Algron lived. He thought it was super cool and he was determined to go on his own adventure to that house even if his parents did let him. He just ended up lost in some bushes. But he still knows exactly where the house is.

He could see the map in his imagination. “North north east from Loridia and south west west from Grunberg.” Charlie said. He felt a little of his confidence flowing back into his body. The porter handed him a piece of charcoal. Sheesh if he wanted him to draw it he could’ve just said so. He started to draw a map on the floor (poorly). The guy who was responsible for the carpet was not going to be happy. “Got it, sir.” The porter said, “What should the message say?”. “Help, Charlie.” Charlie said. “Of course, sir.”

The porter held both hands in front of him. Like he was about to catch a ball. He started making round motions with the right and chanted something indistinctly. A circle of light appeared before him. Then a smaller circle formed within. Now there was a circle and a ring around it. The ring got divided into 7 segments. Each segment got filled up with simplistic drawings of a random image. The first segment showed a boat at sea. The second a lion in the forest. The third a spiral. The fourth a lizard surrounded by explosions. The fifth a man with a blindfold at a bar with two mugs. The sixth a king with an army of rhino’s signaling attack with his sword. The seventh an angel in front of a burning mountain. It didn’t make sense to him but maybe on a cosmic level there was a clear connection between the images. Or maybe they are just meant to throw you off or confuse you. The porter wrote the words right on top of the circle “help, Charlie.” Then he hit the circle with his palm. It shattered like glass that was hit with a hammer. The pieces floated around for a second and then vanished. “The message has been sent, sir.”

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