The legacy of Algrion

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Don’t get rich, it’s not safe.

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They stepped into the carriage. It was pitch black outside and the rain was pouring. It seemed like exactly the kind of night an assassination could happen. The porter was seated next to the courier. He was using his light magic to light up the road. His heart was pounding. Any moment now the carriage would be overwhelmed by a dozen hired men. Nothing happened yet. Charlie wondered if the message even reached the head servant. No it reached her. It had to have reached her.

Suddenly they heard a loud bang. Charlie's heart almost stopped. He was completely ready. Nothing. He realized it had been the thunder. He took a calming breath. The guards seemed on edge too. There was no way the guards were hired. Right? No if they wanted to they could've killed him already. Nothing happened, he estimated that they had reached the border of Loridia by now. If it was going to happen it was going to happen now.

And it did. Charlie couldn't see anything but he heard the courier cry out in pain. He heard the horses panicked and run away. He felt the carriage slowly came to a stop. He heard men laughing outside. Barbaric laughs like described in children's tales. From what ge could hear, there were way more men then he'd anticipated. He thought there would be around 10 men, but from what he heard the were 30, maybe 40! A little light come into the carriage, probably from lit torches, but it still wasn't enough to see anything. It didn't seem like help was coming. It looked like no one received the message or worse, no one was loyal enough to respond.

Suddenly lightning struck right next to the carriage. It lit up everyone standing outside and God there were a lot of them. The lightning couldn't have been natural. Wait a minute, lightning was the main attackforce of the sky element. Didn't- "It's Glorixius!" Shouted a raw voice outside. Glorixius! He came to rescue him!

The spark of hope that was lit in Charlie's chest didn't last long. Glorixius was heavily outnumbered, and these men weren't normal men. Charlie recognised the type. They came from skiïling up north. Charly had seen a skiïlinger wrestle a bear once. It wasn't pretty. For the bear. As he thought Glorixius was soon backed into a corner. He had taken out 7 men which was pretty impressive. The porter had somehow made his way into the carriage. And was now lighting up the whole scene.

It looked like Glorixius was about to take a fatal beating when the man closest to him suddenly collapsed. Glorixius seemed as surprised as the men around him. Another man collapsed on the other side of the carriage. With a scream this time. Glorixius managed to use it to his advantage, "come close again, I dare you" he said. It might've been a bluff but it was a good bluff and it worked. The men backed off a little. The biggest one seemed to be the first to overcome his fear. "Come on let's get 'em!" He yelled. You could hear a little fear in his voice. Or at least, Charlie did. The other men didn't, they all yelled "YEAH!!" In unison with their gruff voices.

As soon as they did a man in the back collapsed. This time a lot closer to the carriage. This meant Charlie could get a good look at the body. A clear cut was visible on his back. Charlie looked at the other two bodies. How could he not have noticed this? He cursed himself and looked better at the cuts. These were obviously made by a sword, and a sharp one at that. This meant that there was a warrior that moved in, cut someone down, and moved out. Faster than the eye could see. Amazing.

He looked at Glorixius. He had noticed it too. Another man was cut down. As soon as he was, Charlie saw a flash of a woman with purple hair in front of the carriage. You could see she was running away from the man from her pose. Charlie looked where she was going. He couldn't see anything. He looked better, this time he saw the woman on the side of the road. It was impossible to see her if you didn't know she was there. "Over there!" He yelled.

The porter moved the source of light. Now everyone could see her. Her purple hair was tied in a ponytail and she was wearing a black suit. She was holding two round swords. She glared at him. Stupid! Why'd he have to expose her! She jumped at the nearest man who held his bat in front of him to protect himself. Her knives started to glow light blue and she cut right through it, then a second slice went right through his chest. Before the body could hit the ground three other men jumped at her. She ran through the little space in between two of them leaving deep cuts in their side. Those two men didn't land on their feet. Her speed was a perfect matchup for the men's slow and strong style.

Charlie felt like he knew her from somewhere. Was she at the party? No it was before that. From when he was a child. He remember the second time he met his grandfather. He was six. There she was at his side! Wait, didn't that mean... She was Synthia, the head maid?!  He'd heard a rumor somewhere that Albion's servants were all final bosses from strong dungeons but he didn't think it was true. Until now. She held her own for a while but the numbers seemed to overwhelm her too. Before long she was surrounded. Glorixius tried to help. He stabbed one guy through the heart after that he got knocked out.

25 men were left. From the middle of nowhere a pink/purple man jumped into the crowd. He was very muscular but by no means bulky. He was wearing a leather jacket and leather pants but no shirt. He had a big sword and before the men could recover from the surprise he'd already cut down two men. He jumped over them to the middle, grabbed Synthia and jumped out. "Thanks" Synthia muttered. They both got ready into a fighting stance, ready to take anything. From behind them a female voice cried an excited battlecry. An orange woman with red stripes and short red hair ran past them from behind and jumped at the confused crowd. She was wearing ragged colorless clothes even though the others were wearing pretty expensive clothes (maybe she liked it that way?). She was armed with two short knives. There was a huge grin on her face that somehow cheered Charlie up despite the circumstances. In a tornado of cuts she gave the two unfortunate men that were in her way a hundred cuts. The grin's meaning started to change from "It's a great day I'm having fun." To "nothing better than cutting open a bunch of humans. Hehe I'm insane" a guy ran at her, bat ready, but right before it hit her head she jumped backwards to join 'Team Servants', grin still on her face. A fourth guy in a big dark cloak floated over their heads. Did floating magic even exist? He'd heard of flying magic that propelled you through the air at high speed but floating was unheard of.

"Amateurs." He said. He had a sharp low voice (like there was something up his nose) and he sounded like had just woken up and already hated the day. He lifted one hand. A huge purple ball of energy showed up in front of him that shot out a ray that wiped out all 21 men that were left.

These people were amazing. Each of them seemed at least as strong as glorixius, maybe stronger. "Was that it?" Synthia asked. "Looks like it." The pink man said. "In that case I'm going home" the orange woman said "I still need to dust off the dragon heads." "Same" said the cloaked guy "i still need to dust off my evening nap." The orange girl laughed. "We don't even need sleep!" Charlie realized that their courier was dead and that he wanted to meet them regardless. "Wait!" He yelled as he got out of the carriage, but they were already gone. "Great" he muttered. He told the guards, who hadn't done a thing (not that he could blame them, to pick up Glorixius and take him into the carriage. One of the guards volunteered to replace the courier but without horses that was going to be a challenge. There was no other choice than to walk. At least glorixius didn't have many injuries. As Charlie thought they were at the border of Loridia. "It's a twelve hour walk to Alberg (named after Albion, it's the plot of land where Albion built his home) let's sleep in the carriage till sunrise. If we start walking then we'll make it less than an hour after sundown.”

They all got into the carriage. Charlie slept terribly. And when the sun went up, the porters magic made sure they woke up. They didn't really have any baggage so they just started walking. The guards would take turns carrying Glorixius but he woke up before they could switch. He then told them that he'd seen the way Charlie had asked around at the party and figured out the situation quickly. So while Charlie was sobbing he quietly hid in the baggage department. After that they walked the entire day as expected. The could go a little faster now that Glorixius didn't have to be carried so they arrived at Alberg right at sundown.

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