The legacy of Algrion

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: this house wasn’t worth my ankles!

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They were standing on top of a small hill. The sun was almost gone. There was just enough light left to see the compound, though it was in a strange scary dark orange glow.

When Charlie imagined Alberg he imagined a beautiful mountain with a dreamy castle. Not this. There were weird constructions scattered all over the place. The land was about a hundred meters long and 65 meters wide. The left side was ended by a river with woods on the other side.

Next to the river were some creepy purple and white trees, if you could even call it that. Each tree kind of reminded him of a giants hair; little branches shot up from the ground twisting through each other and as they got further up, they grew apart from eachother. Behind that was a big black bowl. The compound was filled with seemingly meaningless structures just like those that were probably usefull for something he was yet to learn. If he could at all.

On the right side was the castle. Even the castle wasn't what he expected. Where he expected a big sturdy hunk of stone there was a black cobblestone structure that looked less held together than the giant hair across from it. It started small at the ground but as it moved further upwards it split into multiple towers and rooms. The whole thing was covered in white vines that seemed to hold the thing together.

He felt his ankles complaining that he could admire his land from a chair, on one of the many balcony's sticking out of the weird castle. "Come on", Charlie said. They walked towards the weird castle. Every step felt like an eternity. He could see that the others felt the same. Despite that everyone, including himself, was holding on. Eventually they reached the door.

He wanted to knock but as soon as he touched the door the vines started glowing. They rapidly grew over the door and he heard a voice coming from the house. "Identification" the voice said. Did those vines just talk? It was a gentle female voice that should've comforted him. Instead it creeped him out. Something about the voice didn't sound human though you could hear it tried, that made him uncomfortable. "u- uhm... Ch- Charlie, Charlie Goldharth" he stammered. As soon as he was done talking the vines suddenly grew off the house and pointed towards the guards and Glorixius, who in response grabbed onto their swords. Charlie's mind raced. Was he not welcome? No, this house should definitely be his. Wait why didn't the vines point at him? Did he clear himself and not his friends? Those thoughts shot through his head within a millisecond. "And friends!" He interjected. That seemed to calm the vines down. They slowly shrank back to the castle, then freed the door.

As they walked inside he expected another boobytrap of security measure. Instead there was a big empty room with an aquarium in the floor. In the aquarium were some cute little creatures that he would've petted immediately if they weren't behind glass. Besides that there was nothing in the room but a ladder leading up to the next room. As soon as he grabbed it he was teleported to the room above. "That's convenient" he muttered. "Yes" spoke a familiar voice behind him "Algrion put convenience before all else, as you might've noticed."

That startled him, he turned around as fast as he could. Now in front of him stood Synthia. "Hi”, she spoke with a smile on her face. “I believe we've already met.” He suddenly recalled how he exposed her to the skiïlingers. "Yeah, sorry", he said. "No problem", she replied as her smile turned sour. It had definitely been a problem.

The guards and Glorixius teleported in behind him. At the exact same moment the other servants teleported in behind Synthia. "You brought your friends." The hooded servant stated, who was by the way still floating above everyone. He didn't sound like he liked it. He sighed. "They can stay right up there. He pointed to the room top of the ladder they just came from. It lead further up into the guest room. Or so the sign said. The room they were in now seemed to serve as an intersection. On the right there was a staircase that led to the biggest branch of the tower. On the left there was another ladder that led into the 'map room'. He'd have to figure out what was what as he started living in this tower.

It was like Synthia read his mind. "I believe a tour is in order", she said ,"but let's have some introductions first." "Of course", he replied. He felt awkward. He was supposed to be their leader but it still felt like he was a guest in their home. Maybe if he got friendly with them it wouldn't feel like he was bossing them around or being a pain in the ass. It would just be friends living in the same home. "Well, we're going to bed" Glorixius announced. Just hearing the word 'bed' made Charlie tired. "You know what?" He said, "let's save it for tomorrow. I'm tired." "I'll lead you to your bedroom." Synthia responded.

The room itself looked a lot larger on the inside than it did on the outside. Charlie also noticed the walls had started looking different from outside, which was pretty normal but on the first floor the walls were the same on the inside. The castle also didn't look like it housed these kind of rooms. The walls were white with a tree drawn on it with gold. (Algrion sure loved his trees). The bed was huge! The furniture was also big and of top class. "Most rooms use magic to make the rooms bigger on the inside, he also improved the rooms over time." Synthia said. (Had his expression been so obvious?) "I see." Charlie returned. He tried to stay composed. "So where will you sleep?" Charlie asked. "The servants quarters are located above the map room." It was silent for a while. Charlie cursed himself for ever asking. "I will now take my leave", Synthia said. "Yeah, of course", Charlie responded uncomfortably.  "Let's meet up again at the intersection where we were before." He said as she was leaving the room. He sighed. Even though she left he still felt awkward.

He didn't expect to get much sleep that night. He knew from experience that sleeping in a new bed was always hard. He was wrong, the mattress was so soft it felt like it wasn’t even there. "This is the bed in which the greatest hero ever slept." He told himself, right before he dozed off.

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