The legacy of Algrion

Chapter 7: chapter 7: Holding strategy meetings is much easier when possesed

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Charlie waited anxiously, nothing happened. What an anticlimax! Thrale was the first to react, “What the hell are you doing?! don’t drink it all at once!” He yelled. “At least discuss with us first! you didn’t need all 20 minutes, Algrion could come up with a plan and tell us in five! No, just one would’ve been enough!”

Charlie felt a wave of shame wash over him. Jole looked worried, not for Charlie but for Thrale instead. “Uhm… Thrale?” She said anxiously “That potion was supposed to bring back Algrion right? So aren’t you yelling at Algrion now?” Fear took control over Thrale’s face, he hadn’t thought about that. Synthia was secretly smirking in a corner.

Charlie looked at the ground “No.. i’m still-“ Suddenly his jaw tensed up. It started moving without Charlie moving it. “Wait, you used up all of it?!” He said, but the voice wasn’t his. “Algrion” Synthia exclaimed. “Why did you use it all?” Algrion said. His voice completely dominated the atmosphere. “I- I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.” Charlie stammered. Algrion sighed “I will show you how to make more of this potion momentarily but first, what’s the situation?”

For a third time Charlie explained everything. Before he had a million questions but now his mind was blank. The part where he accidentally looked into the ball was hardest to explain but surprisingly, Algrion had no reaction. After he was done Algrion frowned.

“I’d love to fight an army of zombie’s but i’m afraid we don’t have the time for that, so i’ve come up with another solution. You four together are quite formidable but not against an army, so our only solution is to run. We know their target is Charlie so if we run they’ll leave the rest of the buildings alone. Now our problem is that we can’t run forever but zombies can. We need to ditch them somewhere. But how do we get back while leaving no way for the zombies to. The answer is obvious, teleportation!”

Charlie felt weird. These words were coming out of his mouth, but they weren’t his. Everyone was looking at him, but they saw Algrion, the perfect leader. Who explained his plans with reason to extinguish all the doubt of his followers. If the difference between him and Charlie wouldn’t have been already painfully clear, it would be now. It was like night and day, and the difference in treatment that followed was only natural.

“But if we need to lure the zombies there, then we’ll need to walk there ourselves too. But the zombie’s shouldn’t be able to walk back, so how do we walk somewhere you can’t walk from?” Synthia asked. It was a good question, but Algrion just smiled as if he’d expected it. “We use the black dimension” Algrion proclaimed. “But the black dimension is one of the most dangerous places there is!” Synthia protested. “I’ve survived for two years in the black dimension alone without armor or tools, I’m sure you guys can survive one night.

“Uhm… what’s the black dimension?” Charlie asked. Synthia was going to explain but Algrion was first “The black dimension is a dangerous place where time and space is warped. It is ideal for traveling since every step in the black dimension counts as a hundred in ours. Unfortunately it is also filled with dangerous monsters. We will lure the zombies into the portal here on the premises. We will exit at the vacation islands. When we are there we wait until all the zombies are out. then we go through the portal destroying it from the black dimension.” Everyone nodded.

Charlie wondered what the vacation islands were but decided to keep quiet. Maybe it was because Algrion was possessing him, or maybe it was because everyone was focussed on the upcoming battle, but this time no one seemed to realize.

“I don’t have much time left, so i’m gonna write the ingredients of this potion down now.” He started scribbling in mid-air with his finger, and golden sparkling lines appeared where his fingers had been. Charlie was quite curious as to the ingredients of the potion so he watched. Ah darn it!  Stupid magic language again! Wait, how long is this list anyway? Algrion had already written down over 20 ingredients!

Finally he stopped and said, “You will also need a bit of my souls essence to tie me to the potion.” He folded his hands together, then opened them like he was holding a balloon that was being inflated. In between his hands a purple and white ball of energy like a mini river flowing into itself, appeared between his hands,  sparks flying off of it.

Thrale knew exactly what to do. He grabbed the air behind his back and suddenly he was holding a jar. He approached Algrion like he was closing in on a fly, wanting to squash it without alarming it. Charlie felt weird, he was inside Algrion but he wasn’t doing anything. Doing magic without doing magic just felt off.

Thrale closed the jar around the ball of energy and somehow the spark stayed. “The jar is enchanted with magic that keep an unstable bit of magic from collapsing.” Algrion explained without even waiting for Charlie to ask.

“My time is almost up, good luck.” Algrion said. Suddenly all of Charlie’s questions popped back into his head. “Wait!” He yelled, “I still have so many questions!” Algrion smiled. “I guess that should be your motivation for brewing another ‘Algrion’s last deed’.” He said it in joking manner, like this was all a joke to him. Charlie didn’t give up, “Can’t you answer just one? Why did you choose me?!” Charlie became desperate. “Goodbye, Charlie.” Algrion said.

Charlie fell. He had unconsciously been giving less strength to his legs so now that Algrion wasn’t possessing him no one was keeping him from falling over. He stood up, he really wanted to brew the potion and talk to him again but he knew it wasn’t the time. A zombie invasion was imminent and if he didn’t give his full attention to this he would most likely die.

With Algrion gone, Synthia took over. “We’ll wait until they have surrounded the castle, then they’ll be in a group and they won’t surround us.” She said. “We’ll leave through the secret tunnel.” Secret tunnel? wasn’t there an aquarium on the first floor? how did that work? guess he’d find out eventually.

All they could do now was wait until the time of the siege.

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