The legacy of Algrion

Chapter 8: chapter 8: This damn ‘Charlie’ shouldn’t be so hard to kill! part 1

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(*writers note: sorry I haven’t been uploading! I’ll make up for it with an extra chapter)

Taria was excited. She knew she shouldn’t be, killing your cousin isn’t something to be exited about but she couldn’t help it. The reward that was awaiting her was just too great!

She was in a dark room which ensured she couldn’t be tracked using her surroundings. In the middle of the seemingly infinite room there was a large cauldron with purple water inside. Instead of reflecting the magical light ball lighting up the room, it reflected the castle which that annoying Charlie inherited.

She held her hand above the cauldron and chanted words that couldn’t be understood in the human tongue, starting the remote spell. Zombies started popping out of the ground in their cliché dramatic zombie fashion all over the compound, but also in the forest nearby. Taria felt a sense of pride, after all summoning this many evolution zombies all at once was a great feat!

The zombies walked slowly towards the castle and started banging against the walls, but they wouldn’t give. White vines started growing off the castle piercing a few zombies, sucking the life force out of them. Taria sneered, “You thing you can stop me with a few vines?” She said with a grin on her face, “BURN THEM TO THE GROUND!!” She yelled. One zombie in the crowd was suddenly holding a torch, probably created on the spot with her mana. He threw the torch at the castle setting it on fire.

Charlie’s hart was racing. It was time to execute the plan. The portal to the black dimention was somewhere on his land, not inside of the castle, but on his land. Which of course meant they had to escape the castle before they could lure the zombies away without being eaten. What kind of idiot places a portal used for escaping outside of the freaking castle!!Charlie was told they kept the portals outside because monsters could occasionally come out of them. Beyond that, they could easily be used to infiltrate the castle. Charlie didn’t buy it.

They went down to the ground floor. The banging on the doors was terrifying and growls would give him nightmares for weeks. “SO HOW DO WE GET TO THE SECRET TUNNELS ANYWAY!” Charlie yelled, he almost couldn’t hear himself over the loud noise. “WHAT?!” Jole yelled back, a big grin on her face like always. Did nothing ever bother that girl?

Synthia had read his lips. She yelled something but Charlie couldn’t make out what. She then said something to Thrale, who then signed something with his hands. A purplelight flashed but nothing happened. Synthia then calmly said “There’s a secret teleport trigger.” Her voice never could’ve triumphed the loud banging of the zombies yet Charlie heard her just fine. Magic sure is amazing…

“Where!” Charlie couldn’t help but yell, which visibly caused Synthia pain. She massaged her ears and said “here” she pointed to a rock close to the floor. Synthia saw the confusion on Charlie’s face and said “If you kick it, you’ll be teleported inside the tunnel. After that the port will be opened for a minute so we’ll be able to teleport by kicking the stone too.”

Charlie just nodded this time, he didn’t want to cause her more ear damage than he already had. He walked towards the stone and kicked it hesitantly. He was suddenly standing at the end of a barely lit tunnel still holding his foot to a completely identical stone.

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He turned around only to be met with a horrifying close up of a zombie’s face! The zombie in his face growled and Charlie’s hart skipped a beat. He stumbled back against the wall out of fear and saw at least fifty zombies standing in front of him. Right before the zombie could claw his face in, the back of his foot touched the portal stone.

Back in the room Charlie was startled again when he almost teleported into Dreax. He fell over with his face into Dreax’s chest and they both fell to the ground. Everyone was startled. “What is it?” Synthia asked. “Zombies, they’re inside the tunnels too.” Charlie was still recovering from the scare. “Well how many are there? Maybe we could fight our way out.” “No.” Charlie said dispiritedly “They collapsed the tunnel behind them.” Were they trapped? Did Algrions plan fail? Was this the end? The room fell silent, well, except for the loud banging and growling.

Synthia was the first to come to her senses, “We can’t just keep sulking. This door isn’t gonna hold forever. Let’s go upstairs and look for another way out.” She looked desperate but hopeful, like a gambler gambling the last bit of money he has in hope of a big return. Her hopeful desperation spread through the room and they went upstairs. “Thrale, check the building, see if there’s an escape route they haven’t blocked yet.” Synthia ordered.

Thrale took out his crystal ball. These crystal balls were starting to annoy Charlie. For a few seconds nothing happened, then for a moment his face lit up but immediately turned to a deep frown. “Hmmm…” he pondered. He pondered some more. “What is it?!” Synthia blurted out impatiently. Her nerves had now completely taken over her actions. “They blocked every escape route but one. Maybe they forgot it, maybe they deemed it unnecessary to guard it.” Thrale said. “They completely left the parkour.”

Algrion had a floating parkour that started from one of the towers. At the end there was a ladder so you could get down. There was just a slight problem. “That’s one of the hardest parkours in the world! Not only that, it’s 50 meters up in the air!” Synthia complained, like it would help. A dizzying sense of desperation fell over Charlie. He stumbled back into a chair. It felt like a bucket of ice being poured all over him. He was going to die.

As if the situation wasn’t bad enough he heard a sound he never wanted to hear again. The breaking of a door. The zombies were now inside the castle. Everyone’s hartbeats tripled. Except for Jole who playfully said, “uh oh~…” Seriously, her positivity was starting to become creepy!

They rushed to the tower the parkour was at. Even a noob like Charlie could see how impossible this parkour was. The parkour was made of small pebbles. The idea was to quickly skip from pebble to pebble to maintain your speed. As if that wasn’t hard enough there were also gravity disrupters floating around meaning you couldn’t even count on gravity to stay the same. Below the parkour a zombie audience was growling cheerfully, waiting for their dinner to fall down.

Charlie gulped. He stood at the ledge. In his mind he knew it was the only way but his hart wasn’t ready to accept that truth yet. He quickly realized he was wasting time he didn’t have as the Zombies broke through the final latch leading them to the very same roof Charlie was at. If he didn’t go he would be eaten by zombies and if he went he was probably gonna fall to his death and the be eaten by zombies. The latter seemed favorable.

He took a deep breath preparing himself for death. His mind ceased all thought as he jumped.

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