The legacy of Algrion

Chapter 9: chapter 9: This damn ‘Charlie’ shouldn’t be this hard to kill! part 2

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Taria was sitting at the edge of her seat. Her ‘dear’ cousin was standing at the edge of a roof. She let out a cold laugh. No way, did he actually have the guts to jump? Let’s put this into context…

Taria had launched a zombie attack on Charlie. Her plan was perfect. She would turn him into a zombie so she could control him, then make him sign all his undeserved belongings to Taria before making him burn himself. She’d spread a rumor that Charlie couldn’t stand the pressure and give everything to her, before killing himself.

He had tried to escape using a secret tunnel. Shame she had studied the full layout of the castle beforehand and knew every way in and out of the castle. She had left the parkour open because she didn’t believe Charlie had the guts to try it. Besides, even if he did have the courage to try that stupid parkour, he would just fall to his death. Only Algrion ever finished that parkour.

Charlie’s mind had gone blank on the first jump. After that however he did nor have that luxury. His mind was racing, constantly and uncontrollably asking questions. ‘Is this it?!’ ‘Am i going to die?!’ ‘What are the odds of me even making this?!’ ‘What the hell am I even doing?!’

He miraculously reached the third stone as he slipped. He cursed in his mind but his mouth was frozen. His fingers caught the pebble and held on tight. He was hanging in midair. He knew his fingers were burning but he couldn’t feel it. Too much adrenaline.

Below the zombies were growling excitedly. And here they said meals didn’t just fall from the sky! He closed his eyes, welcoming death when he suddenly heard a caw. He opened his eyes seeing an owl with glowing purple eyes. Taria? No. Necromancers could only conjure and controll the undead. Someone else.

The owl was holding a package, with a letter attached to it. The owl flew over the castle dropping the box to Synthia and the others. Dreax, Jole and Thrale were busy holding off the zombies while Synthia caught the package. The owl circled back and winked at Charlie before flying off.

“It’s a portal ball! From the duke of Petunia Hill!” Synthia yelled excitedly! Charlie thought hard. If he remembered correctly portal balls could open a portal from the place the portal ball broke to the place the user had in mind. At that moment hope filled Charlie’s mind and his fingers lost their strength. As he was falling Synthia threw him the ball. ‘Come on Charlie this is you big moment!’ he thought to himself.

…He didn’t catch the ball. Luckily Synthia didn’t have a shred of faith in him. She wasn’t aiming dor Charlie, instead the ball hit a patch of grass near the portal to the black dimention. The other portal opened up mid-air, below Charlie. He fell though the portal.

Suddenly the world was upside down and gravity was pulling him upwards. Oh wait, he just came out of the portal upside down. His velocity pushed him about a meter up into the air before gravity got the upper hand and he fell to the ground. With a dull thump he hit the ground. He wanted to stay down on the ground but he knew he couldn’t.

Now that Charlie was safe and the parkour was free Synthia and the others could follow him. They easily did the parkour and jumped into the portal. The first few stones were no problem for them. They came out of the other side of the portal, did three backflips and landed like professional acrobats. “Come on!” Synthia yelled. They ran for the portal.

Taria was furious. How did they survive that?! Did they cheat?! Now they could get away! No wait, she had evolution zombies! They could alter themself if they were ordered to! “Get faster!” She ordered. The zombies were now as fast as a regular human. They got a miracle and escaped but now it was over. They wouldn’t get a second miracle. The zombies were just standing around. Of course! To them Charlie had just disappeared. “They went into the portal you brainless idiots! Can’t you get a little smarter?” The zombies started following into the portal.

Charlie entered the black dimension. He finally understood why it was called the black dimension. Everything looked like god had loosely tried to draw reality on a black piece of paper with a white pencil. Everything was crooked. He could barely make out Synthia by some defining lines. Everything was warped. “c O m e  O n” He was barely able to make out what she said. There was constant noise in his ears. It sounded like the ocean except it kept reversing and skipping bits. Synthia sounded like she was behind a giant fan. Wait a minute there were no fans in this world…

He could barely make out a path. He was going to walk it when he heard a weird growling sound behind him. The zombies had already crossed the portal. What? They were 20 meters away when they entered! They shouldn’t be this fast! “O u R  S o r C e R e S s  M u S T ’ v E  o r D e r R e d  T h E M  t O  g e T  F a S t E R !” Dreax yelled. His entire body was swinging from left to right like he was on a ship. He bent over and lines came out of what Charlie presumed to be his mouth. Did he just throw up? “J U s T  F o l L o W  T h E  p A t H !  a L g r I o N  M a D E  i T !”

Charlie tried to take a step and his entire being shifter half a meter forward. The distance he traveled didn’t match up with the size of his steps and it made his head loopy. He didn’t have time to think about it.

He quickly realized space wasn’t the only thing that was loopy about this dimension, time was too. Sometimes he could walk 10 meters in a second and sometimes one step could take 5 seconds. At least the laws of nature didn’t vary within one place meaning that the zombies couldn’t get a sudden boost and catch up with them.

Charlie was just starting to wrap his head around this dimension when a tall ‘thing’ showed up. It had the shape of a human that was being stretched out over 3 to 4 meters. Just like everything else it was made up of a few wrinkly lines but it’s claws had a very detailed definition and its eyes were yellow and swirly. Wait, yellow? Everything here was either black or white! What the hell? “i T ‘ S  a  g R i M m !” Synthia yelled.

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