The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 101: A Teacher in a magical academy

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[Red's POV]

The next few days after the duel, I began my training as a teacher in the academy. That means I was forced to learn all the rules and study the many different tests to be able to qualify as an instructor even if I was a temporary one.

The one that had been pushing me the hardest is still Irene, where she would push the basics of magic in my face as well as force me to learn the history of Mundi magicae in a short period of 3 days before the actual test. The duel was only to qualify me to be a teacher due to being an inhabitant of magicis Mundi. But the actual qualification to apply still applies to me to ensure fairness. Long story short, I managed to pass it with no issue within a month, all thanks to Irene forcing information into my brain literally. She used a spell that helps with memory to force me to study. The downside, though, is that whatever I had learned, I will have vague memories of it after the spell effect is over. Is it cheating, though, you may ask? The Headmaster was the one who suggested it so...yes.

Oh. if I was here being a teacher, what about back in my world? What would happen to my schoolwork, etc?

There's already a way to solve that issue.

With the power of money.


Gerald, acting on the Headmaster's behalf, gave my university a very huge, generous donation in exchange for selecting one of their students to be their "company's intern." And that student would be me.

So I was bought over.

Ah, the power of capitalism. *Sob*

Gerald volunteered to stay in my world so that he could find more clues about the vampires. So until he found a lead, I was to be here teaching the students.

Also, I had to change my name to something else, now that I know that Jade is here, I can't risk having my identity found out here, who knows what kind of trouble will appear next? Thus, I formally changed my name to Cedrick Jenkins, which was convenient since no one saw my true face other than the 3 faculty members. As Mr. Jenkins, I shadowed Irene in a couple of her classes so that I would know the Dos and Don'ts when being a teacher.

The system for being a teacher/instructor here actually is different compared to back in my world. From my understanding back in my school, the principal is the one who assigned the teacher to their specific class to be in charge. Here, on the other hand, is dependent on the students signing up for your class to take as part of their curriculum. So your pay is also dependent on how many students signed up for your class.

Though I was hired as a combat instructor to use me as bait for the vampires, another reason was to up the student's combat skills to protect themselves further. Assuming is there any students who joined my class?

Though it has been pretty mundane going to Irene's class and listening to her talk about Magic Theory with her students, It was not until a couple of days later that I heard the news.

"Congrats. You managed to have enough students to conduct a class now," Irene brought up the news while we were having lunch together.

"Huh?" I exclaimed, almost choking on the fishballs that were in my mouth.

"Just wait and see," Irene replied, slowly sipping the earl grey she ordered.

Just then, something kicked the door to the dining hall open.

It was a bird with long legs.

"An Ostri___," Before I could finish my sentence, a hand appeared out of nowhere and slammed against my face causing me to fly backward 360 degrees.


[*Poor Master, Sniff.*]

Thank god for the mask or else I would have received full damage to my handsome face,

"Don't say the 'O' word unless you don't want to live," Irene warned me while covering my mouth with her hand.

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I stared at the bird in mailman attire. No matter how I look at it, that's an ostrich.

"That's an Emu. One teacher got it wrong, he was beaten up so badly that no one could recognize him the next day."

Just as I was to take a closer look, the Emu mail-bird, appeared in front of me and gave me a stare, as if to warn me about getting his species right.

I gulped as I stare at its thick and muscular leg. One kick from him can probably kill me huh?

The Emu then reached from his back and took out a letter, giving it to me before running off.

Still confused by the entire ordeal, as I was about to open the letter, it suddenly flipped open and letters were flying out from the paper for everyone to display.

'Congratulation Mr. Jenkins. You have met the required number of students to host a class. Please reserve a classroom so that you can conduct your class. Please also be reminded that being absent from class or being late to class will earn you demerit points among other things. If there are any more questions regarding the terms and conditions of being an instructor, please head over to the faculty room to ask your inquiries. Thank you.'

"Wow, even in this world there are automated messa___"

'This message will self-destruct now.'

"Wait wha__"

The letter caught in flames and exploded, pushing me a few feet backward, and landing on a pile of canteen food.

As I lay there in a daze, Irene's face appeared in front of me and said:

"Shouldn't you get ready for your class?"


[Gerald's POV]

Great Britain. A country located in magicis Mundi that has a very similar culture to that of my world. Here the mana in the air is practically non-existent. However, I was tasked to stay here to investigate the reason why are the vampires attacking the inhabitants of Mundi magicae.

The attack patterns of the vampires have always been erratic but after the encounter with Mr. Red, it just stopped. The vampire that Mr. Red was fighting the other day, was a vampire noble. What I'm afraid is that he would retreat and call for reinforcement to start wreaking havoc in this town. 

Though what happens in this world is none of my business. However, it's my personal belief to never let the innocent be involved.

"However it's not easy to find a lead when every trace of the vampire is gone," I said while sighing and sitting on the park bench. I have been trying everywhere in London to find any signs of missing people or trace of blood magic used by the vampires. But it was for naught. There could be an invasion any time soon but we have no way of knowing if things were reported to Vampire nobility. So little information exists regarding these fiends and to suddenly have such a heavy responsibility is a little suffocating.

Just as I was about to lose hope and call it a day.


A scream emerges from somewhere in the park. I immediately rushed in the direction of the screaming. In the park where it was already evening, everything was practically dark. Without a choice, I cast [Illuminate] to have a light source nearby to check for anything.

The trail led me to the middle of the park where the fountain lies. 

Crimson liquid blossoms the entire fountain as a decapitated head lies on top of the fountain with the man's eyes still wide open from the attack. There beside it was the dismembered body of the man ripped to shreds as the Full moon illuminates the night.

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