The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 102: First Lesson

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[Red's POV]

Being recently appointed as a teacher, in a couple of hours is when I start my lesson.

 Because of that, I already prepared multiple materials for the class. Still, I wonder who would have joined my class even though I have not made any achievements whatsoever. The other teacher-in-training all had high accomplishments be it in research breakthroughs or impressive records. These trainee teachers are all pretty high-rank, having a mage's robes ranking the same as Gerald, Scholar, and above.

Of course, because I am not a mage, I don't own any mage's robe. Instead, I wore a suit for work.

Though to be honest, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do for Class. Deputy head Edmund did drop by once, to pass me some tips and material for Class. 

However, the most important advice he gave to me in hindsight was:

"Just go wild."

As I tried to figure out what he meant, I started heading to the training ground where I booked the slot as the teacher.

There I finally met my students.

There's a total of 9 of them, a rather small class I'm having. As I read out the list of students, there were some familiar names and faces among them. There was a rather uncomfortable feeling that I felt poking around me but I ignored it and proceed to check the attendance of the students.

Firstly were the white mage trio: Shirley Durkins, Renne Florth, and Ava Evergreen.

Next were the students who were under Irene's care when they were in magicis Mundi: Zenith Vind (the wild boy), Riri Kjede(the chain girl), and lastly Trevor Albion. To be honest I do not recall ever seeing Trevor when I was clashing with Zenith and the rest.

And Lastly, I have 2 girls and 1 boy who are roughly the same age, around 15 to 16.

Eve Orean. A dark blue-haired girl in a Green Mage robe holding a rather expensive-looking staff, with the staff engraved with various runes on it.

Grace von Dusrch. A girl in knight armour with ash grey hair. On her hip was a long sword attached to it while she is wearing a yellow mage's robe.

Desmond Adhira. A timid-looking boy with fringe that covers his eyes in a yellow mage's robe. He was hiding amongst the student trying not to stand out.

"Adhira? Wait, Adhira, as in Irene Adhira?" I asked Desmond while checking the spelling of the name to double confirm.

"...Yes...Irene Adhira is my older sister..."

As I take a second look at Desmond and compared him with Irene, I giggled softly under my mask.

[The difference is astonishing...]

[*Maybe one of them was adopted?*]

As if he knew what I was thinking, Desmond spoke up, "We are blood relatives."

The whole room went silent as he say that. After speaking, he returned to his seat and sat down while his face turned as bright as a fresh tomato.

As I finish taking attendance, the feeling uncomfortable remained. A feeling I know all too well.


"I take it that some of you took this lesson to get back at me."

Zenith stood up and cracked his knuckle while placing two brass knuckles on each hand.

"You're damn right about that. This time, I can go wild with no restriction at all." He said while positioning himself in a sumo stance.

"The best part is, no matter how badly injured the teacher is or if he died. It will always be ruled as accidental...DEATH!!!!"

Zenith said as he jumped an entire leap forward, closing the distance between us in an instant.

Only Zenith was challenging me, the rest of the students sat there and watched the match between us.

No wonder Deputy head Edmund said go wild.

As I recalled what he said, I smile thinking how much fun is it going to be.


Ava: "Hey is it me or is the teacher's mask changing?

Shirley: "No, you're right. It's smiling and showing its teeth now."

Renne: Looks cool to me~

Riri: Creepy.

Trevor: Creepy.


As he slams the ground with all his might, I proceed to dodge further so that I could keep the extra distance away from us.

I ended up landing right in front of the student and turned my head to face them and said:

"Time to start the lesson. Here are some ground rules for my lesson."

I summoned Combo-Maker and have it in its staff form.

Zenith pushed ahead a threw a [Jab] to my face. However, it wasn't as polished as I thought. All I had to dodge was weave and slip through his punches.

"Rule number 1: Measure your opponent's skill level. Determined if your opponent is a threat to you in 3 different categories. Pup, Dog, and Wolves."

Zenith still wouldn't let loose, so he cranked up his magic in both his hand and slammed it together with his fist before creating a spark between them and unleashing a literal tornado toward me.

"In Zenith's case. He's a Pup." As I said that while using Combo-Maker. I strike the staff upwards with [Cross-Strike] vertically, splitting his attack in half before advancing to him.

As I closed the gap, I thrust the staff right toward his shoulder. The kid saw through the attack and impressively maneuver his body using wind magic to avoid me. 


From there, his hands were in a claw-like position and he dragged one of them up. 

[Aerial Talon]

Single Target Damage

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With great control of the wind, the user can conjure the winds to compress and form 3 blades in the shape of a claw. The Higher the master of wind magic, the bigger and sharper the claw is.

Magic Requirement: 4th Magic Circle

Mana Consumption: Fair

The wind blades flew towards me as I pour Mana in Combo-Maker, smashing it against them like Piñata.

"Rule 2: Always keep a cool and calm head when fighting your enemy. Being aggressive is one thing but if you launch your attack randomly with no follow-up actions. Of course, your attack can be seen through and broken."

His attack and demeanor broke together at the same time as I throw the staff like a javelin but with a lot less strength aimed at Zenith.

He saw the attack coming and was prepared, setting up a mana shield and conjuring the winds to surround his shield so that he can boost the defense. Not a bad intuition for a student.


This is me we are talking about.

The staff collides with the mana shield causing a deadlock scenario where my staff is trying to pierce through the shield while the boy is defending against it by pouring all his mana to prevent the attack from getting through.

[Shouldn't thou let it be easier on the first lesson?]


I summoned White in between my sleeve and jumped forward to my staff, kicking it by the ends accurately.

From there, the staff pierced through the mana shield like paper, and it landed right next to Zenith, grazing past his cheek. As the staff collides against the floor.


The floor cracked upon impact, forming a little crater on the ground.

Zenith stood there in silence, gripping his fist pretty tightly. Veins could be seen popping out from his neck as he struggles to even land a single hit on me.

"Is that it?" I asked, provoking him further on.

"No. This is my last one."

Zenith placed his left hand on his wrist as he started chanting:

Aero that flows through my body

Rise as I command you to give me thy strength

Strength I can use to rip my enemies using the Wind's Fury.

Let the wind run wild using me as a vessel.

Eurus Frenzy

The same spell used back in magicis Mundi was cast again. The R*sengan-looking spell. This time, however, he was compressing the spell with more wind, cramping the spell smaller and smaller to the size of a ball.

But the signs of warning are there. That attack is dangerous. A huge chunk of Mana is being absorbed at a rapid speed and this time the sphere is bright green, spinning at a rapid speed.

"That looks dangerous, you sure you want to unleash it here." 

Ignoring me, Zenith continued charging his Mana in his spell while staring at me with bloodshot eyes.

"Sigh," annoyed by how much he's trying to wreck him. I decided to wreck his confidence so he could grow better.

"Blue. Mimicry."

[Mimicry]: [Eurus Frenzy]

I started grabbing my wrist as well as I start pouring Mana in the same manner as well, the only difference is. I sped up the process a lot.


"Zenith spent months on that spell, how did this teacher learn it after seeing it twice?!" Riri explained.

Though the rest of the students were surprised, Zenith kept a calm demeanor and Co continued charging his Mana.

This ended up as a standoff between Zenith and me.

The one who moved first was Zenith, closing the gap between us in 2 leaps.

He raised his hands and clashed his attack towards me. However, I managed to guard his attack with my own [Eurus Frenzy] causing it to be stale for both sides for a while. 

"You won't win this, Old man. Between a chantless spell and a fully-incantation spell, it's just a matter of time before yours got ripped apart."

Hoh. For a wild boy, he was pretty smart.

"You're right," I replied.

"But don't you always know fire eats up the air." I smiled looking dead into his eyes.

For a moment he looked confused but he catch on pretty quickly.

"It can't be___"

Just then, using the basics of magic, I applied fire element to the spell, causing a chain-like reaction for the fire to spread across the sphere. Like how fire follows alcohol, the fire follows the trails of wind, absorbing the wind from Zenith's [Eurus Frenzy].


That was all it takes to put Zenith in his place as he flew a great distance from the explosion. Thank god White was already prepared as she was already in the position of catching Zenith.

As Zenith lies on White's tail, he looked up and said to me, "I...admit defeat," Before passing out.

"Lastly, Rule 3: Always give your best. You do not look down on your opponent even if they lost against you."

As I finish the 3 main rules, I healed Zenith with recovery and turned my head towards the student.

I smiled and ask, "Now any questions?"

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