The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 99: Red Vs the Deputy Head

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[Red's POV]

My right thigh had a literal hole in it now. Pierced by a black needle-like ball. As much as I hate to admit it, this guy is strong.

[He has lots of battle experiences compared to thou.]

"I'll try again."

Lifting Combo-Maker, I immediately went into the bo staff striking position, aiming the staff at him.

[Staff Technique: Sweeping Combo 1]

[Poke] ---> [Cross-Strike] ---> [Down Strike]

I followed the attack immediately from the back of my head, similar to how Muay Thai fighters used their elbows to attack their opponent unexpectedly.

But he managed to block most of it with his body alone. And from there he flung another ball-shaped magic projectile toward me like how someone throws a grenade.

Without a moment to speak, I jumped off to the other side to avoid whatever was approaching. The ball ended up exploding the same black needle, which shot everywhere like a grenade shard.

[Staff Blocking Technique: Front Spin]

I managed to block off most of the attack with the staff while pushing forward to the deputy head, while my opponent charged ahead towards me as well clashing against me.

Charging his fist with more Mana, he struck first. aiming at my mask. However, I slipped through the punch and got right under his body.

From the bottom, I swing the entire staff from one end to another, shifting the weight of the staff to deal the maximum damage output. I swung vertically due to the weird angle I was given but I could still make it work.

But the man jumped above and blocked my attack by joining both of his goliath-looking arms together, looking like a shield. That attack sent him flying up into the air for quite a distance. As he was falling, he placed his finger up in the air and started chanting another spell.

"Shit how the hell can he do this so naturally?", I complained putting my knee on the ground for a quick breath.

[He managed to weaken thou's attack by jumping behind and absorbing the damage. That's pretty smart.]

[*Master, Mana around the area are trembling at a dangerous level.*]

I immediately look up to see what the deputy head was up to.

Looks like this time, he had enough fooling around.

"I had fun fighting on your terms. Now let me show you how a mage fights."

He started floating in the air freely and with his finger, he continued chanting his spell at a faster rate which sounds like a blur to me at this point. His eyes started glowing green while his hair started floating in the air, beginning to look like a Super S*iyan.

Then, it became nighttime. It was as if someone switched off the light switch and everything turned dark.

"What the__"

As I was still confused by the situation, suddenly screams could be heard from the audience spectating the duel.

The audience started pointing up at the skies and some were panicking by shouting and screaming in fear.

I looked up to see what the hell happened. That's when I see it. It wasn't nighttime. Rather something big was covering the sun to the point that its shadow was covering the entire area.

It was a f*cking meteorite.

This asshole would even summon a meteorite to beat me.

"So now. What are you going to do?"

"Tsk," he's pretty determined to destroy me huh? An entire massive rock that can potentially destroy the entire academy is raining down on me and he's asking me to choose what to do.

[Now what?]

I always remind myself, why oh why am I to suffer like this? I looked over the audience, even Irene looks worried and concerned. She started shouting at the Headmaster amid the chaos as well, but due to the panic among the students, It was too soft to hear it.

[*Master. Better hurry up.*]

As Blue warns me about the danger, I looked upon the window of available magic or skills to use.

And there he found it. 

Something that might be useful in this situation. Something dangerous.

"Fang, Please survive the impact," I said while placing it on my forehead and one my eyes to focus.

"Let's go."


[Heavenly Destruction Sword: Devastating Piercing Strike]

Single Target Skill

Distance: Close-range

A sword skill made by the Heavenly Demon. He uses this skill when he has his sword to destroy his opponent.

Using [Heavenly Step], the user pulls his striking hand back, while twisting the sword, drawing an enormous amount of Qi in the sword. Once ready, launch a powerful piercing thrust forward while twisting the striking hand again. 

Requirement: Heavenly Demonic Mastery, [Heavenly Step]

Combo: 1

The sword filled with a dangerous amount of Qi explodes forward, devastating everything in front of the sword's path in a spiral-patterned thrust. Anything that was in the way was forced to spin and crushed into nothing.


One Strike. Fang was filled with an entirely different sort of energy when charging this particular attack. It took so much out of me that I was already blacking out.

As the meteorite comes closer to impact, somehow I managed to jump upwards across thin air as steps and with my sword charged with sinister-looking energy. My sword looked like it was covered with Aura, but it was different. The energy felt more like it came from within my body?

Without trying to get distracted, I stabbed the meteorite with my full might, hoping it does something against the big piece of rock.

As Fang collides with the rock. 

There was a moment of silence.

Suddenly, the entire training ground was flashed with white lights followed by a sound.


It was like a flashbang was thrown and ignited.

My ear started ringing loudly as the vibration from the clash started making me extremely nauseous.

My visions were blurry and my head was pounding.

It was as if I could hear every blood flowing in the vein of my body.

As I try to recover, a fist appeared from my back and smashed from the top of my head. Using Fang, I tried slashing the arm of the person but his fists were too cut to even land a scratch. Immediately switching tactics, I dragged the sword and swing it to redirect the attacks. The fist landed on the ground causing a small crater on the ground. But the smoke is still not cleared.

Switching back to Combo-Maker, I started spinning the Bo staff and prepared myself. As I waited for every movement, the only thing I could trust was my Instinct. 

"There! Switch!"

Switching to the Tri-Sector Staff, I started swinging the weapon and it landed on something.

[*Master, remember this!*]

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Blue showed me a screen with the image of Combo-Maker and highlighted a specific description of the weapon for me

(Special Effect: The more hits you land on target, the higher the damage multiplies. Must land the hits on the target.)


[Edmund's POV]

The Outsider's bo staff suddenly had a lot more range than I thought. If he is trying to hit me, thinking that the smoke is going to camouflage him, that's your biggest mistake there. I could easily clear the smokes in this area but I'll play along with you.

As the staff suddenly swung in the direction of my head, I guarded it with my forearm and smiled.

"All this for a futile ending." 

As I said that, I pushed forward and tried grabbing him.


He wasn't there?!

Just then my leg got struck by his staff again, this time it was harder.


I turned around and infusing my fist with Mana, slams in that direction again.

"Empty again?"

This time, my elbow got struck.

then my shoulders.

My hands.

My hip.

My thigh.

My chest 

My forearms and Head.

And every time it struck, the damage was higher and higher.

By then my arms and legs were already bruised.

"What sorcery is this?"

Having enough, I dragged the smokes around me clearing them with my gravity magic.

There he is, standing in one corner with his staff...?

The staff was split into 3 sections now. That explains the reach.

As I charged more Mana in my hand, the headmaster suddenly gave me a soundless transmission.

"I think you already showcased enough right? No one has to know your other magic."


"You didn't think he was going to drive you this far anyways right."

I smiled and looked away. It has been a while since I faced a challenge and it's also time to show my pride as a deputy head.

Using magic to retrieve my robes, I grabbed the handkerchief from within and wiped my hands.

"Cease the match," I yelled to the bell.

The outside looked at me with caution but also with confusion.

"I forfeit the match. You win." I announced while I started walking away.

The crowd suddenly cheered and went crazy while I slowly walked away from them.

The outsider was left there dumbfounded while I proceeded forward. 

As I walk, I checked the situation of my injuries. They were mainly bruises but there was a slash mark that I would always remember. That attack was not of this world that's for sure.

"That kid. Not bad. Not bad at all."

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