The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 14: -14- Getting Schooled

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Come the following morning, I was completely drained and quite sore from all the activity that went on between me and my jealous wife last night.  But it was time for school, and I had to get up.  I came downstairs after getting dressed only to find Mayuri-san and Chigusa sitting outside on the kitchen porch talking and drinking coffee in a friendly manner.

“Good morning, Honey.” Chigusa called out to me cutely.

“Good morning, Darling.” Mayuri-san called out to me lovingly.

I was completely confused as to what was transpiring.  Something in my head told me this should not be the end result of what happened last night, but what could I do about it right now?

“Good… morning?” I replied.

“We’ll be able to walk to school together from now on, Honey.  Isn’t that great?” Chigusa said in a sickly sweet manner, entirely unlike the bully of an ex-girlfriend I had known.

“Make sure to listen to Shota, since he’s your papa now, Chigusa dear.” Mayuri-san said without a single intonation of anything but motherly love towards her daughter.

“Un.  I’ll make sure to be a good girl for Papa from now on, Mama.”



What in the flying fuck is going on?  Have I woken up in some kind of parallel universe?  If I was hit by a truck, then the only culprit was the dump truck that was my wife’s amazing ass.

Both of them came in from sitting on the kitchen porch, Mayuri-san getting right to work on making us all a healthy breakfast.  All the while, Chigusa kept making kissy faces at me, and I was utterly baffled by the strange atmosphere in my house.  All I knew is that nothing good was going to come from this behavior.  I felt it deep down in my bones.

After a delicious breakfast made with love, I received a sweet kiss from my wife, and both Chigusa and I were given bento boxes to take to school.  Seeing us off at the door, Mayuri-san wished us both a good day at school.

We headed off together, and no sooner than the moment the house was out of view, Chigusa began to laugh villainously.

“What the hell was that?” I asked as we continued to walk side by side.

“What did it look like, Honey?”

“Okay, that’s creepy, so stop it.”

“Why?  Do you not like me calling you that?”

Chigusa took my hand in hers.  It was warm and soft, devoid of any callouses, unlike the hands belonging to her hard working mother.

“I told you I had no intention of giving up, Shota.  I also let her know that and do you know what she said?”

“Huh?  No, what did she say?”  I was genuinely curious as to how Mayuri-san handled things.

“If you think you can steal him from me, then do your best.  That’s what she said.”

“Eh?  Mayuri-san said that?”

Chigusa nodded.

“I’ll even be fair here, and say that I think she truly believes you’ll stay loyal to her.” Chigusa said matter-of-factly.

“Well, of course I will!” I agreed.

“Those words are quite unconvincing from someone who so easily let themselves be kissed by their daughter.”

“You aren’t my daughter, Chigusa.  And you were the one who kissed me!  I also pushed you away if you remember.”

“Oh, I remember.  I remember exactly how long that kiss lasted, and how long it took you to push me away.  I gotta say Shota, it wasn’t convincingly quick at all.”

“…you’re out of your mind.  You’d really try and destroy your mother’s much deserved happiness so easily?” I asked my home wrecking ex-girlfriend. 

“Say what you want, but I’m a product of my environment.  The one lesson she instilled in me from the beginning was that a good man is hard… no, nearly impossible to find.  So when I do find one, I have to make sure I can hold on with everything I have to make sure he stays mine.”

“Mayuri-san taught you that?”  I wasn’t sure what I suspected here.

“Hm, well… if you knew my father, you’d understand.  I don’t know what she ever saw in that man to begin with.”

With Chigusa saying that, I wondered more and more about how their home life was before I came into the picture.  Either way, I now had a temporary addition to our household, and the prevailing thought in my mind was left to the duration of her intended stay.

She made it clear she didn’t want to go back to live at her father’s house, but having her in my own home was troublesome in so many other ways.  That’s before we even talk about the awkwardness which hung between us.

Our classes were right next to each other, we ended up parting at the shoe locker before heading inside to our separate classes.  

In class, my friend Raita began to pester me again.

“Yo, I saw you come in to the school holding hands with Chigusa.  What’s the deal?  I thought you said you found someone else over the summer break?”

I would have let go, but she was the one holding on to my hand and not letting it go no matter what.  I wondered where Raita was peeping from, that he could see it?

“I did.  It’s just that Chigusa and I happened to run into each other on the way…”

It wasn’t a complete lie.  The Chigusa I knew only appeared once the house was out of view.


“So… what?”

“Are you guys going to get back together?” Raita inquired.

“Why would we?  She dumped me and I’m with someone else now.  That’s all there is to the story, man.”

Raita just shook his head, as if he didn’t believe a single word of what I said.

“Man, now I know why she dumped you.  You really are a boring guy…”

I slammed my hand on the desk, gathering a few looks from other classmates around me in the process.

“Then you date her then,” I then pointed at him, “Maybe she’ll find you more interesting!  Why are you so curious about my love life anyway?  Chigusa and I aren’t a thing, so stop it with that big mouth of yours.”

I didn’t mean to dig into him so hard, but this was the perfect opportunity to squash any strange rumors before they even started.  Sorry Raita, I’ll let you win the next time we play smash bros.

Either way, he shut up.  Classes came and went, until it became lunchtime.  Joining me today by coming right to my classroom, was none other than the last person I wanted to deal with, my oh-so-wonderful ex-girlfriend-turned-daughter-in-law, Chigusa.

“Shota, honey~  Shall we eat lunch together?”

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While her words were dripping with fake affection and probably fooled my classmates exactly as she wanted, to me they were nothing but venom.  So I decided to match wits with her.

“Don’t you usually eat lunch with your friends, Watanabe-san?  I’d hate for you to waste your lunch being bored eating with me, when you could be more entertained by them.”

“What are you talking about?  Of course I want to spend lunch with you, Shota!  Why wouldn’t I want to spend time with my loving and caring boyfriend?”

She came right out and said it, as if we hadn’t even broken up, when everyone already was long aware we had.  She was rewriting the entire script!

“Oh, are we still going out?  You hadn’t even so much as texted me during the summer.  I must have misunderstood.  I thought I had been dumped?”

“O-of course you misunderstood.  I was busy studying all summer.  We’re third years now, just because you aren’t planning on attending college, doesn’t mean I get to slack off.  I was super busy!”

Oh, are you planning on going to college?  This is the first I’ve heard it mentioned.

“I see.  I really wish I had known.  I was under the impression I was a boring guy, and you had dumped me.  Hahaha, crazy, huh?”

She laughed awkwardly with me.

“Well, you are a bit boring, but that’s part of your appeal.  If you were too interesting, other girls might make a move on you, and I wouldn’t like that one bit.  You’re my boyfriend, after all…”

She didn’t deny that I was boring, rather she doubled down on it as being my strong suit.

“You didn’t cheat on me during summer break, did you, honey?”

Oh, playing that card and putting me in the villain’s seat?  Okay.  Let’s become a villain.

“Un.  I did.  With a really cute older woman who completely spoiled me.  My apologies.  I’ll completely understand if you want to break up with me.  I’m clearly irredeemable”

She opened her eyes wide as I threw down the gauntlet.  By now, every eye in class was on our exchange.

“So… you really cheated on me with some floozy?  Was it because she had bigger breasts than I did?  I told you I’m still growing there.  I can’t help it if you don’t rub them when we make love.  How else are they going to grow to the size you like?”

Is she kidding me?  Bringing up her breast size?  They’re damn C-cups!  …I think.  I don’t actually know, since I never saw them when we were dating.

“So, it doesn’t bother you that I cheated on you?” I pushed the issue.

“Of course it bothers me!  I even gave you my precious first time!  But… I understand.  I was so busy studying that you had to find an outlet for your unending sexual desire.  I’ll forgive you this once, okay?  But don’t do it again!”

“Won’t it be bad for you if you take me back so easily?  Your reputation would be hurt if you kept going out with a scumbag like me who couldn’t appreciate the sacrifice you had to make in not seeing me all summer, right?”

She paused.  

“It’s true, but I’m pretty sure no one could make me scream in bed like you do.  And if you had the balls to cheat on me, then maybe you aren’t as boring a person as I thought.  I’m really cute, you know?  It’s not like I couldn’t find another guy to date way hotter than you,  but I’m also kind and forgiving girl, aren’t I, honey?”

At this point, my classmates began whispering to each other, though their comments were loud enough to be heard.  I let the public opinion of me tank, if only to make it difficult for her to justify being my girlfriend.  I had absolutely no desire to betray Mayuri-san, and I certainly held no long-lasting feelings for Chigusa.

“You are.  It’s really wasted on me.  You really should find yourself a nice ikemen instead of wasting your precious youth on a lowlife like me.  I don’t deserve you at all.”

She opened her bento, and I opened mine.  She quickly gathered a bite of food onto her chopsticks and tried to feed me it.

“I totally should, but even if I tried, the only person I want to be with in the first place is my one and only Shota.  Now why don’t you let your cute girlfriend feed you something delicious as an apology for leaving you alone for too long this summer, and not taking care of your unending appetite that led you astray into the arms of another woman.  Say ahh~”

She’s completely shameless!

There is no winning move here, so I had to concede by letting her feed me a bite.  I hadn’t expected her to push it that far.  Just why the hell is she so interested in making me her boyfriend again?  It’s not like I’m going to betray Mayuri-san for her.  The two are like night and day, and Mayuri-san is the bright sun that warms my world.

Raita had come back to the classroom after having gotten a bread and a drink from the school cantina only to find Chigusa and I sitting down and eating together.

“Yo, Watanabe-san. You came to see Shota?” He said with feigned surprise.

“Un.  That’s exactly right Sado-san.  I didn’t get to see him even once all summer, and I wanted to get my fill of him as soon as possible.”

“Is that so?  This guy thought you dumped him, you know?”

Raita, were you adding more fuel to the dumpster fire that was now my school life?

“I don’t know where he got that idea.” Chigusa said innocently, “All I ever did was say he was boring.  It’s not like it’s my fault all he ever does is stay inside and play games.  I tried my best to get him to do stuff with me during the school year, but I also had obligations this summer and I couldn’t spend any time with him.  It was really rough on me, too!”

Such utter bullshit!  I was being cleanly driven into a corner the more Chigusa spoke.  Mouthy gyarus are scary people!

“You’re wasted on him, Watanabe-san.  This guy is no good.”

Raita, my best friend in school, had sold me out.  But he’s the kind of guy to think with his dick first, so it’s not like I’m bothered by it.  If he can take Chigusa off my hands, I’m all for enduring whatever happens here.

“I know, I’m just finding this out.  But even so, I still want to be with him.  After all, I love Shota.”

Raita walked over and slapped my back a few times.

“Isn’t it good, Shota?  You didn’t get dumped by Watanabe-san after all.  But that makes you a real scummy guy now. Hahaha.”

Right, let’s go with that.  That’s why I bothered to let my reputation take a hit here in the first place.

“I agree.  She’s way too good for me.  Say, why don’t you two go out instead?  Raita would be a pretty good match for you, Chigusa.  He wouldn’t be so quick to misunderstand and lose out on making precious summer memories with you without knowing the reason why.”

She looked up at him and smiled that fake smile I hated..

“Sorry, but finding out that Shota is the kind of guy who’d forget about me so easily and cheat means I must not have been that great of a girlfriend to him after all.  I’ll just have to work twice as hard to make sure he sees only me from now on.”

She then lowered her gaze to me, and a disgustingly pure smile creased her face.  She knew she won this hand, and I could only sigh as I felt this would become a nasty rumor come tomorrow.

“I’ll be coming over to your place again after school, Shota.  I want to make up for all the time we lost this summer, after all.”

“Is that so.”

“Yup.  You can spend all night telling me how sorry you are for cheating on me.  I’ll even stay the night again and let you do whatever you want to me this time.  I know you didn’t hate the amazing kiss we had yesterday.”

I'm glad I didn’t have any food in my mouth, or I likely would be choking to death right now.  What she said in that loose statement was that she was coming over to my home again to let me, a cheating bastard, have my way with her.  She’s brilliant at this.  I am completely outclassed.

Lunch ended with my complete defeat.  I now had to deal with being a villain in my own class, and had the added benefit of Raita calling me out on being a playboy.  Of course, that was just for show.  

When class ended we both stayed behind.  Raita clearly had something to tell me.  I only hoped it would help me out.

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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