The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 23: -23- Unsteady Start

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Much to my satisfaction, since my wife left to take care of her sister, Chigusa has remained well behaved.  I know it sounds like I’m talking about a house pet when I say it like that, but she’s really been a good girl.

Every day for the first three days she was away from home, I called my wife after coming home from my club, and at night a little while after dinner and before bed.  Mayuri-san wasn’t all that big on texting, but calls she enjoyed receiving, since she liked to hear my voice, and I also had grown to be comforted by hers.  

Chigusa asked to be spared from making lunch while her mother was away, so it was only breakfast and dinner that I relied on her to make.  In exchange, I agreed to let her order something if she was hungry before I came home.  She was also free to buy some snacks from the convenience store instead if she preferred.  This arrangement seemed to work well for us.

Though she was behaved, Chigusa was not in any way reclusive during this time.

No, not one bit.

Almost as if she was purposely trying to fit herself into the role Mayuri-san held in my life now, she was always actively trying to do something useful around the house, or trying to keep me happy.

When I was writing she’d bring me drinks or little snacks, or she’d chat with me about stuff at school involving her friends. Chigusa would watch television with me on the couch, and made me rest on her lap often.  Now, none of it was an overt move by her to do anything improper, except it all actually was.  

It was a slow and methodical takeover by a calculating idiot.

This became apparent the next night, on Thursday, when she asked, rather than just barged in to the bathroom, if she could wash my back.

“Haven’t I been good?”  She touted.

That meant little to me, but she had, in fact, been good.

So, after some pleading, she was allowed to come into the bathroom and wash my back.  Against all my better judgment, she washed my back, and again to my surprise, didn’t do anything inappropriate.

Then she asked me to wash hers…

That’s when the problem sort of began.

“Chigusa, this is far enough.”  I told her firmly.

“I know it is, but… I want you to see me too.” She said, as her bra came off.

“See you?”

“Shota, you are the only one who’s seen me naked and not been cruel about it.  I just… even if you don’t want to lay your hands on me, I still want to be able to show someone, you more than anyone else in the world, this side of me.  The side I… always have to conceal.”

She was naked now, but made an effort to drape a towel over her legs for my sake, taking the extra step of covering her nipples with her hands.  She went this far to accommodate me in seeing her bare body, mostly because her scar was visible this way.  

Thinking about what that adult shop lady said a while back, I figured it was related to Chigusa thinking I was someone who she could trust, mostly due to our past and our current relationship, whatever it was… though, I would make sure to report everything to Mayuri-san later on.  

I washed her back, and that was it.  She took the first shower, and then I followed after she got out.

Nothing else happened, and it was safe.

The next day, on Friday, it went breakfast, school, club, and then home as usual.  Except when I got in from school, I found Chigusa waiting for me, while revealing a lot of skin in some questionable clothes.

“Chigusa… what are you wearing?” I asked her with a degree of exhaustion.

“I wanted to wear this outfit for so long…”  She seemed quite upbeat and the tone of her voice confirmed it.


“I bought this outfit… for that day.  I couldn’t bring myself to put it on, even though I had it tucked away in my bag and ready to go.  But the day we had sex, I really wanted to wear this for you, and I wanted nothing more than for you to peel it off of me, and enjoy everything underneath.”

“We’re not having sex.” I said, taking a precaution against any mood she was trying to create.

“I didn’t say we were!” She quickly snapped back.  “I just… I’ve never felt comfortable dressing so lightly.  I’ve been hiding my body for so long, Shota.  Even if you won’t touch me because of mom, you can at the very least see me and not be cruel to me because of it… can’t you?”

Was this her attempt at using me to help with overcoming her trauma?  I don’t think I’m the person she should be trying to use as the catalyst.  But the look she had on her face at that moment was one that was pleading to me to let her do as she wanted.  If I rejected her here, would she lose the feeling of being safe enough to show herself in more casual clothing?  Would it cause her further harm to her self-image?

“Alright… Alright.  I get it.  You better not dress any lighter, or I will get pissed off… Promise?”

“I promise!” She agreed easily.

After that, she became rather spunky.

The outfit in question was a thin and slim tank top that basically stopped below her nipples revealing the underside of her breasts where the scar was, and a pair of what could hardly be called shorts.  They were glorified blue jean panties with another pair of cotton panties visible underneath at the thigh gap.  A high school girl showing off that much skin, and being as attractive as she was… in the same house as myself?  

It couldn’t go unnoticed.  

As much as I love Mayuri-san, Chigusa was almost a spitting image, if not a much more condensed package of her mother.  Chigusa had nice breasts, too.  I mean comparatively, we’re talking comparing something that just barely fills a C-cup to my wife’s oversized E–almost F-cups.  On top of that, even though those two ate so much food and never seemed to gain weight, Mayuri-san also never seemed to lose any.  

Where Mayuri-san had a bit of pudge from having let herself go over the years as a domestic goddess, though it wasn’t undesirable at all for her to have a little extra to hold, Chigusa was lithe and slim, though she had just the tiniest bit of a pouch around her belly button area.  

Unlike my wife, when it comes to parts of the body she was conscious about the most, which in her case are the stretch marks left by her pregnancy with Chigusa, my ex-girlfriend here was extremely conscious about her chest scar which she endeavored to keep hidden all these years, to the point of making love to me with her clothes on in fear of receiving a negative judgment from me about it.  

Me… The one person she thought was a decent man.

So I endured.

She did as she was told, and not a bit less was revealed.  In fact, that night she insisted on giving me a lap pillow just so I could stare up at it.  The scar was a glaring part of her assets, and so it involved me staring at her chest without any sign of disgust to give her the self-confidence that she wasn’t ruined as a woman.  

It was a point of order I had not wanted to involve myself with further, and I somehow survived the ordeal, weary.

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I was already aware of it, and had been for some time, but the reason I was so against her showing off her body on the day she walked in Mayuri-san and I doing it… was because I was still quite conscious of her as a woman.  

I always have been.

There is no doubt that Chigusa will grow to be as beautiful as Mayuri-san is at her age, because Chigusa is a beautiful woman, just like her mother.  I’d be a huge fucking liar to say she wasn’t.  She is a bombshell beauty, like my wife is, and that’s a fact.  The only different was that Chigusa was at the peak of her youthful attractiveness, while Mayuri-san had that mature beauty which came later.

And that’s a temptation I wasn’t sure I could handle, which is why I was being so standoffish with Chigusa, and why I had to verbally knock some common sense into her mother to help me out of those situations.  I was constantly dealing with Chigusa’s full appeal as a woman my own age, now showing off her amazing body, and having already once been my lover.

Out of desperation, I decided to go to bed before anything bad could happen.  I gave Mayuri-san a call just to discover she was already in bed at her sister’s house.

“Is everything alright at home, Shota-kun?” My wife asked me with her usual kind concern.

“Yeah… Only…”

I explained all of Chigusa’s recent behavior, the washing of my back, and her showing off her scar which I now had a reason to admit to having seen.  In fact, I had told my wife every single thing that went on while she was gone.  I didn’t want to keep any secrets from her.  I wanted her to understand my priority was her alone.

“So… she showed you it?”


“She must… really trust you now.”

“I wish she didn’t, Mayuri-san.  Your daughter is a beautiful girl, just like you are.  It’s… difficult… sometimes.”

“I’m hardly a beautiful girl anymore, though I thank you for the compliment, Shota-kun.”

“I miss you.  Is everything well with you over there?”

“It’s fine.  The little ones are well behaved and my brother-in-law is hardly ever home due to all the overtime.  Poor Manako truly has a lot on her plate to deal with, but it’s not like you can unbake the bread once it’s out of the oven.  She’ll have to learn how to deal with things properly, or she’ll just end up in the hospital again.”

“Do you have an idea on how to help?”

“Of course, I’m a super-housewife!”

“You sure are.”

“But three kids at my age is no joke.  I’m a bit tired, so I’ll get some sleep now and talk with you longer tomorrow, okay darling?”

“It’s fine, you get a good night sleep.  I don’t want you ending up in the hospital either.”

“Right!  I even brought along my portable Shota for when I get lonely.”


“Ufufufu~  I’ll send you a present in a few moments to help with your difficulties.  Good night, dear husband~”

And indeed she did send me something to help.

My rival in love, the pleasure giving battery-powered Portable Shota Mk.II was vividly depicted in every scene was my wife, falling to the wicked enslaving machinations of something with near-infinite stamina, being stolen away slowly from me slowly with each vibrating thrust like some captured housewife forced into depravity by something much bigger and robust than I was...  The pain I felt in my…  


Dramatic License aside, she had just sent me a few explicit photos of her lovely self, and a single message about how she was going to pretend I was there with her while we were quite far apart for a bit longer.

Those pictures didn’t disappoint in the least.  Rather than rub one out to the previously present thought of Chigusa’s breasts floating in mm mind, I was able to enjoy my wife’s own in place of it, overwriting my lust correctly and letting me release in marital peace.

I fell asleep quite comfortably afterward, sprawled out on my bed.

When I woke up, I was every bit as comfortable as I was moments before I slept, and Mayuri-san had come back early it seems…


That’s… not Mayuri-san, is it?  There’s a little less substance…

“Chigusa?” I said aloud.

Like mother, like daughter.  Even the way she was nestled into my body was no different than how her mother does it.  She was fast asleep still, with my arm trapped underneath her head.  When exactly did she come into my bedroom?  At least she was dressed, though it was the same skimpy outfit she was wearing.

I hadn’t bothered to put my pants back on after going wild last night, so I was only in a t-shirt and boxers.  I don’t think she did anything to me, but this was about the peak of dangerous situations I could find myself in.

I tried to free my arm, but doing so came at a cost.

Chigusa woke up.

“Nnnh… Good morning, Shota.  Last night was wonderful!”

She gave me a morning kiss on the cheek.

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