The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 46: -14- Memories of a Freeloader

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~~** Tachibana Mayuri’s Point of View **~~

As I lay back, freeloading on my best friend’s couch, running away from my problems as I always do, my mind wandered to the beginning… the morning when I met my husband-to-be.

Shota had said that he picked me up at an arcade, yet for me the events of that night are something of a blur.  Whenever I try to recall it, my chest tightens and it becomes hard to breathe.  It’s not until I reach my natural memories of the following morning after I woke up that the tension relaxes.

When I woke up from my night of binge drinking, I was on a green couch staring at an unfamiliar ceiling.  There was a soft pillow under my head and a warm blanket covering me.  I was still in my best pantsuit, a surprise to me, since I thought maybe I had done something I shouldn’t have with another man after finding out the love of my life… didn’t respect me in the same way I respected him anymore.

But there was this young man, on the floor next to me, fast asleep.  How old was he?  He looked like he could be in high school still.  Not a trace of whiskers anywhere on him, and a short stylish haircut… something my daughter might find attractive.

I got up, feeling terrible that I was intruding in this young boy’s house, and dug through my purse.  I had less than 10,000 yen in cash on me, and I had credit cards, but I didn’t want to use them.  I didn’t want to touch any of Daigo’s money anymore because I already knew in my heart, after seeing those two romping around in my bed, I didn’t want anything that belonged to that man anymore.

I carefully got up and folded the blanket he provided me with, putting the pillow on top as I left them on the couch, then wandered over to the kitchen.  He wouldn’t fault me for having a cup of coffee, would he?

I rummaged around, noticing the situation in the kitchen was atrocious.  There were only cup noodles in the cabinets, and the food in the refrigerator was about to spoil.  Did he not cook for himself?

I found a single packet of instant coffee in a drawer, and heated up some water for it.  I’m sure he’d forgive me for pilfering it if he went as far as to bring me to his place.

While the water boiled, I walked past him quietly and to the entryway where I found only his shoes and mine.  Was there no one else living here?

Now I felt even more guilty.  I passed what looked like a family shrine and figured it out immediately, though I thought it best to keep quiet about anything unless he mentioned it first.  I went back to the kitchen, made my cup of coffee and saw that there was a patio door in the kitchen.

It’s not a compulsive habit, but one I could never completely break from.  I stepped out and sat down, having a morning cigarette along with the cup of coffee, wondering if he’d eaten well at all lately?

I wasn’t terribly good at anything in my life that had merit, except for running a home.  Of that one point alone, I could be assured of my capability.  I figured the least I could do to return his hospitality in taking me in for the night was to make him a decent breakfast.

Normally if I was drunk, I would have at least ended up safely at Kanna-chan’s apartment, so I really couldn’t piece it together why I was here, in this young boy’s house.  But I didn’t need to.  My next stop would be to visit Kanna-chan to complain about everything over more beer.

After finishing my coffee and cigarette, I returned inside and made a second pass at what was available to be used as ingredients.  I thought something traditional would be nice.  I found some thin-sliced beef still wrapped in plastic that absolutely had to be cooked today before it went bad.  There were some jarred pickled vegetables, and an unopened bag of rice.  There was also a rice cooker, though it had a thick layer of dust on it.

I washed the rice, and the inner pot of the rice cooker, then started it up.  I always loved cooking in my home kitchen, so without even thinking about it, I began to hum an old favorite song of mine.  I think my being noisy was what woke him up.

He was a friendly sort, and after a small exchange and an apology for having troubled him, he explained how I ended up here after he found me drunk at the nearby arcade.  If I’m correct, it was that place called ‘Gemini’ that my daughter and all those delinquents hang out at, right in the center of the business district, and near to the candy shop I used to take Chigusa when she was young.  I was friendly with the old granny who ran it.

He allowed me to cook for him, and after seeing him hungrily devour what I cooked, I felt a little better.  At least he was someone who deserved a home cooked meal, not like that cheating bastard who wanted a second helping of someone else’s pink salmon.

Thankfully he wasn’t a picky eater, and thought himself lucky for doing a good deed in taking care of me for the night, having his first home cooked meal in a while as a reward.

He was so honest, it was blinding.

I did pry a little, and found out what I already suspected.  His parents were the portraits over there in the shrine.  Of course, me being me, I couldn’t help but tease him and say his reward could have been better if he was more daring.  But he was caught off guard by that and panicked.  His reactions were too cute.

He offered me usage of his shower, but I already knew I overstayed my welcome, so I thanked him again and left.  My next stop was Kanna-chan’s only to find there was no answer at her door.  I sent a number of texts which went unanswered as well.

I could be a really stubborn person at times, and I adamantly refused to go home.  I wasn’t really a socialite either, and even if I was, I didn’t want to intrude on any of Daigo’s co-workers wives looking for a place to stay if I could avoid it, so I spent the day eating only a few snacks, loitering at manga cafés and spent the night at a PC café.

My funds were critically low after that.  I eventually got a reply from Kanna-chan who had, without saying a single word to me, eloped to Jeju Island for an impromptu honeymoon.

I was shit out of luck for a place to stay, and really didn’t want to use a credit card.  I’d have been satisfied crashing on that young man’s couch again, but I couldn’t even remember his name or where exactly he lived.  It was Tachi… something?

Well, there was next to no chance I’d ever meet him again, which was just as well.  I’d rather not trouble him further… he has enough problems, I imagine.  I’d be really bothered if that incident caused any problems with a girlfriend or lover, if he had one.

Actually, a nice boy like him would be the kind of boy I’d like to see my Chigusa with.  He was polite and considerate, though I wonder if he could handle her with how she’s been behaving lately?

I ended up wasting another day slumming around the manga cafés and sleeping at the PC café one again.  Now that my cash was fully depleted, I found that I was left with a hard decision.  I took a walk to the park near the convenience store nearby and found an unoccupied bench to sit down on and think.  

I… was going to have to go home, wasn’t I?

A thirty-six year old woman with no ability to escape a philandering ex-lover and delinquent daughter who ran the streets.  I was a failure as a homemaker and a mother.  I’d be a failure of a wife too, but I couldn’t even be that, because the bastard never married me.

He took me in, he took care of Chigusa and I, but I wonder if in the end, he only saw me as a burden, and that was the reason why?  It had been nearly twenty years we were going out, didn’t I earn it?  The one thing I wanted as a woman… to be a happy housewife?

For god’s sake, I was still using my family name of Hanazono, instead of the family name belonging to Daigo, and our daughter, Chigusa!

As I lamented about all the terrible choices I made in my life which led to this point, a certain person approached me while I wallowed in my misery.

It was the boy.

He remembered my name, having called out to me.  I felt bad I couldn’t remember his own name properly, but he didn’t seem to mind, telling me it again.  He took a seat next to me and properly read my emotions.  He asked if I was well, and like with all choices, I made yet another terrible one, asking him if he really wanted to know.

He said he did, so I told him.

As it turned out, both of us were reeling from what happened with our partners recently.  He was dumped out of the blue, and me… I should have been more aware of the signs which were there.

After a strange proposition which tickled the motherly nature inside of me, I was once more at his house.  Anywhere was better than spending a night in the park or going back to face Daigo again.  I knew I would have to eventually, but I didn’t want it to be yet.  I needed Kanna-chan with me in my corner, or I might get fooled by that man’s silver tongue again.


Maybe I’m menhera for letting such a man sweet talk me into believing nothing was wrong for all these years?

The boy, Tachibana-kun as I finally drilled his name into my memory, offered me my own private room which locked from the inside, usage of his bathroom, all the television I could watch, and an excuse from doing anything at all, on the sole provision that I cooked him three meals a day… until Kanna-chan returned from her honeymoon, and I could crash with her.

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I had enough money left for a pack of cigarettes or a cup of coffee, but not both.

Shota took care of that problem immediately, when I said we needed to go shopping if I was going to cook for him.  I worried about the finances of a kid like him, but that didn’t seem to be a problem for him.  So my vacation from life and responsibilities began.

And it was fun.

It’s in my nature to take care of a home and the people who live in it, so only doing the cooking was out of the question.  For me, a kitchen is my battlefield, and I went right to work cleaning it up.  Then I found myself sorting laundry which he obediently brought to me when I asked.

I was able to borrow some of his deceased mother’s clothes with his blessing, and they fit me well, though the chest area was tight and her bras were… not usable at all for obvious reasons.  I half expected him to peek when I changed, but he was decent through and through.

He did have a slight problem in not being able to keep his eyes away from my breasts, but then I’d yet to meet a man who was able to do that.


He had a couple requests for food, mainly for a spicy curry and a sukiyaki, both of which were no problem at all to make.  No matter what I put in front of him, he ate every bite without reservation and always thanked me for it.

He seemed to find it humorous when I would yell things at the actors on my daytime dramas when they did idiotic things when I laid about on the couch.  I used to think the situations in those shows were unbelievable, with things like all the cheating that went on.  But I knew only too well how close to home some of these plotlines could be now!

Shota didn’t mind what I watched or how I relaxed.

I spent my days there taking it easy and trying not to think too much about Daigo.  That came to a head on Friday, but what happened the night before… set those events in motion, I think.

Again, my terrible choices at work here.

I couldn’t sleep for some reason on Thursday night.  I was going to just have a cup of coffee and deal with it, however when I headed to the staircase, I noticed his bedroom door was opened a tiny bit.  There were also some rough sounds coming from it.  

I peeked inside, and saw him… going at it.  He wasn’t aware I was looking in, but the boy was beating his meat seriously and saying strange things.

Things like ‘Why is she so beautiful?’  and  ‘Just once I’d like to touch those tits.’

He was jerking it off… to me?

I watched, for no other reason than to see it happen, which it did.  He had a tissue and let loose calling my name quietly.  I carefully backed away from the door and returned to my room.  I found that I was turned on at the thought this young man lusted after me.  He never did anything improper nor even gave off any ulterior signals that he wanted to do anything with me.

Friday came around, and he wanted to give me a break from my standing agreement, so we settled on ordering in a pizza, and after some rough negotiations on what to watch, decided on a classic anime.

I… it had been a while since Daigo and I… had done anything.  He was certainly not holding back with any women, but I was left… needy.  So I did what I do best.  I teased the boy nonstop to feel better, and got the response I wanted.

He couldn’t hide his lower half’s desire, and I took advantage of him.  He had mentioned he had a girlfriend who dumped him back at the start, but had the kid ever done it with her?

I decided to be a fairy of justice for him.

I teased him with my body, and with my feelings about being betrayed coupled with seeing this boy’s desire for me in a live show last night, I went for it.

When I pulled it out of his pants, I unconsciously licked my lips.  This kid… I mean, I’m not a size queen.  I love the person, not the equipment, but he was thick!  Maybe not so long, but the girth…

It reminded me of my first boyfriend.  Maybe it was even bigger than he was…?

Well, I was still a good girl back then, never using anything but my mouth, tee~hee!

I ended up satisfying his needs using only my hands, and a little extra.  I let him touch these two jumbo mochi of mine that really hadn’t seen much playtime as of late.

It was all Daigo’s fault.  If he could fool around, then so could I!

His semen was all so thick and gooey, even though he let it out the previous night, it had such a heavy scent.  Before I realized it, I had given a bit of it which was pooled in my hand a lick.

It reminded me of my younger days… the excitement I first felt upon becoming sexually active.  I liked feeling it once again.

After that, I figured the atmosphere between us would be strange, but he didn’t behave any differently.  It was as if that event never happened, and I never felt a strained moment or anything other than being completely safe next to him.  He never tried to hint or ask for anything like that again.

Saturday was special because he wanted to take me out on a stroll, and since I was feeling good, I even held his hand.  He was careful not to let it go, even though I teased him a bit by trying to get him to do exactly that.

He was playful in his own way.

Sunday came, and I could see the anxiety on his face.

He knew it was coming to an end.  But he didn’t do anything crazy to hold on to me.  He only said… if I ended up with nowhere else to go... to just come back here.

I think it was at that moment that I first felt the tug on my heartstrings for this young man.  Because he realized he would be alone again.  I would be too.  Kanna-chan is no replacement for Daigo, as I don’t swing that way, and neither does she.

Besides, she’s married.

I almost wished Tachibana-kun would chase me down, but there was no point in it anymore.  We never exchanged contact information.  I at least knew where he lived now, so I could go visit him maybe in the future and make him a hot meal… but it was time to move on and figure out my life.

I had my bit of fun at Daigo’s expense.

And it was fun.

If I was only even a decade younger… I might have been serious about giving him a chance.  Who knew what fate had in store?

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