The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 49: -17- Misfortunate Meetings?

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~~** Tachibana Mayuri’s Point of View **~~

Even though Shota had sent a text to Kanna-chan saying not to leave me alone, I didn’t think it extended to what surmounted to a quick shopping trip.  I was going to make some grilled katsudon for my friend and her husband.  Today was his day off from work, and he had a golf date with a friend until later this afternoon.

I stopped by the supermarket, picking up everything I needed, then dropped by the convenience store between the park and the local coffee shop where Shota always got those delicious cakes from.  I figured I would stop there next, I could go for a nice chocolate cake to make me feel better the one I picked up shopping was still at the house.

I entered the store and found a cute girl working the register.  Her name tag said Sato, but we were on a first name basis already.

“Hello Minami-chan.”

“Hi there, Mayuri.  How’s everything?”

“It’s fine.  Just running away from the husband again.”

“If you want to, I’d love to invite you to stay with me for a while.  I promise after the first night, you won’t even want to go back to him!”

Sato-san was a lesbian.  Not that I minded, she’s been hitting on me from when I was still with Daigo.  Some people are open about love coming first in a relationship and their gender next, but I’m not one of them.  I like what a man has to offer me physically too much to change sides now.  But I also love to tease, so I play this game of cat and mouse with her anyway.

“I wonder?  Right now he’s probably making love to a girl about your age, but I don’t think I can leave him after all.  You see, he’s a writer, and his fingers are oh so dextrous~  

He tells me everything I want to hear and I just melt in his arms.  He wines and dines me, holds me close at night as he buries his face in my chest when he reveals his vulnerable side, and also gives me tons of money to spend.”

“Just his fingers are dextrous?” she said, never failing to amuse me with how able she was to get to the point.

“Ufufufu~  I wonder?  I’m working on training that tongue of his… but some things only come naturally to a woman, don’t you agree, Mi~na~mi♡?”

She was left grinning wildly at me.  “You know it!”

“A pack of Golden 8’s, please.”


“Are you offering me something long?”

She gripped the pack in such a way that her long and slender fingers told me the answer she was prepared to show me a good time with.  However the pack wasn’t of the longs, but the regulars.

“Let’s stick to the shorts for now, Mayuri, and when you’re ready for the real longs, I’ll be happy to give them to you.”


I paid for my pack and left her thinking she might very well have a chance to show me what those fingers could do.  When I stepped outside and opened up my pack, I also fished around my purse for my lighter, but found someone had stopped next to me and the familiar sound of flint striking brought to my attention that someone was offering me a light.  When I looked up… I wondered if it wasn’t karma coming to kick me in the ass today.

As much as I didn’t want to, I accepted the light anyway.

“Why are you bothering me, Daigo?” I complained as a stream of smoke left my mouth.

“I told you we needed to talk… so can we, please?”

“What’s there to talk about?  There is no ‘we’ or ‘us’ anymore, there hasn’t been for a while, so what are you after?  I moved on already and I’m happy at last.  You should enjoy your newfound happiness with your lover too.” 

“Moved on?  You’ve been with me for twenty years!  How can you just move on?  I offered to marry you, so come back to me already.  She’s gone, okay?  She left me.”

“No.  It’s not okay, Daigo.  You had twenty years to do the one right thing you needed to do to keep me satisfied and together with you.  I gave you everything I had, and in return you couldn’t even keep it to a love hotel with her, could you?  I wasn’t gone for an hour!  An hour!  And you were romping all over our bed with her!  I found someone who appreciates me now, who treasures all that I do for him, who saw what I was worth and asked me to marry him in less days than the years you had to do it in!  Don’t you get it?  It’s over already!”

Daigo snatched at my wrist.

“You’re my woman, Mayuri!”

“Not anymore!  I was never your woman, you made sure of that!  I was never going to be Watanabe Mayuri!  I couldn’t even face my parents for twenty years because of that!  If you want to talk, then give me back my twenty years I lost with you, then we’ll talk!”

“God damn it, Mayuri!  It didn’t mean anything with her!”

Daigo was getting furious now, and I… was alone once more.  Shota wasn’t here to protect me, and I told Kanna-chan I’d be okay... it was just a quick trip to the store, that’s all this was supposed to be!

“Yo, Mayuri-san, some sleazy asshole trying to pick you up?”

Coming to my rescue was someone I hadn’t expected.

“Nene-san!  Yes, some sleazy asshole is indeed trying to steal another man’s wife, isn’t it shameful?”

“Hoh?  Is this the scumbag ex who likes to diddle girls half his age?  Hands off the merchandise, pal.  I can tell from your appearance alone you can’t afford anything from the top shelf, and she’s as top shelf as it gets.”

I struggled to yank my hand away, but Daigo wasn’t releasing it.

“Let go of me!”

“Mayuri, you’re being unreasonable and causing a scene, let’s go somewhere and talk.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you!”

“You heard the lady… she’s not going.”

“Stay out of this, whoever you are!”

“Why should I?  The person you’re assaulting is my family.”

A moment later, wearing the bright red shirt familiar to the convenience store chain we were in front of, came out with a phone next to her ear, saying things that made it seem like she was talking to the police.

“Yes, 119?  I have a customer being assaulted by a strange man.  He’s about six feet tall, black hair with a bit of gray in it, wearing a black suit and red tie…  He’s holding on to her arm despite her protests and not letting go, there are witnesses here who will testify to the assault.”

“What assault!  I’m just holding my…”

Not just us two, but now some other people were stopping to observe what was going on.  Daigo finally let go, and stormed off.

“Are you alright, Mayuri?”

Minami was quick to offer me a hug, I was joined by Nene-san as well.  I was doing my best not to tremble, and while Daigo was an assertive man, he seemed to have become a bit more aggressive than I remember.

“Y-yeah… I’ll be fine.  Just um… can you both stay with me for a minute until I stop shaking?”

“Sure, no problem.” Nene-san said, while rubbing my back softly.

I was able to take a seat on the unoccupied bike rack, while Nene-san and Minami-chan both talked shit about Daigo to make me feel better.

When I was done smoking, I thanked Minami-chan again, and promised her something good in return next time I saw her.  I’d leave what exactly it was up to her imagination.  I had Nene-san with me, so I asked if she’d be my escort for a little while.

“Sure, I actually came by to meet with my daughter and her new boyfriend.  They’re over at Giuseppie’s.  If you don’t mind, can you spare a couple of minutes for me as well?”

“Yes, absolutely, I was going to buy a chocolate cake there next.  How about I treat you to a cup of coffee and whatever you’d like to eat?”

“Sounds like a date!”

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The irony here was that I was a married woman who was just harassed by her ex, she was my husband’s fake ex-wife and in a relationship with her own same-sex partner.  Calling it a date, even jokingly, made me laugh.  The worst part is, she slung her arm in mine, and if Minami-chan caught sight of that, I’d never be able to keep up the ambiguity of the straight-girl trap game I had going on with her.

Ah, the misfortune of a middle-aged lady who likes to toy with people’s hearts!

She was a wonderful escort for about five hundred feet or so until we arrived at the coffee shop.  Nene-san wanted a hot coffee with cream and sugar, and two slices of coffee cake as compensation, while I ordered an espresso to go along with a whole chocolate cake, but not the plain one… the one with strawberries on it.

I was going to treat myself right.

I saw Nene-san sitting at a booth with a young boy and girl.  She waved me over, and I asked the woman at the register if she’d bring everything over to the table, which she was happy to do.

I went and joined the two at the table.

Nene-san introduced everyone to me.

“This is my daughter Okazaki Kumi, and this is her boyfriend, Sado Raita.”

“Pleased to meet you.”  They both greeted me.

Then Nene-san introduced me.

“Kumi, you remember Shota, right?  This is his wife, Tachibana Mayuri.”

Strangely, the eyes of the boy next to her bugged out for a moment.  But his face quickly changed to that of a noh mask immediately after, and then a gentle smile.

“Papa…err…Shota-nii’s wife?”

I didn’t fail to catch that miscue.

“Yes, Tachibana Shota is my husband.” I proudly said.

“Is… Shota-nii doing well?”

“Yes, he’s doing quite well for himself.  I’m making sure he’s got plenty to eat, and he’s taking wonderful care of me in return.”

Her eyes fixated on my hand.

“Is… that your wedding ring?”

“It is, would you like to see?”

“Can I?”

I held out my hand and she gazed at it.  She gave her mother a look and Nene-san only shook her head.

“Mom… you lost out.” Kumi-san said to her mother directly, then asked that I not take any offense to what she just said.

“Tell me about it…” Nene-san replied, and threw up her hands.  But one landed around me.  “But, we have a new family member now, so it’s just fine.”


“It’s strange though, didn’t you tell me last time that he was dating some blonde delinquent?”

No doubt that was Chigusa she had mentioned.

The boyfriend of Nene-san’s daughter cut into the conversation right here.

“You don’t by chance mean Watanabe Chigusa… do you?”

“I do.  Do you know her?”  Nene-san asked him.

“Um… by chance, ma’am… is your husband Tachibana Shota, who goes to…”

The young man correctly identified my husband’s school.  Was he a friend?  It turns out that was exactly the case.

“Wow… you look amazing ma’am.  Again, let me introduce myself, I am Sado Raita, and I’ve been Shota’s best friend since middle school.”

“I… see.  It’s a pleasure to meet you.  I hope you continue to be Shota’s friend for a long time.”

I had a prickling sensation suddenly creep up the back of my neck.

“I’m sure we will be.  And Kumi, you called Shota, Shota-nii… do you know him too?”

“Un.  We used to live together.  Shota’s my cousin.”

“What a small world we live in…” He said as he relaxed a bit more. “That kid is so lucky, getting to be surrounded by such beautiful girls.  Well, at least not Kumi anymore, I lucked out there!”

“Hmph.  It’s only because Shota-nii was unavailable at the time!”

Nene-san’s daughter and my husband’s self-professed best friend began a back and forth with each other.

“What?  Are you saying I’m a backup boyfriend?”

“You have no idea how amazing Shota-nii is!  I’m just saying if he was available, I’d be dating him.”

“I’m pretty sure I do know how amazing he is, I’ve known him since forever!”

“You just said you were best friends from middle school!”

“I’m a senior in high school, six years is practically forever!”

“Well I’ve known him a lot longer than you have!”

“Oh yeah, then what’s his favorite fighting game?”

“Street Fighter!  Your turn, what’s his favorite food?”

“What kind of loaded question is that?  He’s got tons of them!  Let’s see, first is like stupid spicy curry.  Then he’s also weird about sukiyaki.  He’d always talk about sukiyaki night with his parents, being so fun.  I got invited to it once, but it was just a normal sukiyaki, so I don’t know what he was on about.  Then let’s see… I remember him making a fuss about this time of year last year… something about a soup his mom used to make…?”

“ “Pork Soup.” ” Both Nene-san and I chimed in at the same time.

A different shop clerk, one with a shiny name tag that said Yamabuki on it and and the appearance of a gyaru much the same as my own daughter, came to deliver the coffees and cakes I ordered.  I was left wondering what kind of minefield I just wandered into coming here with Nene-san.

The two of those children kept rattling off trivia about my husband, and Nene-san kept her arm wrapped around me comfortably.

“I think the lives of you and your husband are about to get a bit more interesting.”

She dug into her coffee cake with glee, and I wondered if I should give quitting smoking a try?

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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