The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 50: -18- Kanna’s Curiosity

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~~** Tachibana Mayuri’s Point of View **~~

Nene-san and I left the coffee shop after she spent some time talking with her daughter and her boyfriend and what intentions they had for each other while dating. I called up Kanna-chan along the way, briefly explaining what happened and that I was coming with Nene-san as an escort. She said it was fine to just let her come over, so I passed that along to Nene-san and we soon arrived at Kanna-chan’s apartment.

When we were almost there, I saw a pair of familiar faces. One of them was the boy with the silvery-blue haired girlfriend who he was trying to make a baby with on our honeymoon at the hot springs, and the other was, I think, the blonde girl who came to fetch them.

They were coming out of the apartment next door to Kanna-chan’s and were seen off by three people. A somewhat heavy-set man with no facial hair and glasses. The other was a black haired gyaru in her twenties who looked like she’d get along well with my daughter, and the other was actually quite beautiful. I could definitely see her being a model or maybe even an Idol at one point.

We passed by each other, and I don’t think either of them recognized me. Which was just as well, because I’d rather not reveal the embarrassing thing that Shota and I did along with the young boy and the missing girl.  

I’m no stranger to an outdoor quickie, but making love on opposite sides of a hot spring with another couple, in the outdoors under the night sky… wasn’t exactly part of my plans for enjoying the honeymoon with my husband.

Still, it was exciting in its own way. It almost made me feel as young as that couple was. And I don’t think I could have ever done something like that if it wasn’t with Shota. Certainly not with Daigo. I would have felt too reserved. It was Shota who made me feel young and free, even though I was far from it.

I knocked on Kanna-chan’s door and was invited inside along with Nene-san who I introduced to her as soon as we sat down.

“Kanna-chan, I’d like you to meet Okazaki Nene. She is Shota’s last remaining living family… I think.”

Come to think of it, I hadn’t inquired about his extended family or grandparents.

“I am. His father was an only child, and his mother was my step-sister. His father’s mother was alive until Shota was in primary school but passed away because she loved her husband deeply and lost the will to go on without him. My mother remarried with Himari’s father, and they both passed away shortly after I was married. Shota should remember them, but he was quite young at the time, so he might not. Himari’s father divorced her mother, and never contacted the family again, so he might not even be alive now or if he is, not know Shota even exists.”

Shota’s family history is rather unfortunate.

“But I can say for sure there’s no history of any major medical issues. I did look into that for his sake in case he ever needed to know for a prospective bride.”

Nene-san was a good woman too, it seems.

“A prospective bride?” I asked.

“Kumi, of course.” She said without hesitation.

Of course. I had the feeling perhaps she might have also included herself in that good deed. It’s only speculation on my part, however.

“And Kumi, Arata and Himari are…?”

Kanna-chan asked for clarification.

“Sorry, Tachibana Himari and Arata are Shota’s mother and father. Kumi is my daughter.”

Kanna-chan nodded.

“Anyway, I safely delivered the parcel to the right spot I hope. I should get going.”

Nene-san politely excused herself.

“Are you in a rush, Nene-san?” I asked her.

“Not really, my partner is out running some errands. I was just going to go back home, find something sexy to slip into and see what comes of it when she returned, since Kumi’s out on a date with her boyfriend and all.”

“Are you by chance…?” Kanna-chan asked a leading question.

“Mm… yes and no? My partner is a woman, but that’s more due to trauma than personal preference. But love is love, and a woman craves it, so I find my peace where I can, and it just so happens to be in her arms.” Nene-san offered as an answer to Kanna-chan’s inquiry.

“Is it… different... with a woman?”

“A bit, since there’s no definitive stop to sex like when a guy blows his load and can’t get it back up.” Nene-san added bluntly.

We all laughed at that.

“But aside from that, no, it’s not all that different. Men are a bit less attentive, since women know their bodies better and how to please them, but there is a certain… something missing, for me at least, at times. But this was my own choice, and I’m comfortable with it.”

“I wasn’t judging you… I was just a little curious. Sorry if it came off as being insensitive.” Kanna-chan said apologetically.

“Not at all. I didn’t think you were being insensitive in any way. It’s not the first time I’ve been asked that question. I know when someone means it offensively. My partner is, but I am not. But that doesn’t mean we can’t love each other without needing to wear the same label.”

Nene-san ended up staying for the length of one beer. During that time I let her know she could stop by our house anytime she wanted to, and that Kanna-chan and I usually chose Wednesday or Saturday to do our drinking together over there while we caught up with each other’s lives. She promised to come to one, and I saw her off to the ground floor.

“Wife to wife… don’t keep him waiting too long, okay? Shota is strong, but his strength comes from the family who surrounds him.”

Nene-san held my hands for a moment, and then departed. I returned upstairs to find Kanna-chan sitting down, quietly.

“Now it’s my turn to ask. Something on your mind?”

“Mayumayu… you’re definitely not a lesbian, right?”

“I like men too much to be one, you know that.”

“Can… I ask you a favor?”


“Can I kiss you once… like for real?”


I have never once questioned my sexuality or gender identity, nor would I think I should find the need to do so in the future.

Kanna-chan, who has been a dear friend of mine for the longest time, knowing me the longest out of anyone, my own family included… asked me for something completely unexpected.

“Is there a reason you’re asking me and not someone… more suitable?”

“It’s because if I do this, I want it to be with you.”

“Are you questioning yourself at this age?”

“Yes, no, maybe… I don’t know! I’ve had a healthy curiosity about it for a while, but I’ve always been scared to try it. It’s hard enough finding someone who isn’t a pervert that can genuinely love this tiny body of mine, Mayu. You know that better than anyone! I love Yusuke, I mean, I wouldn’t have gone through all the trouble to have a baby with him if I didn’t. But, I just wanted to try it once, and you’re the person I wanted to try it with. Because you aren’t one, and it won’t mean anything to you.”

Kanna-chan giving me a real kiss? I’d never considered kissing another woman before with any seriousness. I mean, I’ll flirt with someone like Minami-chan, but to actually go through with it? I wasn’t sure if I could.

But Kanna-chan sat there and patiently waited for my reply.

When I think about all the things she’s done for me over the years, how she’s always been there for me, I realized I could do this much for her.

“Alright. Just one kiss, and I hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for.”

I was seated on her couch and she climbed onto my lap, facing me. She gently stroked my cheek and her fingers met behind my head locking into each other along with my hair. She leaned in and her lips found my own. At first they were soft, supple kisses on the lips, but she wanted a real kiss, so our mouths slowly opened and she intruded.

Our tongues locked with each other and I could feel her interest in this kiss. I wish I could have said I shared that interest, but I didn’t. For me, I wanted to do this only with Shota. So I endured, and though I tried to give some feeling back to her, all I had was the friendship we cultivated over the years, but not an ounce of romantic interest in this.

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She kissed me thoroughly. Blasts of warm air coming out of her nostrils as she hungrily took from me what she wanted. Her hands dropped and what should have only been a kiss became more. Tiny hands found their way to my breasts and she squeezed them. Not like she did when she complained that I had plenty of meat there to give her a portion of, but she squeezed them the way I wanted Shota to. She somehow managed to extract them and was just playing with them without even needing to see. She wouldn’t separate her lips from my own the entire time, and I felt quite awkward about the whole thing.

Neither of us heard the door open and Yusuke-san entering the apartment, only to see his wife doing such a thing with the woman she considered to be her best friend.


Kanna-chan pulled away in an instant when she heard his voice. I took that moment to cover my spillage.

“Y-Y-Yusuke! W-what are you doing here, home so early?” She said in a panic.

“Early? I’m a half-hour late. Is there something I should know?”

“No! No! It’s not… what it looked like!”

Kanna-chan was in such a state, and I’d never seen her look so disheveled. I had to step in, for her sake here, before she said something that could harm their relationship more than what Yusuke-san just saw.

“Yusuke-san. How old are you?” I asked him an off-topic question to shift the conversation where it needed to go.

“What does that matter?”

“I’m thirty-six, and so is Kanna-chan. In her entire life she’s never done this before, and had a moment of curiosity due to a friend who came over to visit. She happens to be in a same-sex marriage and Kanna-chan asked some pertinent questions about that. I’m her oldest and most trusted friend, and someone who is decidedly uninterested in women that way. She felt it was safe to ask me to do this favor for her, since there would be no wrong idea that I would draw from it, nor would there be any future need to do so again. This was only to help her understand her curiosity on a subject which has no other way of being learned then by doing. And I did it only because it was only supposed to be a kiss. As an adult, you understand sometimes there is only one way possible an answer can be reached, right? Kanna-chan… needed an answer, and I was the safest person to give it to her.”

Yusuke-san sighed and ran his fingers through his hair from his forehead back.

“This is a one time thing? No bullshit?” he asked me.

“I swear. I have my own husband who I love, Yusuke. I only came here because I caused him some trouble by being a sloppy drunk. I swear I’m not trying to do anything to get in the way of your loving marriage to Kanna-chan, because I wouldn’t want anything coming between my own marriage with Shota.”

Kanna-chan launched herself at her husband, tears flowing down her cheeks, professing that she loved him, and that she was just curious about something she had been for a long time. That was all it was, and nothing else.

I was more troubled by what this meant about me being able to stay here in the future, however. I already knew I was a bother to Yusuke-san, being Kanna-chan’s unreliable friend and all, but now I was an interloper. A potential home wrecker.

“Did you find your answer, Kanna-chan?” Her husband asked her.

“I don’t know. I… will be honest with you, Yusuke. I liked it. I liked it a lot. But, that doesn’t change my feelings for you at all! I love you, Yusuke! I totally want you to plow the fucking shit out of me tonight… no… I’m so turned on that I want you to do me right now.”

Kanna-chan grabbed hold of his hand and dragged him into their bedroom. On the way she shouted at me to start cooking.

As I made the Katsudon I had initially set out to do, the intense grunting of two newlyweds echoed from wall to wall in their apartment. The kiss didn’t bother me, but I also was allowed an answer to such a curiosity myself.

I loved being kissed by my husband, and wanted to be kissed, held, and made love to by him, every bit as much as my cute little Kanna-chan was having done to her right now in their bedroom.

I had finished cooking while they fooled around and left everything ready to be served when they exited their bedroom. Which they did, about a half hour after they went in. Kanna-chan’s hair and clothes were in disarray, and Yusuke-san who only looked tired when he went in the bedroom, now looked like he weathered a category four typhoon while standing outside in plainclothes.

“Hungry?” I asked the two spent newlyweds.

“God yes.” Kanna-chan said loudly.

Yusuke-san didn’t say a word, only sitting down at their table together with his wife. I made the Katsudon bowls and brought everything out to serve them, along with a beer for each of us.

Towards the end of the meal, I thought it was funny when Yusuke-san finally spoke. He wasn’t upset at all to find his wife kissing me. He was only worried she was possibly going to bat for the other team and leave him. Kanna-chan made sure to let him know that wasn’t going to happen.

However, Kanna-chan’s curiosity would be something those two would have to deal with later.

The spare room they had was already being converted into a baby room, making the couch the only place I could sleep. In the middle of the night, Kanna-chan came out to shake me awake for a moment. She threw her arms around me and gave me a kiss, but this time just a friendly one and only on my cheek.

“Mayumayu. Thank you so much.”

“MMh? It’s fine… did you find your answer after all?”


“I’m glad. Can I go back to sleep now?”

“Mayu… our kids will be friends for a long time, right?”

“You mean Chigusa’s daughter and your child?”

“That too, but I mean… in the future, you’ll have one with him too, right?”

“I… don’t know.”

“I really enjoyed the kiss… but I think the only reason I did, was because it was with you.”

“Then treasure the memory.”

She reached for my hand and looked at me with soft eyes.

“I always will.”

I was allowed to fall back asleep, though it wasn’t restful at all. Normally I’d take a few days before going back home… but perhaps I should leave when I wake up.

At least I won’t ever have Chigusa trying to do something like that. Like mother, like daughter. Better to let Shota answer our needs and curiosities.

I was also curious as to how Shota was doing.

If it wasn’t for the fact I didn’t want to be alone, I’d just stay at a hotel for the next two days.

Instead, I left early in the morning but not too early that I would be home before they went to school. I slipped into the house where I belonged, and went upstairs to my bedroom.

There was an unwritten message left for me by my husband on our bed.

It was the black lingerie he liked so much, carefully arranged as if it was me lying there in it, and the corner of his side of the bed draped over, as if someone was in it.

Shota may have spent the night in Chigusa’s room, they may have even fooled around and gone all the way. I was fine with that, because Shota returned to our bed at some point to leave me this message.

I wasn’t alone, and I was in his heart first and foremost.

I also decided that I should swear off drinking that heavily for at least the next two weeks. I slipped on the lingerie, and opened up the camera app on the smartphone, taking a picture and sending it to him.

「Waiting for you at home, love you lots~」

Yet another good choice, made by his loving wife. I hope he enjoys it.

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