The Mind Break System

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Relaxing stroll in the abyss

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7 days of nonstop sex later I was exhausted. I haven't moved from this bed for a fucking week I needed a bath. I smelled like spoiled fish and I was still covered in cum.

I was wrapped in Chrona's arms, just having been woken up a few minutes earlier. I could do something sexy to wake him up, but honestly after that nonstop sex marathon I could go for anything else. I was burnt out. Sex was a no go for the foreseeable future. So its time to explore.

I could leave this room but I had no idea where this was. I guessed from Chrona's previous statements that we were alone. I could have asked more sooner, if I wasn't so busy being pounded. I didn't want to leave the room only to find an endless void that wakes me up. I didn't know if that was a thing, but this world is magic and we were in my mind, it was a possibility.

There was only one thing to do in this situation. I was still being held tightly, so I tried to pull Chrona's arms off me. Sad to say but it didn't do anything. I guess I still wasn't all that strong in this life either, cheat ability or not. 5 minutes of trying to pull his arms off me with no success left me feeling annoyed which was not helped by the fact that I heard a chuckle behind me.

"What might you be trying to do this early in the morning my love. Maybe trying to hold hands."

This teasing git he was trying to embarrass me to see my  reaction ,but lucky for me two can play at this game.

"Hey my heart don't you think it's time you finally swept me off my feet. Show me this worlds, it mysterious, it's mundanity, and it's wonders. Explain to me every single detail so I can hear you voice, please guide me."

I did my best cutesy voice and waited. When he didn't respond I  worried I'd fail but when his arms let go I turned to see Chrona as red as an apple. It honestly was very cute, he looked at me still blushing and spoke like a young maiden in love.

"Do you really mean it. It isn't a lie to tease my right?"

I smiled at him. Now I really did want to tease him, but I didn't want to lose all my time being lovey dovey. Maybe later when I'm satisfied with what I learned in the outside world.

"I really do mean the words I said. I want you to teach and show me around. Let's even make a date of it. We don't have to eat; in the dream world we don't need to but we can still enjoy food if there's some. What do you say?"

He nods and lifts me up bridal cary style. I wasn't flustered I knew he would say something cheesy like let me sweep you off your feet.

"You told me to sweep you off your feet right. Then let's take a bath we smell like we had a bukake session."

I laughed, I knew he'd say that. I was slowly coming to understand him like a mind reader. A love mind reader. He also offers a bath which sounded great but I had some stipulations.

"Ok but no sex got that. Nothing even approaching any sexual activities."

He nodded and finally opened the door and finally I got to see what's out side. I tried to look all around only to see a wooden hallway being lit up by magical floating lanterns. I counted and there only seem to be 5 doors including the one we came out of and a spiral staircase leading down. 2 windows also face each side of the hall way letting out a bit of light.

"Are there only two floors in this big house."

I asked underwhelmed by the outside. Everything was so normal was this place trying to kill my sense of adventure.

"There's also a basement which holds the library. And to be specific it's not a big house it's a small mansion. The same room layout is also on the first floor. With four identical rooms and a bathroom same as this floor.There are also 2 rooms with windows on each floor"

I tried to check my connection to see if he was lying. To be expected he wasn't and here I thought a dream world would be much cooler, but no it was drab. Signing to myself I lay on Chrona too bored to even care about being nude myself. Chrona walked to the middle door directly across from the stairs. It opened up to an onsen. I whistled impressed. It was so large it couldn't fit inside the house normally so I guess there's magic to make things smaller on the outside and bigger on the inside. Here's hoping time travel magic isn't a thing.

After finishing up bathing, and loving the thought of not smelling like fish I finally asked Chrona to take me out side. He obliged my request leading me downstairs to a near identical layout of the previous floor. The only difference was the double doors opened to the outside showing a garden with flowers in every color imaginable even rainbow. Light even seemed to aminate from a few. We walked the paths until we reached the furthest point and there was literally nothing. It was like a sheer cliff to the void. Chrona was still standing behind me unfazed he must know what's going on here. As if guessing my question he answered. 

"Yes this is an island in the sky, and no if you fall into the void you won't die just wake up. Search the perimeter it's a perfect circle and there's nothing beyond that void. It's also not real. It's in your mind."

I know he was telling the truth but I still wanted to check. Just in case, so I did as he asked and me and him searched the entirety of the gardens and even the back of the mansion which turns out to be covered in vines.The magical plants and trees are only so impressive the one time you see them, but they do give this place a mythical air as if the master sword was right around the corner. It got boring after a while and I was more interested in my partner. He had all the juices deets of this world.

It was quite relaxing just chatting with Chrona and I even had the time to ask obvious questions about the world. Time for some expert interrogation.

"If giving birth gives you power wouldn't the old ladies that have like 25 kids be the most powerful of all. And why isn't the world over populated yet."

He laughed at my idea but I didn't know why.

"Our goddess is fertility, but she knows that too many children would choke the world out. She is the goddess who gives fertility and limits it. The amount of kids you can have if is also limited by the magic system at [J] rank only 1 child is allowed since your so weak. [A] rankers only get 10."

I nodded understanding how Odella solved over population. But this left the question if you could only have 1 kid wouldn't that limit you. So I asked and got an answer I didn't expect.

"Odella is also the goddess of love and companionships. Having a child is only the first step. You have to raise them with love and kindness. Mistreating your kids might get you cursed by the gods. During the process of raising the child you get more power depending on how well you and your child connect emotionally. Having a partner there boost the effect. After your child reaches their adult years you still gain experience but minimally. Your bound with your child still present. Raising the child to adulthood allows you to have another child if you want. Also last but not least 18 is the start of adult years for humans.only those 18 and above can have intercourse if you tried to go lower in age you'd be stroke down by lightning instantly killing you." 

That made sense, so if I was [J] rank I'd have a kid wait 18 years then try again. That would most certainly solve overpopulation no doubt. But that still made no sense. It would take longer than my lifespan as a human to reach rank A if I didn't get the Ex skill. The goddess did tell me I could do it before I got the skill. May be Chrona would know if I told him what I was thinking.

"Yes that is an understandable question if you never lived in Eros. The answer to that is ranks [J] to [F] are easy enough to rank up with out the need for having kids. Hell rank [E] is possible if you try a ridiculous amount. That's 4 to five Rugrats right there. Ranking up increasing you lifespan is also well known to most people. Only in ranks [A] to [E]. There are also monsters bringing the death rate up, so you need to rank up and become strong enough to protect yourself."

This was such good info but there is still one thing I'm unsure or was never taught. How do you actually rank up.

"Chrona let's say hypothetically someone wants to rank up what would they have to do."

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Chrona smirked he knew what I was doing. He might think I'm shameless, but I didn't want to admit that I was just shaking my head pretending I knew what ranking up meant when it came up. He answered me anyway much to my relief.

"Hypothetically this person would have to know about Body,Mind, and Classes. The three main aspects that are effected or effect skills. "

My mind went blank. I didn't know any of this. Wasn't this why I'm hear to learn this stuff. I need to know this stuff. Maybe I should be less stubborn about this and tell him the truth and not doge around it. Even if he already knows, So I spoke up during his explanation.

"My love I don't know any of this could you teach me. I want to learn and I'm sorry for being too stubborn to tell you."

He grabbed me by the hand while kissing on the cheek leading me right back to the house. While we're walking be he spoke to me.

" You don't have to be scared to tell me things. I won't judge. I know you have secrets but even knowing that I still wish to be with you."

I looked down at the ground a bit embarrassed. I knew he was right but I still couldn't let old habits die.

"I'm sorry I'll try to be better but it still alot."

He squeezed my hand tighter and spoke reassuringly. 

"I'll wait as long as you need." 

We didn't speak after that point. Letting the silence wash over us. It wasn't uncomfortable like an awkward silence it was more like a silence that happend on a wintery day sitting by the fire drinking coco. It was a comfortable silence. Then as if coming too soon we caught sight of the back of the house when it came into view. Chrona stopped and almost as if not wanting to break the warm atmosphere he tried not to speak. I squeezed his hand tight. My blabbermouth wouldn't be himself if he didn't try to fill every silence no matter how sweet with banter.

"Do we have to do this Yoshi we can still continue our date. Don't you want that?"

"Yes so much so, but I have a duty set out by the goddess to reach [A] rank I need to visit the library anyway. We will have more time to ourselves later, and plus I know you love lecturing me your a born professor."

He smiled and he continued walking. We eventually reached the back of the house. Chrona lifted his hands into the air drawing intricate sigils in the air again. When he was done the the sigil glowed opening a section of the wall covered in thick vines. Revealing a stone spiral staircase leading downward. Step by careful step I followed Chrona deeper within the dark dusty staircase.finaly after 10 minutes a door showed up at the bottom but unlike the rest of the stone grey hues down here this oceans blue door shined with the same markings Chrona made outside. This time Chrona did a new pattern and used the skill {Enchant}. how does that skill work anyway those thoughts rushed into my mind.But those were questions for later, because as suddenly as he cast that, the door turned to liquid and the solidified into a meter wide by meter long archway. This lead to rows upon rows of bookshelves. All adorned metal and gems. The wood a clear red. Chrona moved forward still walking past rows and rows of expensive books. He finally stopped at a wooden railing of sorts shaped like a massive square. I peered down into the square hole only to find floor after floor of book shelves with the same railing and hole cutting into the middle Showing the next floor. I couldn't see the end at all. It was amazing. Chrona still pulling my arm guilded me, but not leaving the railing and hole out of sight took me to an open space with nothing in it but a red carpet.

He didn't write any sigils into the air this time he just walked into the carpet and suddenly two chairs and a table suddenly formed from the carpet. He guided me to the chair and sat opposite to me. He the opened his arms and said a familiar set of words.

"{Search} ranking up for dummies."

I was left annoyed by the book choice, but before I could object a small picture book came into Chrona's hand. I had enough and complained.

"Oh come on surely there's something better for this a children's picture book isn't the most informative thing."

Chrona waited almost as if he was listening for something. He sighed then explained.

"The akashik records hold every piece of written knowledge in the world past, present, and some future. You don't have full access to it so this is the best we got. The {guide} blessed skill needs to be ranked up to get full access to this place. Oh and before you ask a blessed skill is something you gain when your blessed or marked by a goddess."

I nod that was self explanatory, but the akashik records is another op skill from the goddess wasn't she being too nice. I was shaken out of my thoughts when Chrona opened the book as if he was a teacher reading to kids. 

" What is a person if not for the mind that can ponder such stupid questions. What is a person if not for the body to act and search out stupid answers to a question that has no impact on anyone. The soul is special because it is like a mirror reflecting the stupid thoughts and acts of mind and body. 10 skills for mind 10 skills for body. Each one can be cultivated and when all 20 are cultivated to the next stage then your soul reflects a higher rank."

I see so I first have to choose 19 more skills and get them all up to rank [I] that seems easy enough. Chrona continues with the story. I also knew it was 19 because I interrupted the story to ask about blessed and Ex skills, and he told me that those skills don't count to my total 20 and don't count towards ranking up. So I continue listening to the story.

"Classes are like a dream ,sometimes stupid but a goal to work towards. Classes help with the cultivation of skills that pertain to them and help merge skills into a more powerful version of themselves while keeping the same rank. One example is the 6 [D] ranks skills made to form {Body manipulation} are stronger as that skill then apart. It still [D] rank just more powerful. And no Ex skills and blessed skills can't merge with anything."

He then went on to elaborate on how you need to meet certain requirements to get classes. So no I couldn't get a class higher than my current rank. Which while a bummer was an understandable rule. 

So after the short story it was time to study and min max for the easiest time in this world. Chrona recommended me 30 books and gave me a list of 100 more. I was ready to live here if need be I wanted to now as much as I can before choosing a path to embark upon. I already wasted one skill slot and couldn't remove it until I got out of the womb so I would choose my next 19 wisely. Chrona then kissed me on the cheek and told me not to stay up too late and left.

I was to focused on the book to hear him but I had a smile on my face anyway.    


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