The modern engineer who didn’t believe in magic

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: New beginning

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-??? POV-

I was prepared to die.

I was one of the most powerful commanders from the demon lord's army. That was until one day I was defeated, not by the humans who we are at war with. But with a made-up complot, that an old enemy of mine directed behind the scenes to finish me.

I could have taken a move but I was already tired.

Pointless wars, being surrounded by people blinded by greed. And even the demon lord, despite being good in a moral sense, was incompetent in every other management aspect.

I just let the inevitable happen. A specialized group of demons came to attack me, and in the middle of the battle I barely managed to escape alive. They should think I am dead by now.

My wound was not that bad, but I was out of magic power.

I am a demon from the tiger tribe, known for their fighting techniques and their high agility. But when our magic power is gone we are in deep trouble. We even become so weak, we cannot maintain our usual appearance and we take the form of a very tiny tiger.

On top of that I ended up in one of the most dangerous places in the world, the forest of nowhere. This place hasn't this title for nothing, the thing is, you cannot get out of here. Once you enter, it could be said you are in a completely different world, and this is known because no creature has entered and exited this place, ever.

All hope was already gone, and I just walked without any clear direction, waiting for my pitiful death.

That's when suddenly, I heard some rustling noises, and as I looked toward its origin, I found a human right in front of me.
With my last strength, I smiled, probably out of compassion. Although skilled with weapons, humans have nearly zero magic power, and he also seemed to be in the same situation as me.

What an ironic encounter.

"But I didn't expect to find a CAT in the middle of this annoying forest!"

Or so the human said...

I did not quite get what he meant with 'cat', but he seemed to use that word to name me.

Next, he held his head with his hands as if it hurt, and after some time, he looked back at me. He was startled upon seeing my wound, and although I just expected him to leave me alone, he closed the distance, to carefully pick me up.

Of course, I didn't resist. What had I to lose?

We started walking, probably not in an arbitrary direction, judging from the human facial expression.

Then, we arrived at a small cave. Here is where this human lives huh?

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He kindly made a small leaf bed for me to rest.

So here is where I die... I would have liked to give my gratitude to the human who took care of my last moments but... It doesn't seem likely.

If I even had the smallest quantity of magic it would have been easy to heal myself...

Still, the human seemed to be preparing for something. Ah! He went out of the cave...

After a few minutes, he came back. As I looked closely, wasn't the human carrying the extremely rare healing water that could practically heal anything?

Next, he just threw it all over my wound, as if dealing with everyday water, and extracted the splinter stuck inside my paw.

Then, he used a very well-made handkerchief to cover it.

And then he just smiled happily, as if the wound he treated was one of his own.


I think I have taken an interest on this human.

I will repay his kindness by giving all I have.

I will be his support.

This is my new beginning.

"What do you think miss? Would you like to stay here with me?"

Yes, I will stay here with you, my dear human.

Alan, being a cat-lover, had no clue, he had just got for himself a very troublesome folk.

Also, because of the apparent 'murderer' of one of the most important commanders in the demon army, the demon lord's empire would suffer the respective consequences, but that is a story for another time.

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