The Mother

Chapter 6: Saturday

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Sasha woke up before the sunrise, the nightmare had found her once more. It seemed that she could no longer sleep without returning to that terrifying dream, extended periods of sleep had become impossible. She felt delusional, she had begun to see shadows of vague indescribable origin appearing between the extended blinks of her tired eyes, her mind was slipping away.

This morning Sasha was starving, she was unsure if the cramps and stabbing pains from her abdomen had increased in severity or if she was just hungry. She contemplated ordering room service, but she doubted whether she could even manage to answer the door to let the staff in. For Sasha standing up took an immense amount of focus and determination, it no longer just happened as it should. Moving about was even harder, each step she took felt like hot razors stabbing beneath the skin of her foot.

Her hunger made her try to rise out of bed, but the pain soon caused her to surrender and fall back onto the mattress. For Sasha time had never moved so slow and staying awake had never been such a struggle. Her day passed slowly, accompanied only by the dull voices of daytime TV programs. 

As the sun began to set behind the hills of Arbor, Sasha found herself still in bed, with the pains not subsiding at all. The growls from her stomach were starting to compete with the volume of the TV and the ever-rising paranoia of accidentally falling asleep and returning to the nightmare slowly forced her out of the bed and onto her feet. The pain compacted her instantly, she stood slumped over, unable to straighten her back and stand correctly. Before leaving the room in search of food and supplies, she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, the sight bought tears to her eyes. She was sickly pale with a splattering of uneasy purple marks stretching along her arms and across her neck, bruises from where she had compulsively pinched herself to keep and ensure that she was awake. Her hair looked thin and brittle, her eyes sunk back deep inside her face. Her posture had deteriorated at an alarming pace, her shoulders pressed forward, and what looked like a hump had started developing on her back. More and more tears came the longer she spent looking at herself, the pain of seeing how much her appearance had declined in the past few days caused Sasha to fall to her knees. She found herself torn between wanting to examine herself further and wanting to avoid anything in which she might see her reflection. 

Eventually Sasha regained some of her composure and managed to ventured out of the hotel, retrieving food and an arm full of fresh pregnancy tests, along with some make up and beauty products. The days had started to bleed together, but Sasha was still aware that David was home tomorrow and she did not want him to see her looking the way she did. What should have been a few simple errands that took half an hour or so, dragged on for close to two hours. She could not move fast, and her appearance caught the gaze of many passersby on the street. 

Eventually making it back to the hotel room, Sasha devoured her food before slumping off to the bathroom to take the array of pregnancy tests she gathered. Part of her told herself that it was illogical to waste all this money on these tests, but the thought of being pregnant, no matter what with, had taken up residence in her mind, it constantly nagged at her and she needed to know with certainty that it wasn't true. Sasha would get no such relief. Each test, no matter the brand, all came up with the same results, inconclusive. Sasha's break shallowed and anxiety took effect over her entire body. 

Exhausted and unable to stand anymore she stumbled out of the bathroom and collapsed onto the bed, anxiety and panic set in for the next few hours as Sasha tried to rationalize the results to herself. After some time, she managed to convince herself that it must just be some sort of hormonal problem, nothing to worry about. She did not fully believe it, but it was plausible enough to calm her down, she needed the fantasy to get through the night. 

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Sleeping had become a fear for Sasha these past few days, but getting a good look at herself earlier in the night and knowing that she would be seeing David tomorrow she decided to go to sleep of her own volition. 

Sleep came easy, but it was not peaceful. As she drifted into unconsciousness Sasha found herself inside the cave once more, the cold hardened rock floor she knew all too well pressed against her back as she laid flat on the ground. She could feel the movement above her, the vibrations echoed through out her body. Sasha thought about getting up, she thought about whether she should light the fire or if she should just try and run. The pains of her waking life subsided here, she could feel movement in her lower abdomen and the contractions would start soon, but the body aches, the splintering of bone, it was gone here. Sasha could have ran, but she chose not to, she chose to not even sit up, to just stay flat on the ground.

It did not take long before the contractions started, as before they were painful with unnaturally short gaps between them. She could feel the ground shake against her back, he was here. A large shadow amongst shadows. A hideous silhouette. Legs arching over her. Around her. Almost as if she were being embraced.

Unnatural light burst forth. Flames flickered from behind her. Some of the human sized spiders had produced a fire. Sasha's vision returned to find the giant arachnid's face hovering just above her own. Eight soulless eyes gazed upon her. Examining her, thoroughly. The two forward most legs squeezed in against her body, caressing her arms. Holding her to the ground firmly, but gently. It had never been so close, but Sasha did not scream. She wasn't afraid of it anymore, she was calm for a moment, but the absence of fear proved to be even more upsetting that simply being afraid. She began panicking. Hyperventilating. So much so she couldn't scream, even if she tried. 

Over her shoulder. Out of the corner of her eye. She saw some of the smaller mutated spiders spinning a web, while the remaining spiders above her whispered some ancient forgotten prayer. When the web was done the giant spider lifted her from the floor and raised her up high. A wave of terror washed over Sasha. The giant arachnid walked her to the web, placing her in the centre before releasing her and stepping back. The contractions continued to worsen as the spiders from the ceiling scurried down to the floor, they all lined up, all facing Sasha. 

The pain of the contractions broke through her panic and she screamed and screamed. As the furry legs began tickling their way down her thighs and up through the web and her body, the human sized spiders looked up at her and begun chanting in a language that died long ago if it even ever existed. She could not understand a word, but somehow, she knew they were praying, praying to her perhaps. Amidst the screams she felt an unnatural pull take over her body and even though her mind tried to stop her, she could not help but place her eyes upon the giant spider amongst the pack, she knew he was happy. 

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