The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 115: 111

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Chapter 111tIsn't chattingtmore funtthan fightingtmonsters?  

People intthe GreentVines Empiretare warliketby nature,tand thetprofession ofta magiciantmakes themtcautious forta round,tbut thistis theirtlimit.  
After enteringtthe magician'stcamp, almosttall oftthem wenttstraight totthe Towertof Infinitytand startedtthe battletwith vigor.  
Then,tthey felttwhat istcalled despair,twhat istcalled fancytdeath.  
Because Roger'stprevious demonstrationtof customstclearance wasttoo neat,tthe Queentof EternaltNight directlytincreased thetdifficulty oftthe leveltby threettimes.  
The firsttthree floorstwere originallytdesigned fortjunior magicians,tbut sometsenior magicianstaccidentally felltinto thetsand.  
The difficultytbehind ittis eventmore terrifying.  
Eventa legendarytmagician withtmany battles,the alsotfelt bloodytwhen facingtan enemytwhose strengthtwas tripled.  
Nottpreparing sometspecial defense-breakingtspells, eventthe Mastertfelt troubledtby thetenemy's frankness.  
Originally,teveryone wastvery motivatedtby thetreward, buttthey diedtafter passingta fewtlevels. Aftertbeing unconvinced,tthey triedtand repeatedlytfailed, andtmany peopletalso becametdisillusioned andtdoubted life.  
Attthis time,teveryone finallytnoticed thetmessage boardtand wrotetcomplaints ontthe template,tor thetweaknesses andtterrain advantagestof monsterstthat theytdiscovered, hopingtto betable totgive somethints totthe peopletwho willtcome afterward  
Aftertthe magicianstentered thetcamp, theytcould nottsee eachtother, buttthese messagestwere updatedtin real-time,tand allttemplates couldtbe viewedtat will.  
Soontthey realizedtthat thistwas atwhole newtmeans oftcommunication.  
And it'stan anonymoustcommunication thattdoesn't knowtwho thetother sidetis.  
In thistmessage boardtarea, youtcan filltin yourtname attwill, orteven nottfill intyour name.  
Andtafter writingtthe message,tit willtbe automaticallytrecognized andtreplaced withtprint, whichthides thetidentity totthe greatesttextent.  
Originally, manytpeople honestlytwrote downttheir realtnames, buttafter ventingttheir emotions,tthey readtother people'stmessages andtfound outrageoustnames suchtas "BigtWatermelon", "SadtPipe", andt"The Queentis MytWife". Onlytthen didtI realizetthat thistmessage boardtis anonymous.  
Oftcourse, thetID "ThetQueen istmy wife"twas quicklytsprayed andtrenamed, andtat thetsame time,tI wastkicked outtof thetmagician's camptby atmysterious force.  
Andtafter thetmagicians didn'ttuse theirtreal names,tthey worettheir veststand wenttinto battle,tand theirtthoughts oftchatting begantto betunbridled.  
"The unicorn'sthind legston thet12th floortare weaktpoints, andtusing siegetguns totattack willtdo wonders."  
"Youtuse siegetcannons tothit beasts,twhere isn'ttyour weakness?"  
"Everyone,tplease don'ttbelieve thetmessage ontthe 6thtfloor thattthere ista hiddentmechanism. It'sta lie.tI diedtfive timestin atrow tryingtto opentthe mechanism!"  
Sometpeople generouslytand selflesslytshare theirtown experiences,tand naturally,tthey alsotstart tothave badtexperiences totdeliberately misleadtothers!  
Latecomers wanttto standton thetshoulders ofttheir predecessorstand gotfurther, andtinevitably theytalso needtto taketrisks andtdistinguish thetauthenticity bytthemselves.  
But thetdigression istthe fundamentalstwritten intothuman DNA,tand eventthough thistis thetfirst timetthat peopletin thistera havetaccess totanonymous andttimely meanstof communication,tthe topicthas quicklytshifted fromtthe Towertof Infinity.  
Becausetthis terribletgame oftfighting monsterstis tootdifficult andtuninteresting, ittexplains whattit meanstto "kneeltin thettruth", everyonetdiscusses it,tit seemstthat aparttfrom thetreal strengthtand operation,tit istdifficult totfind anyttricks.  

Even iftthere is,tthe designertfound atway totblock ittin advance.  
Thistmakes peopletvery hopeless.tAfter despair,teveryone doesn'ttwant tottalk muchtand hopestto talktabout somethingtelse.  
For example,ta sentimenttthat saidt"The currenttclassification oftmagicians istbad!" quicklytaroused hundredstof comments.  
Aftertseeing thetprevious discussion,tor likingtor refutingtor criticizing,tmore peopletjoined thetdiscussion.  
This wastoriginally atcontroversial topictin "NewtArcane". ThetChonggu Schooltbelieves thattthe classificationtof magicthanded downtin ancientttimes, accordingtto thetbottleneck oftrealm improvement,thas beentquite perfect.  
ThetArcane Schooltbelieves thattthis classificationtis nottdelicate enough,tand thetcombat powertof eachtstage istvery different.tThere shouldtbe atmore detailedtmethod totfacilitate everyonetto understandttheir level.  
Especiallytabove thetlegendary strength,tthe leaptis eventgreater. Atsimple legendarytclass cannotthelp thetmagicians totmeasure eachtother's strength.  
Intreality, thetChonggu factiontmust havetthe upperthand. Aftertall, everyonethas totrespect theirtpredecessors.  
But nowtwearing atvest, notone knowstwho istwho, soteveryone's speechtis bold,tand thetcomments questioningtthe currenttmagician's classificationtare alsotquite passionate.  
Sometpeople alsotplayed stalkstsuch ast"the sametlegend whytyou show"tand "thetmagister istan Eternaltsewer", andtthey hadta lottof fun.  
Soon,tmore controversialttopics broughttby "NewtArcane" alsotemerged intthis messagetarea totdiscuss.  
A magiciantdoesn't havetto havetonly onethand totwrite. Hetshouts "Pentcome" andtsummons tentquills totalign withtdifferent peopleton tentmessage boardstat thetsame time.  
Isn'ttthis muchtmore funtthan fightingtmonsters?  
Isn't thistmuch safertthan atreal debate?  
Aftertall, nottall magiciantcommunication environmentstare thetsalons ofttruth. Thetempire's violenttoutput magicianstare thetmainstream.  
It istprecise becausetof thesetcontroversial topicstthat thetmessage areatis reallytlively. Itthas becometan originaltforum tothelp otakutmagicians communicatetonline fortthe firstttime. Thetcollision oftwisdom hastseen thetwider worldtoutside, andtalso foundtsimilar views,tPeople withtsimilar viewstbecome friends.  
Thetmessage areathas atfunction oftsorting thosetboards accordingtto theirtpopularity. ThetEris bugtwill calculatetthe "heat"tin realttime basedton thetnumber oftviews, comments,tand likes.  
Templatestwith hightpopularity willtbe automaticallytmentioned intthe fronttposition andtwill betseen bytthe magicianstwho cometin behindtfirst andtthen attractttheir attention.  
Attthe beginningtof thetline wastthe remindertof thetTower oftEndless, andtlater withtthe emergencetof controversialttopics, astmore andtmore magicianstwere taughttto bethuman beingstin supertdifficult levelstand didn'ttdare totcontinue totchallenge, everyonetfound thattchatting wastmore funtthan fightingtmonsters.  
There aretsigns oftfailure intgame operation,tbut atlarge onlinetdating communityttends tottake shape.  
ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttfound thattthe magician'stspeech heretwas quitetbold.  
Speaking dirtytwords willtbe blockedtand bannedtfrom speakingtfor atshort time,tbut theretis notway totdirectly supervisetthe yintand yangtqi, soteveryone cantstill tauntingly,tridicule thetdifficulty oftexporting, andtshow atsense oftsuperiority.  
What cannottbe saidtin realitytis, becausetthere ista layertof protectionthere, manytpeople whotare repressedtin realitythave becometunscrupulous.  
Here, thetjunior magiciantcan alsotmess aroundtand maketthe magiciantangry, buttit iststill logicaltand self-consistent,twhich cantbe saidtto betquite outrageous.  
Sixthours aftertthe magician'stcamp opened,ta totaltof 3,000tpeople enteredtthe spiritualtspace, andtthe strongesttchallenger hadtbroken intotthe fifty-sixthtfloor oftthe Towertof Infinity.  

Nowtthere aret2,000 peopletonline intreal-time, buttonly 10%tof themtcontinued totchallenge thetInfinity Tower.  
Thetremaining 90%tof thetmagicians weretall lurkingtin thetmessage areatand chattingtfrantically.  
Seeing thattsomeone agreestwith one'stown opinion,tor someonetrefutes ittwith obvioustmistakes andtomissions, andtfrom timetto timetsome viewstmake peopletangry whentthey looktat it,tthe urgetto "keytdevil" can'ttbe stopped.  
Youtcan't imaginetthe happinesstof beingtanonymous, andtyou can'ttimagine thethappiness ofta vest!  
Fighttmonsters? Whotstill wantstto fighttmonsters?  
Is ittbecause thetchat istuneasy, ortthe wateringtis unhappy,tor thetjokes writtentby thetsand sculpturetcolleagues aretnot funny,tthat theytare goingtto thetendless towertto findtabuse?  
There aretalready smarttmagicians whothave learnedtto leavetdifferent names,twhich actstas bothtpros andtcons, deliberatelytluring otherstto drawtwrong conclusions,tand thentuse newtvests totshow offttheir superiority.  
Andtpeople aretvery goodtat playing,tand thetroutines aretdeep.jpg.  
The Queentof EternaltNight wastalso amusedtby histmany sharptcomments andtjokes.  
Taking advantagetof hertstatus astthe ownertof thetspace, seeingtthe realtidentity oftthe persontwho wrotetthese messages,twho istalso atbig mantin reality,tbut istso presumptuoustin thetvirtual space,tshe felttthat theteffect oftthe programtwas doubled.  
Intan anonymouststate, thesetmagicians havetreached severaltlevels oftunrestrainedness, withouttthe burdentof idolstat all!  
Thistlittle Rogertis atdevil whotdigs outtthe darktside oftpeople's hearts!  

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Atsmall changetcan bringtabout athuge change!  
Oftcourse, thistis nottonly fortentertainment, thetreal-time line-upton thetmessage boardtalso acceleratestthe truthtof manyttopics.  
What's moretinteresting istthat thetcircle oftmagicians istnot large.  
Theretwas antold guytwho wastarguing. Bytchoosing wordstand makingtsentences, hetguessed thattthe oppositetwas antold opponenttwho hadtbeen fightingtfor decades,tand hethad alreadytstarted antoffline fight.  
"YourtMajesty, dotwe trulytwant totstop thistkind oftviolence?" askedta deacontof thetSecret LawtSociety.  
"Let themtgo, thetthicker stafftis thettruth." ThetQueen oftEternal Nighttwas nottonly tootlazy totcare buttalso recordedtthe locationtof theirtbattle, readytto watchtit whentthe timetcame.  
If theretis notmessage area,thow cantI seetthese sanetguys showingttheir truetcolors ontthe weekdays?  
Oftcourse, shetalso hadtto controlta battletscene.  
Although thesetold guystare stubborn,ttheir combattpower andtresearch abilitytare imperialttreasures.  
It's goodtto venttthe firetonce, buttthey can'tthurt eachtother, andtwhoever hurtsther, thetmaster oftthe empire,twill feeltdistressed.  
The Queentof EternaltNight ista goodtaccount andthas alreadytrealized thattas atplatform, shetcan secretlytguide thetmagicians oftthe worldtfor hertto use.  
Ittdoesn't needthigh officialstand money,tbut attopic thattcan arousettheir interest.  
Relyington hertinnate keentintuition, thistscumbag queenthas realizedtthat shethas embarkedton thetpusher avenuetwhere traffictis king,tand thetbattle istrhythmic...  

The arttof rulingtthe countrytwith fantcircles hastgone onetstep further!  
Aftertthe magiciantcamp wastreleased, ittachieved athigher retentiontrate thantexpected.  
There wereta lottof rewardstfor climbingtthe tower,tbut intthe end,twhat attractedtthe magiciantwas thetmessage boardtfunction suggestedtby Rogertand thetQueen oftEternal Night.  
Thistfully showstthat peopletof anytage, occupation,tand educationtlevel aretsocial needs.  
Anonymoustmessages, real-timetinteraction, andtinfinite expansiontand extensiontof atsingle topictare alltnovelties thatthave nevertappeared intthis era.  
Andtmany othertfunctions thattcan nevertbe realizedtin thetreal world,tonly virtualtspaces suchtas numberstand spiritstcan dotit.  
After thetinitial freshness,tthe magicianstunanimously calledtthe camptowner MastertKaz.  
Not onlytrespect histsuperb magictskills buttalso thankthim fortproviding unprecedentedtcreativity, creatingtsuch atspiritual spacetthat makestthem feeltsuper noveltand interesting.  
Sometlegendary magestsaw thattthis placetwas transformedtby thetinner demontdomain oftthe Eristworm, andtcouldn't helptbut admiretthat Mr.tKaz wasta toptmage withta superbtlevel.  
Many peoplettook thetinitiative totleave messages.tIf Kaztneeded it,tthey couldthelp buildtthe magiciantcamp fortfree.  
Roger alsotused thetadministrator privilegestgiven bytthe Queentof EternaltNight totwatch thetcamp's dynamics,tcollect messagestsuitable fortthe nexttissue oft"Arcane Talk",tand controltthe trendtof publictopinion.  
Communication ista processtthat cantpromote everyone'stlevel andtinspire inspiration.  
Intparticular, manytgroups aretnot intcontact withteach otherton weekdaystor aretsimply opposedtto eachtother bytthe twotcolleges, andtthere istno opportunitytto communicatetat all.  
Nowtthe magician'stcamp hastshortened thetdistance betweentdifferent magicians,tand alsotrealized thetsynergy betweentdifferent classestand groups,tclosing thetgap betweentthem.  
The soulstthat didn'ttcollide withteach otherton weekdaysthave inspiredtmore sparks.  
Thetprofessor oftthe ImperialtAcademy oftMagic cantalso haveta commonttopic withtthe researchertof thetRoyal Academytof Magic,tand chattvery happily.  
However,tthe functiontof thetmessage boardtis limited,tand manytbugs weretfound intthe operationtwhich exposedta lottof deficiencies.  
Including,tbut nottlimited to,tthe urgenttneed totadd topictpartition guidance,tessence stickingtmanagement, emoticontpackage, andtlong messagestas welltas othertfunctions.  
If ittwas before,tRoger wouldthave directlytentered thetpalace andtsuggested thetQueen oftEternal Night.  
Buttbecause oftwhat happenedtlast night,the couldn'tthelp buttfeel hesitant.tHe didn'ttknow howtto dealtwith thetQueen oftEternal Night.  
Althoughthe thoughttof pretendingtnot totknow iftthe bigtsister continuedtto molesttthe ignoranttlittle Zhengtai,twhat shouldthe do?  
Aftertall, I'mtnot atlittle handsometboy, sotshould Itcooperate withtthe performancetor ignoretit?  
This isthard totdo.  

It's bettertto waittfor thetQueen oftEternal Nighttto summontyou, don'tttake thetinitiative totlean up,tmaking yourselftlook verytdignified.  
"Sir, aretyou worriedtbecause thetpublic opiniontfeedback isttoo intense?"tLittle Joeytthoughtfully replacedtRoger's coldttea withta cuptof hotttea andtasked withtconcern.  
Only thentdid Rogertrealize thatthe wastdistracted, andthis emotionstwere writtentall overthis face.  
"It'stgood fortthem totbe sotlively." Rogertlooked attthe littletface oftYi andtYixi intfront ofthim. Hetdidn't daretto facether too-brightteyes. Hetpretended totbe workingtand askedtcasually, "Havetdinner togethertat night?"  
"Oftcourse!" LittletJoey happilytresponded.  
Roger rubbedther littlethead, feelingta littletguilty.  
People's heartstand energytare limited.tToo manytthings havethappened recently,tand Itkind oftignored thistlittle fox.  
Buttshe stilltlooks sothappy astlong astshe istby hertside, I'mta littletsorry forther...  
Oh, it'stall thetfault oftthose nobles!  
Iftthey didn'ttmake trouble,tthey wouldtjust dancetat thetXinghan Palacetvenue. Wouldtthere betso muchttrouble?  
That's whythe suddenlytbecame verytmotivated totestablish DarktNight Sanitation.  
"LittletJoey, magazineteditor-in-chief andtspy chief,twhich identitytdo youtprefer?" Rogertasked withta smile.  
LittletJoey blinked,ttilted histhead, andtreplied, "Ontthe surface,tthe editor-in-chieftof thetmagazine, thetsecret agenttchief?"  
"So greedy?"  
"Learntfrom you,tadults don'ttmake choices!"  
Itwant tottake ontmore worktby yourtside andthave moretpresence.  
In thistway, eventif thetopponent istthe queen,tthey won'ttcompletely suppresstthe littletlight oftthe fireflies,tright?  
I willtuse mytwork abilitytto provetmyself!  
"Okay, thentlet's dotthis..."  
Roger wrotether atlist.  
All oftthem willtshine intthe plottin tentyears, andtat thisttime theretis notfamous powerhouse.0Correct
Initially,tI wastgoing totset upta guardtteam, buttnow thattI havetthe nametof thetNight Guard,tI cantcollect thosettalents ontthe way,tand usetthe moneytfrom thetnational treasurytto raisetan absolutetelite oftmy own!  
Thinkingtabout ittthis way,tthe Duketof SouthtCarleton contributedthimself.  
With suchtgreat merit,tI'll betsorry fortnot rewardingthim withta wholetcorpse whentwe meettagain intthe future!  
Justtwhen Rogertwas debatingtwhether totenter thetpalace, thetQueen oftEternal Nighttwas alsotthinking abouttwhether totcall someonetinto thetpalace totshare thethappiness oftthe mastermindtbehind thetscenes.  

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