The Realm of New Genesis

Chapter 2: The Maiden of Years Past

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20 A.M. (After Merge) Somewhere in the Great Forest of Gaia

"Hmmm hmmm hmmm," A woman hummed to herself as she walked through the forest merrily. "Even after 20 years of being stuck here, I still feel like it's always a new place." Swinging the basket at her side filled with herbs and various forage, she looks forward as she sees a path open in the trees and walks through it.

The crack in the sky caused the sun to illuminate this area in a strange tint; this light reflecting off her darker complexion glistened almost as brightly as her. Swinging a basket full of different forages from the day she finally reached her home. It was a small cabin made of wood in the middle of a small clearing. It wasn't much, but it was enough to get by.

This woman was a spirit of the forest, a Dryad. The forest itself is her life force. She doesn't even really get hungry. Sometimes she sees how happy the Nymphs are when they get to eat, which makes her jealous.

Being a spirit of the forest meant she couldn't do the one thing she wanted most: leave. No matter how hard she tried, she could never leave. Even when she approaches the edge, she gets turned around and lost.

Muttering to herself quietly, hoping the forest didn't hear her, she placed the basket down on her table and headed out once again. "This world has changed so much recently, and instead of asking to explore, all I want to do is visit that village I see to the south. It's not even that far from here, but I still can't make it. It's not fair.". She sighed while pouting.

How many years has it been since she was stuck here? A better question might be, how old is she? She had almost lost count. Had it been fifteen? Twenty? Thirty? all the days blend, and it gets harder and harder to keep track. "Ah!" she said as she pounded her fist into the palm of her other hand. She remembered. She had been alive in this forest for thirty years. She could scarcely call them long because of how fast time seemed to go by here.

In reality, time moved at its average mundane pace.

Sometimes she would visit with the Nymphs if the forest allowed, but they never stayed together long. Such was the will of the forest, she supposed.

Just beyond the trees, she arrived at the edge of the forest. One of her favorite pastimes was looking out at the village just out of reach.

Sera sat down underneath a tree in a small chair she had made for herself out of different findings in the forest. She saw no one today, though. Must be a relaxation day, she thought.

With nothing else to do, for the time being, she shut her eyes and began to drift to sleep.

In her slumber, she met with an ominous dream and a mysterious voice speaking to her. She was suddenly jolted awake by a forest Nymph before receiving any answers about what just happened.

"Woah, hold on a moment, please!" she stumbled out as she was dragged away by the girl playfully. "What was that dream? Who were those people in it? I didn't recognize any of them. And that voice, so strange." before she could finish mulling over the details, they arrived at a nook in the forest. "This place... I've never been here before; something feels off about it..". She thought.

Walking through the passageway of the alcove, just for a second, she caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye. A shape was moving behind the trees.

"What's that? Did it look like a person? No way it can't be," she thought to herself as she moved toward where the shape was to investigate.

The mysterious shape seemed to have entered a cave hidden behind the trees. With curiosity winning over any logical sense, following closely behind, Sera continues nervously.

As she approached the cave where the shape was, the roots from the nearby trees began to move—twisting and turning as if they were trying to tell her something.

"Oh my!" She exclaimed. "I've never seen anything like this before. First, that strange shape, and then this? What is going on today?.."

The roots then moved into the cave as if they were telling her to follow them; They would lead the way.

She proceeded cautiously as the roots led her through the cave. Eventually, they stopped moving.

"Is this the end? Is there where you wanted to take me?" She questioned.

There was no response. No surprise there; she was talking to trees, after all. She thought to herself.

Ahead of her, she could spot a faint light shining through an opening in the cave.

Through the passageway, she found herself in a dimly lit room of sorts with trees, flowers, and grass all around.

"Woah... this is... magnificent..." Sera said as she looked around.

Beyond everything, she spotted a small rectangular box formed by the earth at the space's back wall.

Overcome by her curiosity, she approached the structure and looked inside. What she saw, she could hardly believe. Two children were sitting wrapped in cloth.

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Before she could even process what she was looking at, a figure appeared behind her from the darkness and spoke in a low whisper.

"I am pleased you have finally arrived, Sera, Dryad spirit of the earth, marked by the Daemon Soteria."

"Who are you? Do you know me? What are these children doing here? They don't look like they could be older than 5." Sera asked hastily.

"I urge you to calm down, child. It was I who called you here. I am referred to as Gaia; please listen to what I have to say".

"Gaia!" Sera shouted in surprise. "You mean the Gaia, earth herself?".

Chuckling softly, "Well, I don't know if you could call me alone earth anymore... but yes, child, that is me".

Looking closer Sera could see that what she was talking to wasn't a person. It was pieces of the earth and plants around her made to take the form of a person.

She continued, "I have called you here at the behest of another to request your assistance with these two children."

Stunned at these words,s Sera replied, "At the behest of another? Who could be ordering the earth?".

"Their identity at this time matters not; the fates, nothing more, simply guide me." Pointing to the two children in the cradle-like structure, "He- no, for now, let us refer to them individually; please excuse my slip of the tongue as the mortals say. These two must be protected at all costs. They cannot be found before their time. Left alone, another chance like this will never arise.".

"I- I don't know what any of that means. But from what I gather, you need my power to protect these children?." Sera asked.

"Yes, the world outside is changing fast after the merge, and these two will be pivotal in its future." Her form moves to look Sera in the eyes. "However, time is not kind to all."

"They were born well before the world was ready for them. They would certainly meet their end if they were to leave here now. Another like them will never appear, and the realm will be in an everlasting state of desolation. Why this task is falling on to you seems like a mere coincidence. Or perhaps fate? Being on the earth with your powers means you are the only one who can ensure they make it to their time unharmed and unnoticed".

She continued, "Whether this fate that has fallen onto you is of good or bad fortune, I cannot say. However, my task was to inform you of this, not force you. If you wish to turn away from the path laid out for you here, I can let you leave the forest so that you may -. ".

Sera put her hand on the shoulder of the figure and interrupted, "Forgive me for any rudeness or disrespect you may feel coming from me as of this moment, but you need not say anymore. I think if I hear any more, my resolve may waver.

"How long? How long must they be protected?" Sera asked, stepping away with a firm resolve on her face.

"As long as you possibly can, dear. I am not knowledgeable of the reasons behind this; I only know what has been passed onto me". Gaia replied.

"I see. I believe I know all I need to know. I need not the reasoning behind the time. What you have given me is enough. I know I am in no position to ask anything of you, and you're neutral to all, but I have three requests". Sera said.

"Speak them; I will listen. That is all I can promise you, child." Gaia replied.

"By using my power to preserve them this way, I believe it will be my end. I will seal them inside a space I create here out of my own body and power. Thus, I will not be able to know what happens after they are released. I will not ask you to protect them because I know you cannot. However, you control this forest, and I'm sure that after I am gone, beasts will return to this forest, and I do not know how this place will evolve through the years before they awaken. Therefore, my first request is this: I ask you nothing more than to make sure they leave here safely."

Holding two fingers up on her right hand, she continued to speak confidently, "My second request is this: Since the realms merged, the prospect of what will happen after I leave this world is completely foreign. If it is the case that I am to be a soul in the underworld, then one day, I wish to meet these boys after they have made it there as well. And lastly."

Sera reaches up to her head and begins to remove the laurel she had been wearing to hold her hair. "My third request is this: Please, may you give this laurel to them after they awaken as a symbol of my love, protection, and existence."

As her hair falls in front of her face, she hands the laurel to the earthly figure and then takes a step back and mutters, "I believe by giving everything I have, I will be able to manage 1260 years. If that is not enough and I have failed these children, I believe I couldn't fathom facing them again."

With only the tiniest hint of respect and solace, Gaia responded, "I have heard your requests Sera, Dryad spirit of the forest; I hope to meet you again one day, whenever or wherever that may be if the fates will have it so."

Sera nodded in agreement and turned away. Kneeling beside the two boys, she reaches out to grab their hands and speaks, "Oh, children who sit before me seeking aid. I know not who you are, where you come from, what you will do, or even your names. I will protect you until the day arrives when you can protect yourselves. From this point forward, please allow me to call you my children. I beg of you, if you remember one thing from this moment, let it be this, live your lives the way you wish; whatever path fate believes you must take is not more important than what you believe, and if we are fated to meet each other again someday I will welcome you with open arms. Now I offer you my everything so you may live and persevere".

As she speaks to the children, her body begins to glow and break apart as the fragments of her very being encase the two in an embrace of a light barrier. She looked the boys in the eyes and smiled peacefully and lovingly as the last fragments of her body faded into the void.

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