The Rise Of Quetzalcoatl

Chapter 97: Strange Dream

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"You're just like her," I mutter while my new daughter buries her face into my stomach, holding me tightly as if she didn't want me to leave ever again. 

Calculative. So calculative, I wonder how your brain doesn't overheat. So calculative, I can almost hear the gears turning… 

"It's okay… I won't leave ever again," I mutter once again before I hear light snores coming from Lucy. 

Goodnight… Sweet dreams. 


(Lucy POV) 

I opened my eyes and saw my dead mother. 

She stood there with pieces of her body falling off her body as if she was a corpse reanimated by my skill. 

I felt like throwing up. 

But I didn't. 

"Bye… I love you," I say, causing the corpse of my mother to light up, and her original body returned. 

I desperately held back tears as she hugged me tightly before drifting off into the bright blue sky. 

I was left in a greenfield crawling with snakes. A dragon was flying in the air in the distance. A bright star replaced the sun, and I could feel a familiar presence from behind me. 

After turning around, I saw a giant snake with dragon-like wings. 

It was taller than a mountain and longer than an entire mountain range. 

Its scales were replaced with green feathers that flashed a rainbow color. 

It gave off a warm fire each time its slimmed pupils disappeared behind its thick, feathery eyelids. 

Subconsciously, I began to smile, and the giant snake nodded its head once before the sky was painted in black. 

It was much bigger than I had anticipated, and just as I was about to reach out for it, to potentially save it… it rotted away into nothing but bones. 

I turned around after hearing an ear-piercing scream and was only met by the feathered snake, screaming in agony after being pierced with a towering 100-meter tall greatsword. 

"Huh? Why am I crying?" I mutter after feeling a tear drip off my chin and land on my now nȧkėd body. 

"Live…" A man's voice says. 

"Live my child… You must… You must escape," 

And then everything went black. 


I heaved heavily with each breath that I took while grasping my ċhėst. 

I remembered everything, and I began to cry once more. 

Suddenly, a pair of warm arms wrapped around me like a blanket, filling me with a sense of relief. 

"It's okay… I'm here," 

"I'm fine," I mutter, brushing off the arms as I get out of bed. 

The crack of dawn-lit my face with sunshine, blinding me for a few seconds as I tried to leave the room to get a glass of water. 

And as soon as I chugged down two glasses, I locked myself in my room. 


I opened up the web browser on my phone and began to search… Quetzalcoatl. 


(Mia POV) 

"She woke up crying and locked herself in her room," 



"Yep, you just need to be there for her… And if you won't, I will," I say before getting up from the dining table and burning a hole in Lucys' door. 

"Wakey, wakey," 

"You could've knocked," I hear my favorite voice reply. 

I turned my head towards the corner of the room where I saw a terrible-looking Lucy who scrolled through a web page on the ancient Aztec civilization. 

"I guess geniuses are geniuses for a reason," I mutter before walking up to her and grabbing the pen phone out of her hand. 

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She tried to reach back for it like a little kid having their toy taken away, but I just turned it off and shoved it in my pocket before helping her up. 

"*sigh*... Fine," She mutters before yawning and following me sleepily. 

"You like coffee?" 


"Then let's have some," 


(Lucy POV) 

A few days had passed and the time of our scheduled leave has arrived. 

We had been shopping and exploring the city for quite some time but now we have to leave as not only are we refugees, but also the city we were currently in wasn't meant for dungeon runners to live. 

It was meant for traders and people who wanted to sell their goods next to the main attraction, which of course were the large teleporters. 

"You haven't even filled in the legal forms and shit," 

"I don't have to… I'm a brave," 

"Nah, she's right," Clio adds and the other girls nodded their heads in agreement. 

I and Auntie, though we were hesitant, told the backstory behind her and my parents and I didn't expect the girls to be so accepting… actually it was more like they didn't care. 

I vividly remember them just shrugging it off but I was sure I knew why. 

"Are you still sad?" I ask the girls as we line up for the teleporter usage. 

We were using the VIP line but the wait was already 2 hours long so we had some time to talk. 

"Yes," They all reply, and the words also slipped out of my mouth. 

"We should get that under control once we get to my house," Auntie says, but didn't completely ignore the sad children in front of her. 

She gave each of them a hug before returning to her spot in front of me. 

"I'm jealous," We all say again, including me. 

A few hours passed and the wait was a bit longer than expected, but we finally managed to get onto the large teleporter. 

Thousands of people were standing on the rocky ground that was carved into runes. 

"The ground is made from runes?" I mutter to myself. 

"Yep, otherwise, it would take so many runes that they would begin to interfere with each other," Auntie replies, intriguing me even more into the art of runes. 

It was like a language of creation… 

Soon, the floor below us glowed a bright blue light and before we knew it, our heads began to spin and a wave of nausea overcame us. 

We had the urge to puke but just before we spilled our guts, we blinked once. 

It was snowing. 

A nipping cold breeze bit at our skin. 

We breathed out once and a cloud of white mist immediately took form in front of us. 

"Welcome to Norway," Auntie says as she dramatically reveals the sight before us. 

It was beautiful. 

A more rough city coated in a beautiful layer of snow. 

The weather might've been freezing but the citizens said otherwise. 

They went about their daily life with only just a few layers of clothing which made me wonder, 

"How are they staying warm?" 

"They wear a skintight suit that keeps them completely warm, no matter where they are. Think of hand warmers but across your entire skin," Auntie says as we step outside the teleporter. 

We were met by government officials who were dressed in black suits. 

They checked our luggage and checked out our personal information while Auntie was under the guise of our parent.

"You have… Thirteen children?" A pale white man asks. 

"As you can see," 

"I do see…" The man says. 

He was clearly in disbelief, causing some of us to chuckle amongst ourselves before we took in the amazing view.

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