The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: First Town

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The capital city of the Lesich Empire; is Ilifel. A prosperous powerhouse with anti-magic properties made to protect its citizens from magic crimes and misuse of magic. The individual Mages bear a heavy physical burden and the burden of responsibility. Most normal people wouldn’t suffer this burden due to their inability to cast high-level spells, nor do they enchant themselves with magic. In short, these burdens restrain only the most skilled in the arts. The city uses two anti-magic mechanisms; one is a magic barrier to detect and hinder magic, and the second is the material that made the place. It combines mana crystals infused with stone/metal and complicated ancient runic enchantments. And, of course, many kingdoms know this secret. However, replicating it is near impossible due to Ilifel, where the secret blueprint is locked away. 

In that city lives a Saint, a lively yet shy girl. She performs miracles for the people. The people loved her even though she was a newly appointed Saint. The previous one had passed away one year before; thus, she decided to take up the Saint's role. She loved her grandmother and had always admired her. However, her passing was earlier than anyone's guess. With her determination and the previous Saint's teachings, she wants to live up to her grandmother's legacy. As she prays for her grandmother's well-being in the afterlife, she lays down some of her favorite flowers on the tomb, thus walking with her shoulders high and a face brimming with confidence. 

The Saint was having a drink with her friend Kei in a cafe. Kei asked, “The wonderers are soon here, yes?”  She glanced at her friend while sipping her tea. The two have known each other since their academy days, making them childhood friends as they have just graduated the year of the previous Saint’s passing. The Saint’s only response was. “... Well, you know, I'm shy around new people and need to charge up before meeting them, right?” Kei could only slightly sigh. “Listen, Ame, aren’t you a Saint? A people’s person. Just get used to it already….” With slight tears in Amethely’s eyes. She looked at her friend. “B-but they are from another world, you know! That’s like strangers plus more strangers!” Kei could only look at her friend in amazement.

“Ms. Saint. How's your vocabulary doing?” In response, Amethely looked at her friend with a pouting face and mumbled. “You’ve grown to be mean, Kei, but you’re right.” As Kei saw her, Saintly friend flipped her switch to the so-called [Saint mode Ame]. The one most people knew. Kei wouldn't be surprised if anyone mistook her for another person if they saw how she usually behaved. So, she couldn’t help but sigh. “As the Oracle, I’ll tell you this, one of the wanderers is cursed, but I don’t know what the curse does. Do be careful, Amethely.”  Heeding her friend's advice replied with a firm nod. 


“A-acheew….” As the beautiful scenery of the horizon and ocean came into view, Alum let out a loud sneeze. He could see green and lush lands surrounding the city, which looked like a beautifully constructed city. On the outskirts, one could see lush green fields. A thick forests and mountains of snow and ice nearby. It was a beautiful sight to behold, though, Alum. Ms. Ilis, of course, couldn’t ignore Alum and asked if he had caught a cold. To which he replied. “No, I think Noel was talking about me or something.” Ms. Ilis was a little confused and asked. “Do people from your world sneeze when someone is talking about you?” To which Alum could only dryly laugh. “... No, that’s not... Nevermind.” Ms. Ilis looked at him with serious eyes. She said. “We will arrive sooner than the others on the airship by one day. Don’t be afraid to ask me anything.” Alum gave a slight nod. “In that case, can I look around the city?” She couldn’t immediately answer him since he would be the first to arrive and had to meet the higher-ups to give them a brief rundown of their situation. She sigh. “If time allows, I would want to grant your wish.” Alum probably figured out what she meant and could only sigh. “So… I have another question, why am I the one on a dragon with you?” 

Ms. Ilis looked at him with eyes of pity. “... Call me Chely, instead, not You or Ms. Ilis.” Alum was taken aback by the response and nodded. “Well then, Chely, the answer to my question is?” Chely, now satisfied, gave Alum a brief explanation. “I sensed that you have a curse. Although it seems like a minor curse and probably wouldn't kill you, we can't be too sure. I am the hero and blessed with curse negation. Just being close to me cancels out the effect of the curse. Of course, there are other people like me, but since I was the only one there, we ended up in this situation.” Alum listens intently. (I see; if the others knew about this, panic could erupt, and perhaps they would blame me for the situation.) Alum is rather thankful now that he heard the reason.  

During the journey, Chely told Alum about the city and its properties and that he, as a powerful mage, should not activate the high-level anti-magic barrier. Alum looked at her, tilting his head. “Huh… Me a powerful mage?” He asked; Chely was now confused as they looked at each other. “What… You. Could it be you thought you were weak? From what I sensed, you were one of the stronger people in that group.” Alum looked at her with a shocked expression. “... Really, I’m not going to be a useless one and become banished?” Chely sigh. “No, the empire's goal is to train wanderers and get them used to live there. It's beneficial for the kingdom that way. You guys can help us develop technologies we may not have considered. Even if you don’t know how to make said technology, the idea is enough of a spark. And of course, we offer you protection.” Alum is still skeptical and thinks it is at least better than to live in the wilderness. “I have a question; how did you know we were at that plain?” He asked. It was the one thing that had bothered Alum since Chely introduced herself. She looked towards the city; they were getting close and about to land any time soon. She started to speak. “We have Oracles that predict these events; honestly, we didn’t even know until recently that wanderers would come out of that spatial quake.” Alum now understood the situation a little better through her short explanation. “Spatial quakes are a phenomenon not adequately understood yet, and it is speculated that worlds in the celestial realm collide. Thus shaking space in some areas makes it a dangerous place to be; we always decide to investigate those areas after the quake for safety measures. We were faster this time because the Oracle told us there would be guests from another world.” Alum nodded. “I see.” He said. Chely gave a short sigh of relief. “Thank you for understanding… but please don’t get any dangerous ideas from this. ” Although Alum did get those thoughts, he quickly disposed of them; they were all too dangerous to properly consider. He needed to focus; they were landing soon. 


After Alum and Chely had landed, people greeted them. Alver the young knight, who escorted them to a large building not so far away from the landing area. Upon entering the building, Alum felt a little suffocated. He was also feeling suffocated for another reason; he would be meeting the big shots of this place and having information extracted out of him. Chely looked over at Alum and asked if he was alright. He nodded as she continued. ”It isn’t an ideal place for mages, after all. Powerful ones like you who haven’t learned to control their magical power. Will have a hard time here.” Alum didn’t say a word. One of the reasons for him feeling sick is that he would be meeting the big wigs, retorted Alum in his head. As they arrived at what seemed to be the room the meeting would take place, Alver warned Alum about his manners and opened the door for them. In the room were five people, and Alum had already gotten a headache. 

After the meeting, Alum was allowed to look around the city. He was allowed to wander on his own and received a necklace that weakens the influence of the barrier. They even gave him some pocket money. It was, of course, not for him to splurge. But it was so he could learn about the market value in this world. Alum felt grateful that he had been given more freedom than he initially thought. He also appreciated that they didn’t try to dig into him too much, as they probably thought it would be better to wait for his friend(s). All Alum had done was to briefly give them a rundown of the situation from their perspective. 

While Alum was lost in his thoughts, he realized he had come to a dead end. He was pretty high up and saw the scenery over the city. He could see the marketplace and the port where ships were located. Honestly, this city looked stellar. And the people seem to be friendly, happy people too. It was still noon, and Alum stared out at sea. (This place seems to be pretty advanced in magic, huh.) Alum pondered. They had equivalent transportation to trains. And even transportation by air, though not as advanced, Alum would still consider them a technically advanced civilization. 

Alum wanders the street to find something to eat. He learned that they gave him enough money to stay at an inn for a few days and nights. And he blended nicely into the crowd. Since he had gotten clothes and a room before leaving; thus, he decided to wear the new clothes. (As expected, it was the right choice) he thought to himself, wondering around mounching on a skewer he had gotten at a stall. “It's pretty tasty.” He murmured. After having wandered around the food stalls and having small talk with the stall owners, they recommended going to the central park before it would be occupied in the evening. It piqued Alum's interest as to why there weren't many people at this time. The stall owners told him that there weren’t any particular reasons other than it was a work day and people did not have time during the day to visit a place far from the work district. (A quiet place, huh? Oh, this is quite delicious!) Alum, thought while eating a parfait-looking snack in his hands. Thus he headed toward the park. 

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