The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Chapter 41: Moon Route: Chapter 3

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After their walk in the park and looking around, it became evening. Luna was relaxed, and she had a great time. It was honestly very strange since she’s never enjoyed another person's company outside of her family. 

But… their tour ended, and they headed to the military dormitory, where they split up. 

And as Luna walks into the empty halls to go to her uncle's office, she stumbles upon Alver, who has a rather sullen look on his face. 

“Oh, Princess Luna… I was about to head out to get you, Princess.” 

He lightly bows as he waits for permission to speak further. 


Done with the formalities, he began to speak. 

“....Sir Rigeld is not in the office and left you a message,” Alver says.

Luna looks at him and shows him that she gives him her full attention. 

(Strange, uncle would usually be in his office right now.) She thought. 

“Message? Do tell.” 

“....The Selges beast, as you know, woke up recently, and some issues are going on with resealing it, so Sir Rigeld headed there.” 

“...I see, but wouldn’t it be better to send specialists?” Luna asks. 

“....Unfortunately, the seal is completely broken, and they would have to weaken the beast so much that it’s better to kill it.” 

“.....Isn’t this an enormous crisis?” 

Alver nods. 

“Yes, that’s why Sir Rigeld was sent along with The Hero and Saint.” 

“In other words, the responsibilities of the base have fallen onto me?” 

“As you said, Princess.” 

“.....Maximize the physical and magic barriers output around the city,” Luna says calmly. 

Her gears were switched, and it wasn’t the calm and soothing feeling like when she was out with Alum. 

“Yes… should I call back the Sages too?” Alver asks with slight concern in his voice. 

Indeed, calling back the Sages would prove to be a challenge since there is a massive monster outbreak at sea as well. Ever since that ancient leviathan moved to the western oceans, it’s been chasing away many of its competitors to the east, in this case, Lesich waters. 

“No, we got the Saint and Hero. In any case, prepare the EAC and get the coordinates of the beast.” 

“....Are you sure….?” Alver asks. 

Of course… it was risky since no other nation knew of its existence. If words were to get out that the Lesiens had fired this powerful ranged artillery, they would start to fear and build a version of their own. 

“Just prepare it, and do not fire unless it's under my command,” Luna says. 

“Understood. Then I tell the other units. But… Princess, you are not thinking of going there yourself, right?”

“....It depends on the situation, although I don't use flashy destruction magic like my uncle, The Saint, or Hero. I am good at defense.” 

“But… Sir Ri—” 

“Dismissed,” Luna states coldly. 

“....Understood,” Alver expresses in a defeated tone. 

After all, Rigeld specifically told him to keep her at the base. 

And after that… Luna shut herself in the office and filed papers while contacting the different divisions. 

— :::: — 

It’s been a day, and yesterday was rather hectic. As it turns out, they didn’t need to use the EAC. After all, when The Saint arrived at the battlefield yesterday, she resonated her light with everyone, which in turn finished the beast they had fought since that morning. 

Luna leaned back on the chair as she felt exhausted from doing all sorts of work yesterday evening, going around in different departments and ordering people around as they asked for more instructions. Whilst doing paperwork.

(I need some fresh air….) Luna thought. 

She gets up and heads out to the garden, and unexpectedly, she meets Alum sitting on a bench as he watches the ocean. 

(....He seems awfully relaxed.) she thinks as she walks toward him. 

And upon noticing someone’s presence, Alum turns around. 

“Hm? Oh, Luna, you… seem tired.” 

“....Yes, I didn’t sleep yesterday,” she replies meekly. 

Of course… It wasn’t just yesterday. She hadn’t slept since she got back in Ilifel and not to mention before she even got back…. 

“Do you have anything to do now, then?” Alum asks. 

“No… it’s all finished, and my uncle will pick everything up later when he gets back.” Luna says as she sits down beside him. 

Looking at the ocean as the waves hit the cores, she feels more relaxed as she breathes in the fresh air. 

Beside her, she hears some rattling. And as she glances at Alum, he searches for something in the bag and finds a sandwich. 

“Want one?” he asks with slight worry. 

“....I’m too tired to eat…..” Luna replies. 

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“I see,” he says and searches for some other thing. 


“How about this, then? I don’t know what it's called, but it's sweet and delicious.” 

“....I’ve never seen that before. What is it?” Luna curiously asks. 

“Apparently, it’s a treat from Jemesol.” 

“Is that so? I see…. Shima, huh….?” Luna says as she leans back. 

“You know of it?” Alum asks. 

“Well… if it’s from Jemesol, then it probably is since it was talk about it….” 


Luna nods. 

She was too tired to even move anymore…. But… he’s a friend, and she can show this side of her to him, or at least that is her interpretation of friendship. 

“....Can you feed me?” Luna shyly asks. 

Despite feeling too tired to move, she still wanted to taste it. 

“...Sure,” Alum says as he breaks off a small piece that would be easy to chew. 

And as he feeds her, Luna feels her heart pounding. It was fast and heavy, yet… she felt relaxed. 

“...By the way… aren’t you supposed to be with the other wanderers?” Luna asks. 

“I… well, I did speak to some of them earlier this noon, but… they need some time alone.” 

“I see….” Luna says as her drowsiness gets overbearing. 

Alum notices this and takes the coat that he hung on the railing to cover her. 

…Feeling fuzzy in her chest, Luna grabs onto his coat and lies down on his lap. 

“....You don’t mind, right…?” She asks. 

“I don’t mind….” Alum says gently. 

He then breaks off another bite-size Shima and feeds it to her. 

“...It's sweet…..” Luna says as her consciousness drifts away. 

“Hey… Luna, it’s evening, but… are you sure you don— …she’s asleep…..” Alum chuckles. 

(It’s strange… I don’t know her that well, but… I feel relaxed around her and even let my guard down…. Is she the same….?) 

— :::: — 

Later, while carrying Luna in his arms, he walks in the empty corridors, and at first, he wants to put her into her own room. 


He didn’t know where that was. Hence, his room was the only alternative. Why? Because if people found them like this, who knows what might happen. 

And, of course, Alum isn’t the luckiest guy. In front of him was her uncle Rigeld….

They awkwardly stand there, and as Rigeld inspects Alum and Luna, who Alum is carrying, he faintly smiles. 

“....Don’t cause an incident,” Rigeld says as he grins. 

“...A what…?” Alum asks. 

“No, it’s just this old-timers joke,” he replies. 

“....You aren’t going to say anything about this situation?” Alum asks. 

“Not really,” Rigeld says nonchalantly. 

He then looks at the sleeping Luna. She seems at peace and breathes softly as she gently clings to Alum’s shit. 

“I don’t know what happened between you, but… despite her allies guarding her, Luna has never slept on a mission. And from the looks of it, she trusts you more and even allows herself to fall asleep in front of you.” 

“....Huh?” Alum’s eyes were filled with surprise. 

“Anyways, I heard she left paperwork for me, so… take good care of her.” 

Rigeld smiles at him and walks away… Alum isn’t sure how to react and starts to walk himself. 

(....Wait, I should’ve asked where her room was…..) 

And after a short while of walking taking a path he rarely sees people use (from his short observation time), he arrives at his room.  

Opening the door and putting her down on his bed, he sighs. 

(“Take good care of her.” …Huh….?) 

Alum glances at the innocent-looking girl sleeping in his bed and chuckles a little as he wraps the blanket around her. 

He himself yawns as he falls asleep beside the bed.

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