The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: A Night Where The Moon Doesn’t Shine

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In the dimly lit study, Alum and Luna sat beside each other, reading a book each. Alum was reading the book he received from Luna while she read a storybook. As time passes in silence, the two of them have gotten used to each other's company. Luna was leaning back on Alum’s shoulder, flipping page after page. Alum, in the meanwhile, was reading and re-reading, trying to grasp all the concepts better. Mana is spread evenly throughout the body, and imagination plays a big part in completing a spell. Magic could also be cast silently without saying the chant, as long as it was done with a proper image.

Luna also wrote in the book that magic could shape whatever the wielder wanted it to as long as they had imagination and control over mana flow. She also stated that for that exact reason, everyone learns how to cast basic magic and develop it themselves. The well-known spells they used today were passed down over generations as essential magic spells. These spells are considered lifestyle magic and healing magic. Lifestyle magic was originally offense magic fine-tuned for daily use. The only offensive magic that they teach is the basics of elemental magic. The individual would then learn how to develop it from there. But in the military, it was different. Here they taught offensive magic from many different ranges; the individual didn’t have to develop it but focused on learning it. Of course, some of these spells leak into the public. But since the anti-magic barrier destroys unauthorized magic in the city, it was meaningless using it. 

Of course, outside the city didn’t matter if one knew offensive spells or not. There roamed bandits and vile creatures—beasts of madness like the recently slain SS-ranked Dark Bon Selges. While Alum didn’t like sorting and doing the documents forced upon him by Rigeld. They were an excellent source of information. Alum had spent most of his time reading and gathering information while the others attended class. The others are also learning about this world and the city. Albeit they don’t get to pick what to be taught. Luna had told me a little about what the others did. They mainly learn combat and magic. But also culture and things that are essential to living in the capital. And well, maybe that is something Alum should learn too. 

Quite some time had passed since he entered the study, and he was feeling tired. During these past days, Alum hasn’t had much sleep. Thus he fell asleep with the book in his hands. Luna, who was leaning her back on him, noticed that he had fallen asleep and that she was also reaching her limit. She had been studying and recently returned from the monster outbreak in a village not too far from the capital. A cult initiated the attack, and her squad was responsible for shutting them down. They were quite the hassle and took longer than expected to eradicate. When they came back, her crew was immediately dispatched again. Although this time without her. She had to stay and be in charge of the recruits and wanderers. It was a stressful and busy life; she even considered taking a vacation but can’t as of now. At least it’s not spending time in the wilderness and constantly having to be alert. 

Luna put her’s and Alum’s books on the table and turned off the lamps. Then looked over at Alum. He was sleeping soundly and fully let his guard down. Luna couldn’t help but chuckle. To think that she would get along so well with him just made her happy. He had become someone she could call a friend. At first, Luna was skeptical when uncle Rigeld told her that Alum and she were similar. The only similarities they seemed to have was their way of keeping a distance from others. That's all Luna thought at first. Talking to him was enjoyable, and the silence wasn’t gloomy or awkward. People had always surrounded Luna. They admired and idolized her, so there was a distance between her and the others. She felt rather grateful to uncle Rigeld for being there when she needed to vent, but he was a busy man. Busier than he seemed, at least. (Maybe I can help with some paperwork as a thank you?) She thought. Luna now, too, had hit her limit. (... This much should be fine, right? We’re friends, after all.) She then fell asleep on Alum’s lap. 



It’s been a few hours since Alum left Rigelds office. Rigeld was curious if he had visited Luna’s study and decided to head there to ask, only to find the two soundly asleep in the moonlit room. Luna was soundly asleep on Alum’s lap, and Alum was sleeping in a sitting position. Rigeld was surprised to stumble upon this. Of course, who wouldn’t be? (Now I kind of feel bad,) thought Rigeld. Suppose the rumor about the Saint being in love with Alum is true. He would get mixed feelings. Saint Amethely is a lovely girl. But he doesn’t want to let this chance slip by. But deep down, Rigeld knows that Alum probably fell in love with the Saint at first sight based on their first interaction. Would it have been different if he had gotten to know Luna before meeting the Saint? Rigeld pondered. He then looked at Luna. (Or maybe Luna doesn't have that kind of affection towards Al.) Which, of course, would be a disappointment in his opinion. 



The following morning Alum woke up to the sound of flipped pages. Luna was reading a book while resting her head on his lap. Alum wasn’t actually surprised. He knew that Luna lacked any kind of skinship and that she had gotten more comfortable around him. The same could be said about him too. He was always alone as a child and sought affection only to find none. His aunt was always busy and couldn't afford to spend time with him. His parents had been murdered right in front of him as a child. A thief had broken into their home, thinking no one was at home. He could remember it all vividly. It was in the middle of the night when everyone had gone to sleep. Alum could hear sounds from the living room. He was very young and usually had no difficulty falling asleep. But this time, it was different. Since Alum also needed to use the bathroom. He could also use that as an excuse if his parents found him out. 

He went down the stairs to the living room, where the noises came, only to find his parents lying on the floor in a puddle of blood. The moon, which usually lit up their beautiful living room, was nowhere to be seen, and it had been hidden behind all the dark clouds. Alum looked up and saw a figure staring at him. He could even hear the dripping of blood running down the blade to the floor. His breathing got heavy, and his body was shaking. He looked at the figure getting closer and started to hyperventilate even more. Alum, that had clenched his hands to the chest and fallen on the floor looked up at the figure. “Shit, they had a kid?” The voice belonged to a man. He looked over at Alum, who was lying on the floor and struggling to breathe. “Good, you don’t cry. I know. I'll let you live if you tell me where the valuable things are, okay?” Alum, who was struggling, couldn’t understand the whole situation. But he knew he was dead if he didn’t help the man. 

He used all the will he could muster to hold his breath. The man watched Alum in amusement. “Oh? Smart kid, eh?” He said while playing with the blade he had been holding. Alum hated it. Receiving his first compliment from the very same person who just murdered his parents. He had never once been praised by his parents or private tutor. So why is this bastard the first one, he thought? 

Alum, who now had stopped hyperventilating, got back on his feet, he was still shaking from fear, but his will to live was stronger. He looked over at his dead parent's bodies, and tears started to flow. Even though they never once said they loved him nor praised him for anything, he still loved them and wanted their affection, so he tried his best. He had known they weren’t a typical family and that he was very unlike the other children his age. But what this man did was unforgivable. He wiped his tears away and looked at the vile murderer. “Good, good, I like those eyes.” He said to Alum. He knew Alum was helpless and had no choice but to abide by all his commands. He told the murderer everything he wanted to know. And before he left, he said. “If I hear any sirens coming this way before it's been 30 minutes of me leaving, I will come back and kill you.) Alum could only nod. Defeated and helpless, he watched him leave. 

Luna, who was lying on Alum’s lap, felt a wet sensation on her cheek and saw Alum in tears. She panicked. “Hey Al, what’s wrong!? Did it feel that uncomfortable? If so, I’ll stop.” Alum just shocked his head. Luna, unsure what to do, got up and hugged him. She didn’t understand what was going on, but she too teared up and cried alongside him.

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