The Science and Magic of A Reincarnated Genius 2

Chapter 21: Facing floor 99: The fallen one

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Rae's POV

When I flew to the next balcony, I was met with what I can only describe as an eternal all consuming darkness. It was quite similar to the abyss. One could even think that they are one and the same. 

As I slowly descended into the darkness I could feel a sinister aura emanating from within it. I invoked a simple light spell to Illuminate my surroundings so that I could see all that was around me. Now that I am thinking of it that was quite a stupid move. I was literally announcing my position to the enemy who lay hiding and waiting within that eternal darkness.

The flicker of light that I produced was completely engulfed by the thick black darkness. I could not pierce an inch through that overwhelming abyss. It was as if I was in a thick black fog. 

How was I supposed to face this Valkyrie now?

From the darkness, she emerged emanating a very domineering aura. This Valkyrie was unlike the others, She wore a dark black amour with shades of dark purple and red. Her wings were as dark as night, unlike the other ones who had brilliantly white angelic wings...

"I smell a mouse lurking around this Tiger's den."

"A mouse?" 

Is she talking about me? Quite the condescending tone she has.

"I found you little mouse."

"Little mouse!!"

"This little mouse dares to squeal in the presence of a tiger?"

"...Wow your condescending attitude is beyond compare."


"Yes condescending"

"You are quite the brave little mouse to dare and talk to me Brynhild the second strongest of all the Valkyries in such a manner."

"Stop referring to me as a mouse and let us get this over with."

"Get what over with? ...I see that you need to be put in your place little mouse. I cannot fathom in what world a mouse would provoke a tiger like this. I am still questioning if you are brave or stupid."

 "You are quite the character aren't you?"

"...I see now, is this protection placed upon your string of fate the source of your confidence"

What was that? I couldn't even see her move. She was only a few metres away and in less than milliseconds was now hovering above my head. Is that speed even achievable by living matter? I mean Olrun's speed already looked to be an impossible feat and yet she just achieved and surpassed it like it was nothing.

Wait did she say protection of my string of fate? What does that mean?

"I will now shutter your protection using my beloved Tyrfing and see how you fair on without the hand of fate at your side."

That is a very ominous-looking sword.

...As soon as she unsheathed and swung her sword I felt like I was sort of naked and relieved of something. But how could that be I have been and was still wearing the armour that came with this body.

"Have you destroyed this so-called protection?"

"...You will soon find out."

"Are we going to fight now?"

"I fight you? Don't kid yourself. How can a mouse challenge a tiger? You currently aren't strong enough to face me."

"I see, your condescending attitude is your outstanding trait."

"Hmph... Ready yourself for my shadow creations are not going to be forgiving."

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After she said that she disappeared into the thick darkness and out of it came four shadowy figures.

"So are you the ones that am supposed to face?"

They just kept quiet. From nowhere the silhouette of one of them who looked to be holding a spear attacked me. That attack was a little robotic but was sort of familiar. It almost felt like one of Olrun's attacks. While the speed didn't match Olrun's at all it still had that fatal potency that Olrun's Had. I am lucky that I could see and dodge... 

 Another attack from the rear by a silhouette carrying a halberd. That attack too had similarities to Gondul's Attacks...

"I see what is going on here.

These shadows are copy cuts of the four elemental valkyries...

That is not good the darkness is growing and my line of sight is starting to fade." 

As my previous light spell has proved to have no effect in this overwhelming darkness I need another way to fight...

The shadows are getting stronger and faster, It is like they are getting a power boost, almost like the encroaching darkness is strengthening them somehow. Maybe it is. The best way out of this that I could think of is to create another laser beam that can pierce through the darkness but I am a little bit afraid of using it. I might end up losing my eyes again...

It has now become insanely hard to dodge or attack the shadows. They are extremely fast and I can barely perceive them. I have tried using mana sight to see them but it is quite difficult to differentiate them from the eternal darkness. The amount of damage am receiving is growing more by the second. For now, I am lucky that I can at least predict their simplistic movements though I don't know for how long I will be able to keep this up. It looks like once again Liza will have to rescue me.

"Liza, can you please active thought acceleration?"


"Liza? Liza! Lizaa!!!"

She is not answering. This is quite odd. In all my time in this world never has liza not answered my call, the only time Liza hasn't answered in any way was when I was stuck in the past. Is there anything wrong with my connection with her? Well, there was some lag during my fight with gondal so maybe now that she is this so-called voice of the world she is occupied with other people. 

Looks like I will have to survive this all on my own today.

So how am I going to defeat them? I mean right now they are overwhelming me with their speed. And each of the attacks seem to have a lasting effect I had not noticed. Almost similar to the elements of the original.

Maybe if I counter them with the elemental valkyries' weakness I might defeat them? Here comes the Frost shadow, let me try to use fire on it and see if it will work...

Nothing is happening, the light of the flames only seems to repel it slightly but other than that nothing is happening. The flames have now been completely engulfed by the darkness. I don't know what to do now maybe if...

What is happening, the darkness is slowly thinning and the shadows are seen to be losing their shapes, it's as if they are being drained of the life force or magic or whatever is making them move. 

"Wow, that is some powerful light!!" 

Has Liza come to save me again? My eyes are still hurting from the sudden surge of white blinding light but from the little information I am getting with my blurry vision I can tell that the shadows have all been vanquished 

"You have got to be kidding me, I thought I had slashed away your protection?... "

A voice was heard from below within the darkness.

"Do you still have some sort of control of your string of fate? If you have I guess I have to finish you all on my own then, with Tyrfing of course."

As the intensity of the lights reduced and my eyes slowly come to focus, I was met with the face of Brynhild which was approximately fifteen centimetres from mine. Her black gorgeous wings were flapping vigorously same to mine and her sword unsheathed ready to end me. As I stared straight into her eyes I could see the conviction she had. She was truly prepared to kill me. My eyes just stared straight at her's and from within me, a voice said This is it, the end of Gene or Ray or Rae. As she had said before the sword she is wielding has the power to obliterate anything it slashed. Am assuming it will wipe me out of existence body, soul and all.

As she swung her sword with the intention of ending my life, everything started to move slower and slower as if time itself was slowing down. In that moment and instance, I did not feel fear or worry that I was going to die, in fact, I felt regret and a little bit of relief. I regretted the fact that I never said goodbye to my Dad, Mom and sister from earth, I regretted the fact that I could never save my mom and Merle from this world. The fact that I could not see the revolution magic would undergo in this world and the fact that I would never get to see my clan ever again including Master Trina but although I regretted all of that I felt relieved that I was never going to carry the burden of the saviour, I did not see myself in that light. 

How could I have?

I have never been a saviour to anyone? In both my lives whenever I try to do something heroic it is almost always guaranteed that destruction is the result, like how I tried to help my dad and ended up killing him or how I tried to create a gate to another dimension to add onto our finite resources but only to end up killing myself, or when I tried to protect the clan with the duel and lost Merle, Mom and Master Trina with that duel. I am relieved that my destiny is not to save this world for if that is my destiny then this world is doomed to be destroyed.

As I made peace with myself and readied myself for what came next, The slash missed me by mere millimetres 

How was that possible, Brynhild was literally centimetres away. That swing should have and would definitely kill me. Then I saw her, It was the spider lady. Where did she come from and what is with that dark string coming from her?

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