The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 18: Chapter 17

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"How are you capable of creating such a powerful illusion?!"


"Years of training; nothing special... "


Said Nolin coldly, then walked back to his bed and sat down.


"I hope this time will not be the same as it was back there..."


Added Nolin then closed his eyes and once again generated a greenish aura around him, but this time, it was calm and stable. As he was sitting and concentrating, his bones cracked once again, and then Nolin opened his eyes and sighed.


"At least I am one step closer to my goal...With this, I will be able to leave bed immediately... Although using magic to keep my bones in place is a bit of a risky move, I have no choice. Fusing my bones with my magical power usually takes time, but now that they are damaged, it is easier to do them, AND they will heal faster... it is a win-win situation, though it will hurt more. But that is a price I am willing to pay."


Thought Nolin while he slowly stood up and walked back to the window and looked at the buildings around the hospital.


"It seems another Distortion has just occurred... well, not that I care; it is not within my area, and I am no hero by any means."


Mumbled Nolin.


"What exactly are you planning to do if what you said previously is real? Also... Shouldn't I be safe since I am not from here?"


"Oh, I haven't told you everything yet, and I will not tell you for quite some time... Not until you are strong enough and will be able to handle the information."


"What do you mean by strong enough? I believe I am plenty strong already!"


"What I mean is very simple... WHEN you can defeat my current self in a mere second, only THEN will you be considered strong enough."




"I am nowhere near my full power; also, as I have noticed, every word has its own "magic system" they use to categorize people. Tier one... that is my current level. And tier ten was the highest level one has ever achieved... The magic here is so primitive that I want to puke when someone declares themselves as a tier two magician yet can't even hurt me. The difference between the two tiers should be substantial... But as..."


Explained Nolin but was interrupted because the door of the room suddenly opened, and Izak stepped in, holding a brand new shiny wooden cane and a few sheets of paper along with a pen. Izak was slightly surprised that Nolin was standing by the window, but after shaking his head, he walked over to him and gave him the cane.




Stated Nolin, then sat down back on the bed.


"So... before you sign the papers, I would like to ask some preliminary questions, if that is alright with you..."


"Sure, go ahead."


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"First of all, would you like to choose students, or should we assign them to you?"


"I have no time and desire to focus on such meaningless decisions. If they are not qualified, I will send them away."


"Quite hard, but I can understand. Now for the next one... Will you need any sort of special equipment, tools or help? Or a place where you can test your students?"


"I need nothing other than an area, like a football field."


"A football field? How come?"


"We will most likely make some mess, and if it is only a field, it is easier and cheaper to have it repaired than, then, let's say, a building."


"A-alright, I will see what I can arrange...  Lastly, do you have any sort of special request?"


"One, and that is very important. "Aptitude is not always the best aspect to have. Having devotion, strong will and endurance is the key to success" Remember this phrase when you send students."


"I-I see... interesting. Alright, here is the contract; please read it."


Said Izak and was about to give a single piece of paper to Nolin, but Nolin didn't grab the piece of paper.


"Strange; previously, you said 2500 for a day; now it says 3500."


"Yes... It is due to your recent performance..."


"Hm... I see, alright."


Said Nolin and signed the contract. And after a short pause, he stood up.


"Alright, now then. I have to go home, then have to go to work since I skipped yesterday..."


"Don't worry; we have already arranged that matter."


"What are you talking about?"


"You can work from home, we will arrange for someone to deliver the wands to you, and after you have repaired them, they will be delivered to their owners. We have bought that shop and integrated it into SAFUS. It means a higher salary, but you will have more wands to repair, most likely. Of course, your salary for repairing and teaching is separately calculated."


Said Izak, whit a very slight but still noticeable smile on his face.


"I have a bad feeling about this, but alright."


"Nolin... If you are sure about leaving the hospital, then I will call your driver to pick you up and drive you home."


"Alright, let's go!"

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