The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 19: Chapter 18

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Nolin Poty and Izak left the hospital, and not far from the entrance, they noticed a man leaning to the side of the building. The man was wearing a red shirt, along with a white tie and red shorts. The man had short black hair and was wearing sunglasses. The moment he noticed Nolin, he instantly lowered his glasses, showing his amber eyes.


"Yo, boss!"


Shouted the man and walked closer to Nolin, who then looked at him with judging eyes and, after processing the man's clothes, stared into his eyes.


"Look, I am a driver, not a stylist. I don't really care about that shit. I wear what is comfortable or at the top of my wardrobe!"


Said the driver while he shook Nolin's hand.


"He might not have the greatest style when it comes to dressing, but I can assure you, Nolin; he is a great driver."




"Now... I, unfortunately, have to go, I still have quite a large pile of papers I have to fill in and read today, but if you need help, Peter, your diver, will most likely help you, and of course, you can always call me!"


Said Izak, and quickly walked away and called someone on his phone. Poty looked at Nolin, and then the two of them nodded and left.


"So boss, where are you going; oh, and almost forgot, I was told to give you this... I presume you lost your previous one, or it might be a benefit; I don't know and not really care to be honest."


Commented Peter and gave Nolin a phone, then the two of them walked over to the parking lot, located not far from the entrance. The parking lot was stuffed with cars, but they didn't need to walk for long; Peter walked over to a green sports car and opened the door for Nolin, and he got in.


"Please take me to my new house; I want to see how it looks."


Said Nolin with a cold tone, and the driver nodded and started the engine. After the car left the parking lot, Nolin sighed.


"So I guess we both know..."


"Yeah... I didn't expect to meet someone who has been in another world... But I have to admit; you seem to be quite different. I was not exactly a fighter..."


"But in this primitive world, even if you were not a fighter, you could easily be considered a powerful person. Why did you choose to be a driver instead."


"We all have reasons. Why did you join the SAFU? Why don't you start your own organization and do something else?"


"I didn't expect you to point a gun straight to my head like this... To tell you the truth, although I am a fighter, I too have goals, and what would I do if I became some sort of big guy? I always wanted to lay low for as long as possible... but it never worked for me before..."


"Look, boss, if you want to lay low, why don't you just quit and live a happy, normal life?"


"Because due to recent events, I will not be able to do that. A non-official declaration of war has already been issued...I suggest you start training... I am only telling you this because I am sure you also have some unique knowledge."


"I was more of a producer rather... I do have quite a few things up my sleeves... I have a family, and I promised them I would not be a fighter. I don't want to lose them."


"Family...Friends... You must have a pleasant life... that is the reason you chose to create... I, on the other hand... I have faced hell... I have been tortured, betrayed, and abandoned by my friends and family... That is the reason  I became who I am today..."


"Boss... we have arrived..."


Ended the conversation with Peter, and he quickly got out of the car, walked over to Nolin's side and opened the door for him. The hose they stopped next to was quite large. It was two-story high and looked like a larger cuboid. It had nothing special to its name other than its size. The building was plain white and had a smaller pool not far from its side, along with a slight area to sunbathe.

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"It might not look impressive, but I think it does what it is meant for."


"Never said it was bad."


"Wanna go in, or are you going to be standing there the whole time, boss?"


"I was just lost in thoughts... Go to my original home. There you will find a girl. I want you to bring her here; tell her that I asked her to come... I have things to discuss with her, but I want to explore my new home first."


"Right, boss... Also, I believe everyone's numbers have already been saved on your phone, so if you need me, just call me!"


"Will do."


Replied Nolin, then walked closer to the house. It had a larger fence around it with a larger and smaller gate. Nolin slowly walked over to the gate. On the side, there were a speaker and a few buttons. Nolin was about to look at the buttons, but the gate suddenly opened before him, so he walked in.


"Quite nice..."


Mumbled Nolin as he walked forth. When he got to the door of the house, he was about to open it, but instead, a butler opened it before him. The butler was a middle-aged man with short, well-attended brown hair, and as Nolin looked at the man, he could see that the man had similar green eyes as he did.


"Ah, good day, young master! I will be your personal butler; I hope you will have a wonderful time living here."


"To be honest, I like what I am seeing so far; and I haven't even been inside."


"Lovely, please do come inside."


Said the butler and stepped away from the door. Nolin walked in and found himself in a spacious lobby. Not far from the door, there was a door on each side of the lobby, and further ahead, there were two larger doorframes without doors.


"Young master, what would you like to do today, and what should I prepare for you as a meal? Oh, how rude of me; please forgive me; my name is Garion."


"Nice to meet you."


"The pleasure is all mine..."


Said the butler and slightly bowed.


"I don't know... I am not a picky eater... as for my plans, I don't know... First, I would like to explore the house first, then decide what to do."


"I see; would you like me to give you a quick tour around the house?"


"No thanks, It will be more fun to explore it alone."


"Very well."


Replied the butler, and Nolin opened the door on his left.


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