The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 20: Chapter 19

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During the next couple of minutes, Nolin explored the house. On the ground level, he found a bathroom, two bedrooms, a study, a kitchen, a dining room, and a living room. And on the First floor, he found another bathroom, two empty rooms, and four bedrooms. After Nolin was finished with his venture, he walked back to his office. His office seemed quite empty, as it only had a table, a lamp and a wand with a message on it, and two chairs by the table; and next to the door, there was a simple cabinet.


"It is quite great from the inside as well..."


Said Nolin and heard a sudden, faint toot. Nolin sighed, then left the room, walked over to the entrance of his new home, and opened the door. He could see Kaisa and Peeter as they were walking towards the building, and the gate behind them was about to close.


"Boss, I brought her here! Anything else?"


"No thanks, you can rest for the day; I will call you if I need anything!"


"Alright! See you later!"


Said Peter, waved then started walking towards the gate. As for Nolin, he didn't say anything, just looked at the girl and invitingly waved. Nolin entered the house and then to the study, and the girl followed him. Nolin sat down by the table and pointed at the other chair. The girl nodded and sat down.






"I want you to come up with a good and reasonable to tell my mother how you know me and why you are here. We will meet her tomorrow, worst case scenario, the day after tomorrow... Currently, I have no time for that."


"Oh... I see; I will do my best... Could you tell me where we are?"


"This is... hm... let's say my second home. However, you are forbidden to tell my mother about this place and about my powers."


"O...Erm... I understand..."


"Alright, now get familiar with the house and with the butler, Garion. Also, tomorrow, wake me up, or find me early in the morning."




Said the girl excitedly, then stood up and left the room, leaving Nolin alone.


"Now then... I just need to find some paper to finish my new spell... If I was paper, where would I be?"


Mumbled Nolin after he stood up and started looking around the room. After a few seconds, Nolin walked over to the cabinet and started looking in it. Much to his relief, it had quite a lot of it, along with a few pens. Nolin quickly grabbed a larger amount of paper and placed it on his table, then sat down and started drawing. While he was drawing, every once in a while, he tore the paper and threw it onto the ground, and started drawing on a new sheet of paper. As time went by, more and more paper was thrown onto the ground. Hours went by until Nolin finally finished drawing.



"Finally done... I should test it as soon as possible, and also I should clean the pieces of paper up from the ground... Well, before that, I think I will just take a quick nap...And then... I...will...con...tinue."


Said Nolin, and by the time he finished mumbling, he lowered his head and fell asleep, and he found himself in a strange dream. He was at the entrance of a medieval town. The houses he could see had mainly stone walls; even the roads were built from cobblestone. As he set foot in the settlement, he could see how lively the town was. Dozens of people were strolling on the streets. Some were only wearing some sort of fabric, but many were wearing armour and weapons on their sides or backs or even in their hands.


"This is one hell of a dream... this is by far the most realistic as far as I can remember..."


Thought Nolin and walked further in. He walked around the town, and after some time, he sat down by a relatively abandoned fountain.


"I have not seen anyone using magic... Strange, everyone seems to be focused on brute force, agility and precision...  It feels almost as if magic doesn't even exist in this dream. "


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Mumbled Nolin and leaned back a bit, and looked at the sky.


"Well... I can't complain; it is quite a normal and peaceful dream."


Added Nolin, and he closed his eyes but quickly opened them because he heard footsteps.


"Are you new in town?"


Asked a girl who was walking towards him. The girl was wearing rags. As she got closer to Nolin, he could see her face. The girl had long green hair and golden eyes and was seemingly no older than Nolin.


"Yes, you could say that; why?"


"You just seemed quite lost."


"Yeah, that might be true."


"Have you joined anyone yet?"


"That is quite a strange thing to ask, but no. I am single..."


"I see; that is a relief!"


"Erm.. why exactly?"


"W-would you like to join me?"


"Join you? I don't even know who you are and what I am supposed to do, and I don't know a thing about this town... also, why would I join you."


"Oh, right... Sorry... I got carried away. There are not many people who are independent."


Said the girl, and Nolin raised one of his eyebrows.


"I guess an introduction is due... I am a goddess, and I want you to join me! Unfortunately, my team is quite limited; I only have one member who was recently injured and is currently bedridden."


"I see... and back to your team member first. Why don't you just heal them with magic?"


"Unfortunately, gods are forbidden to use their divine powers without facing severe consequences. Also, magic is almost obsolete. Barely anyone can use it, and thus only the largest teams can afford to have mages."


"I see; well, in that case..."


Replied Nolin; however, suddenly, he woke up and found himself back in his office.


"The hell was up with that dream... It didn't feel like a dream at all. Anyway... I should go to bed."


Said Nolin, and after yawning, he stood up, grabbed his wand and left his study.

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