The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 21: Chapter 20

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The next morning, Nolin was sleeping soundly but was woken up by Kaisa, who brought a box with her into Nolin's room. As Nolin woke up, he rubbed his eyes and looked at the package.


Mumbled Nolin while he was still looking at the box. And after a long yawn, he opened the box. In it, he could see a sheet of paper, some kind of card, and in a smaller plastic bag, two wands. Nolin quickly read the message. Meanwhile, the girl quickly left the room.

"It seems Izak wants me to repair these wands as soon as possible... And this card will be my personal SAFU card... it says that I can use it as a debit card as well... isn't it a bit dangerous? Can't it be stolen if I have to show it? Well, I just have to be careful with it."

Said Nolin and stood up. He slightly moved around and stretched. Then undressed and tore off even the bandages he was covered with.

"I won't be needing these anymore."

Added Nolin and looked into the mirror on the other side of the room. His chest was slightly red but seemed fine.

"Yeah... It seems it worked. It is slightly visible, but at least It helps with my progress... As for my head... I think I will keep it..."

Said Nolin after he rubbed his chest, then walked over to the wardrobe and opened it. When all he could see were formal uniforms, although Nolin was not fond of the clothes, he grabbed the closest set and got dressed.

"Alright, let's go to school... At least I will have some free time to try out my new spell!"

Said Nolin, and a slight smile appeared on his face. But it soon faded, and he quickly grabbed his phone and wand, then left his room, then his house. In front of the gate, he met Peter.

"Hey, boss, do you need a ride to school?"

"No thanks, I love morning walks."

"Alright... Do call me if you need a lift, though!"

Said Peter as Nolin slowly walked away.

"Just what was that strange realistic dream... I had the exact same dream this morning...No... I have better things to do than think about a silly dream! I want to test my new spell no matter what, and while I am walking, I think it is plausible to be done!"

Thought Nolin, and his eyes started to glow with a green glow. And then he looked at his left hand, opened his fist and on his palm, a larger circle appeared, but part of it was covered by his shirt. Nolin then took a deep breath, and the circle started glowing just like his eyes; then he lowered his hand. It was still slightly dark, and the light generated by Nolin's eye and hand was noticeable; however, since the streets were relatively empty, he didn't care at all. He was focused and just walked autonomously. After minutes had gone by, he finally came to a halt.

"It is finally done... It works perfectly. This means I don't have to be that cautious from now on... I have successfully fused my whole body with my magical power..."

Said Nolin with a wide grin, and his eyes glowed even more prominent for a brief moment, then it died out.

"Although it doesn't mean I am healed... It is a relief that I have the ability to protect myself against stronger physical attacks... Originally I wanted to test a few things first... but after that monster's attack, I realised that strengthening myself is my top priority. And protection is never a bad thing to have."

Mumbled Nolin while he was still walking. Once he was at school, he sat down by his desk, leaned back, and just stared at the wall in front of him. As time went by, more and more of his classmates arrived. And suddenly, someone from behind gently touched his shoulder.

"Nolin... I have heard what happened to you, I don't know why you came here, but you still should be in bed! Also, yesterday I visited you just in case and to give you the things we have learned; but no one was at home."

Said the girl sitting behind Nolin. She had short brown hair and different-coloured eyes; her left eye was green, while the other was blue.

"There is one very important thing I have to tell you. We have a brand new teacher, and... Well, she is extremely strict... She is in charge of casting since the previous teacher was injured after he had his conflict with you."

Continued explaining the girl while still holding Nolin's shoulder, who slowly turned around.

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"Who was she? Well, I will have to avoid using her name as much as possible."

Thought Nolin and looked into the girl's eyes, and smiled slightly.

"Thanks for worrying... Although I was in an accident, I am feeling quite well."

"That WOULD be good to hear if you were telling the truth! Nolin, your head is still being fixated from your injury."

"I am telling the truth. Although my head still hurts a tiny bit, it is nothing much. And please don't worry about me..."

Said Nolin and then turned his back to the girl.

"Why is she suddenly worried about me? Were we this close previously? Well, it's a pity, I can't remember at all. Well, being kind is not that hard; I will try to be as friendly as I can be, even if she feels like a total stranger."

Thought Nolin and leaned onto his desk. The girl said something else as well, but Nolin couldn't really hear her. Minutes later, the teacher came in and was about to start the lesson.

"Students! It seems it seems you will have two extra classmates starting today; please come in."

Said the teacher, who had long black hair and a kind smile, along with yellow eyes. The moment Nolin heard the teacher's voice, he opened his eyes and slightly looked up to see her and the two incoming students. He didn't pay attention at all. All he registered was two extra girls.

"I will have to leave for a few minutes, unfortunately, but I will be right back while I am away; please introduce yourselves, and sit down somewhere!"

Instructed the teacher and left.

"Great... we got two new classmates... not that I really care... I will just ignore them as I do with almost anyone. I also need to continue getting stronger. And also I will have to teach those SAFU students as well... I hope nothing out of the ordinary will happen in the next few days, preferably weeks... But knowing my luck, that won't be possible. "

Daydreamed Nolin; however, he suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, and quickly brought his left hand to his side, stopping a kick from a girl. She had short dark amber hair and red eyes.

"Finally, you woke up. My friend here was trying to talk to you, but you didn't pay attention... I don't even know why she even wants her time on someone as worthless as you. And get your filthy hands off my leg, NOW!"

Declared the girl, yet Nolin didn't let go of her leg; instead, he looked into her eyes, then at the other girl.

"OH, Finits, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just transferred here, along with my friend here... Also, I have heard that you had an accident; I am happy to see that you are doing fine now!"

"Yeah... Thanks... As for you, new girl, should you try kicking me again, I will not be irate."

Said Nolin, then let go of the girl's leg and then leaned back onto his desk.

"Hey, we are not done yet! I will..."

Shouted the girl but then stopped as she realised that the whole class was staring at her; some were in excitement, some were in awe, and some were just curiously looking. However, their attention was quickly diverted as the teacher came back to the room.

"Alright, students, I have arranged a friendly training session between you and another class. Please go to the gymnasium, get changed and get ready... Everyone except: Finits, Unosika, Henid and Nolin. You four, please stay here. I have to talk to you about something. "

Stated the teacher, and after a short rumble, everyone left the classroom except the mentioned four students.

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