The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 22: Chapter 21

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"Now then, I have some very important information to share with you, so please listen up!!"


Said the teacher, but Nolin didn't care and didn't move. The teacher cleared her throat but had no response from Nolin. But then the girl who tried to kick Nolin previously stepped closer to Nolin and then, with all of her strength, kicked Nolin's head, cracking and then breaking the plaster on Nolin's head. Nolin seemingly was unphased by the kick; however, before the girl could move, Nolint stood up and smashed her face straight into his desk so hard that it shattered. The girl instantly fell to her knees and was coughing. His nose and mouth were bleeding, but Nolin calmly sat back down and completely ignored the girl on the ground and instead looked at the teacher. And Nolin could finally see what she looked like. She had yellow eyes along with her long black hair. And she was wearing a similar suit to Nolin's.


"Alright, what is it that you want."


Demanded Nolin and leaned back on his chair. The girl only looked at the girl on the ground and shook her head. And then suddenly, someone from behind gently tapped on Nolin's shoulders.


"I-I think you might have overdone it a bit..."


"I think she deserved it!"


Said Nolin and slightly looked behind over his shoulder, then looked back at the teacher.


"Now I will be closer to knowing her name... She is either Henid or Unosika... One in two, better odds than I had previously"


Presumed, Nolin then looked around the classroom and took a deep breath.


"Not; please calm down, everyone! I believe you all know what you should know, but don't know why everyone in this classroom is connected... let me first..."




Interrupted The teacher Nolin, and crossed his arms. The teacher cleared her throat once again, then continued.


"Alright. Everyone in this room is a member of SAFU."


"I don't believe it! How could someone like HIM be a member of SAFU?! I can't even feel his strength! He is even weaker than anyone from the class."


Shouted the kneeling girl, and then she stood up while still holding her nose with one of her hands and pointing at Nolin with her other.


"UNOSIKA! Don't be repulsive and disrespectful!"


"Disrespectful?! ME? He is being disrespectful for being here and being called a SAFU member!"


Shouted the Unosika and slammed Henid's desk with her fist.


"If he is truly a member, then why don't we have a match right here and right now?! You might be physically stronger than me, but..."


"Fine... I will show you just how weak you are! You are so short-sighted; I hope you will learn your lesson after this, or I might have to resort to drastic measures."


Said Nolin and stood up. He was surrounded by a blazing green aura, and his eyes were glowing as if they were burning with green flames. The girl stepped back, shook her head and raised her wand.


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"P-please stop fig..."


Said the teacher, but she was too late. Unosika was about to cast a spell; however, instead, a green light blasted her back. She quickly looked at Nolin, who was pointing his wand at her. The girl laughed and raised her hand, and she realised that her hand was seriously damaged; it was bleeding severely, as a portion of her skin was missing.


"I hope you learned your lesson!"


Said Nolin and sat down, then looked back at the teacher, who sighed.


"... What I wanted to tell you is that Nolin is the one HQ..."


Said the teacher, but she was too late, as Unosika quickly cast a large fireball and fired at Nolin, but suddenly the whole room was filled with a greenish light.


Meanwhile, at Izak's office, Izak was sitting by his desk and was writing something on a piece of paper. And another man was sitting in front of him.


"Sir, are you sure it was a wise decision to allow that third girl to join in?"


"You mean Finits; I am sure it will be fine; after all, her father is one of our most influential and powerful backers; also, we have Liz with them, it will be fine. She is very talented, and I am sure that she has great enough skills to persuade Nolin if something were to come up. Though I have to admit, I am kind of scared about Unosika's personality... but she was the one who begged me to allow her to be trained... she said she had to get better because she had some problems."


"I hope you are right, sir!"


Said the man sitting in front of Izak, and the two men almost simultaneously sighted then leaned back. However, a few seconds later, Izak's phone biped.


"Eh... more work, I presume... "


Izak quickly glanced at his phone, and after reading the message, he nearly dropped his phone.




Shouted Izak, and quickly phoned someone.


"What do you mean they vanished? There is no way in hell I would believe that! It must be a mistake! Never have I ever heard such a ridiculous thing! Impossible... What do you mean by that? Send me a fucking picture NOW!!"


Yelled Izak and hung the phone up, and moments later, he was sent a picture. It depicted a building with a portion of its side missing completely. As if it was cleanly cut out.


"Sir, what happened?"


"T-they... Vanished without a trace... along with the room. The data is showing a Category Two, but instead, a whole FUCKING room turned into thin air, without any kind of damage whatsoever!"


"Sir, I don't see the problem here..."


"The problem is that Nolin and four of our members went missing along with the room! We have no way of knowing how to bring them back or even whether they are alive or not! They could have just simply disintegrated, and that's all."

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