The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 23: Chapter 22

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The moment Unosika cast her spell, the whole room was lighted up by a green light, which diminished within moments. Everyone in the room, except Nolin, fell to their knees.


"What is going on?!"


Shouted Unosika angrily while trying to look at Nolin, who was just idly standing.


"I didn't expect things to escalate this quickly... it seems the other side or sides are very impatient!"


"What are you talking about?!"


Screamed Unosika, and in the next moment, the whole room started cracking and crumbling.






Shouted Nolin, and he quickly pointed his wand forth and dashed forward. Moments later, a sudden purple wave of energy shattered the whole room and blasted everyone back. Nolin slid back but remained standing. Nolin and his team found themselves in an unknown land, in a snowy tundra. It was heavily snowing and was so cold that Nolin's breath was visible. And before Nolin stood three men in heavy, full-plated armour. Their armour was coloured black, and one of them was wearing a cloak on his back. All of them were equipped with a long sword, and the one with the cloak had a short sword as well, which he held in his hand and used to point at Nolin. The sword was covered with a purple aura.


"Deal with them!"


Declared the one with the one with the cloak and then proceeded to walk away.


"Eh... I had to be so fucking confident and coky previously... In a one-on-one, I might have a slight chance against them, but in this situation, especially since I have to look after those four... they might already be unconscious at this point... We are doomed"


Thought Nolin the moment the two men in black armour started walking towards him. One of them stopped mid-way while the other grabbed his two-handed sword and pointed it at Nolin, and then slashed with it, unleashing a powerful wave of purple energy. Nolin quickly extended his hands and closed his eyes the moment the attack reached his hands. The attack was so powerful that Nolin was pushed back, and even his palms were damaged in the process. After finally managing to slow down, Nolin turned the purple wave of energy into a green sword. It was still made of energy and was slightly transparent.


"It seems we have someone with some strong... Despite being a tier one mage, I have to commend your level of power! But it will not change a single thing!"


"Heh... That I know!"


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"You are a brave one, it seems."


Declared the man in dark armour and slashed the air with his blade and creating another powerful wave of purple energy. Nolin quickly followed him and slashed the air, creating a much smaller green attack. The purple energy instantly overpowered the green one; and was about to hit Nolin, but he quickly drew his sword and blocked the purple attack. Although he was not directly hit by it, he was being pushed back.


"This is nuts... I can barely block his simple attacks... I have no other choice but to go for a close-quarter fight, but even then, he might easily overpower me. The gap is too big!"


Thought Nolin, as he was finally able to overpower the purple wave of energy and convert it into green. He quickly rushed towards the man in black armour, who was still standing in place. Moments after Nolin started running, the green energy he left behind turned into arrows made of green energy, and they darted at the knight. However, all of them were destroyed with a single slash from the armoured man, who also kicked off. The two of them clashed; Nolin's sword generated a pulse of green energy, and the knight's weapon created a burst of purple energy but was much stronger and larger than Nolin's; after the impact, Nolin was blasted backwards.


Without any hesitation, the man rushed after him, and before Nolin could hit the ground, the man grabbed his head and slammed him into the ground. Nolin coughed blood but instantly rolled back and jumped up; however, he was too slow to react, as the armoured man quickly drew his weapon and sliced Nolin's throat. Nolin instantly fell to his knees and grabbed his bleeding throat.


"A mildly amusing fight it was..."


Said the knight and walked away. As for Nolin, time seemed to slow down as he was struggling on his knees. He didn't know how long he was kneeling while bleeding, but suddenly he started hearing whispering noises.


"It seems the mighty have fallen!"


"Finally. I have been waiting for you; it has been too long!"


"Join us... Do not try to avoid the unavoidable! Join us, give up, and get rid of your pain!"


"Useless! It seems my teachings were wasted on you!"


"Just die already, you worthless piece of shit!"


Whispered the voices, and as Nolin heard them, his eyes filled with tears. Then he forcefully pushed himself up, fueled by rage. The moment he stood up while he was still holding his throat, a sudden burst of green aura erupted from him. The aura was so strong that Nolin was barely visible; it seemed like he was burning with green flames. However, before he was able to move forward, the knight appeared in front of him and thrust his sword through Nolin's chest. Nolin vomited blood, and his aura instantly vanished; then, the knight forcefully pulled his blade out of Nolin, then, with a devastating punch, hit Nolin. Nolin was blasted backwards. Once he hit the ground, although he was severely injured, he pushed himself and recreated a thin aura around him. The knight walked over to him as he was struggling to stand up.


"You are a tough one; I give you that. But you needn't suffer anymore!"


Said the knight, and with great power, he brought his weapon downwards, aiming to kill Nolin; but Nolin rolled to the side, evading the attack. However, the man's attack was so strong that the ground they were standing on cracked and then collapsed. The knight jumped back in time, but Nolin had no strength left and fell down.

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