The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 25: Chapter 24

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Nolin opened his eyes faintly, and he was in a large cave. He weakly looked around, but his vision was still limited, and he could barely move. He was floating in a pool of green substance. It was denser than water but was still watery. Around the chamber, there were torches burning with green fire, and in the centre of the pool, on a stone, a man was sitting and meditating, showing his back. The man was wearing black robes and a black hood.


"As it seems you have woken up... Fascinating... You regained consciousness in such a short span of time... Unfortunately, your injuries were so severe that I will have to keep you in this liquid until you are fully healed, which will be quite painful, but I am sure you will endure it. And, of course, it will be a valuable experiment on my part."


Said the hooded man without looking back. Nolin opened his mouth and tried to speak but was unable to produce any sound.


"As I said, you are seriously injured. You had your throat cut, you had your ribs and lungs utterly destroyed, and most of your bones were broken from your fall. It is a miracle that you are still alive. You can thank your strong bones for your survival."


Said the hooded man, then sat up and, suddenly, in a green mist, vanished.


"What the hell was this? Also... How am I still alive? Did this guy save me? This strange green liquid seems to be condensed and purified magic... It is quite pure, but it also has something else, but I don't know what it is... Also... I am getting... Quite sleepy... Tor some...reason..."


Thought Nolin, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep. And soon after that, the pool started producing bubbles around him, and Nolin started slowly sinking deeper and deeper into the pool until he was completely submerged in the substance.


Meanwhile, in an icy cold cave somewhere else, where the four girls were taken, the girls slowly regained their consciousness. They were in a large chamber with a hole in its roof. The girls had a thin purple string attached to their legs, which all came from a purple crystal in the centre of the chamber, and they were scattered around it.


"Fuck him!! This is all his fault! I am sure he teleported us here on purpose to be captured, and he left us behind because he is just a crowd fucker! I will be su... "

Shouted Unosika after the four of them woke up; however, suddenly, Liz rushed over to her and shamed her face with a quick and strong jab. Unosika lost her balance due to the sudden punch, but before she could fall, Liz grabbed her hair, pulled her closer to her, and kneeled into her face with great force, painting her knee red with Unosika's blood, then let go of her; thus Unosika fell to the ground. Her nose and mouth were bleeding.


"You dare to accuse him of that, you fucking bitch?! You are more at fault than him! It seems you learnt nothing in that fucking BASIC TRAINING! All you did this entire time was badmouth him without even thinking straight! Did he even hurt you once?!"


"H-he tricked us!"


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"You FUCKING moron! I will have you know that he was NOT the one who teleported us; in fact, he is the reason we are still alive. In contrast, you took your sweet time and were out cold! Although I had no strength to do anything, I saw what had transpired. He could have EASILY left us behind, but instead, he stayed and fought till the very end! I don't even know whether he is alive or dead... Think carefully about what you reply! I am not only your teacher but also your senior as a SAFU agent!"


Declared Liz, and she punched the crystal next to her with all her strength, causing her fist to start bleeding! Then she turned around and walked away, leaving the three shocked students, then sat down and took a deep breath.


"Tough, it is highly possible that he is still alive. That is the reason why we are still alive... While we were being dragged here, I heard one of the knights saying that we were kept as hostages... They want to draw Nolin's attention, but they will have to wait for quite some time. The state he was in the last time was very severe."


"If he is still alive, why is it that he is being looked for?! If he didn't escape, then..."


"He had his throat cut; he had his chest impaled... Then in the mids of battle, he fell into a cave, and the knight he was up against didn't follow him!"


Said Liz and glared back at Unosika.


"Now, if you were so kind as to shut up, I am going to try and try the only thing I have learned from him during the times I have seen him! Breathing and concentration!"


Added Liz with a cold tongue, then turned away and closed her eyes. Henid and Finits looked at each other, nodded and followed Liz's example. Unosika, on the other hand, only laughed, cleaned her face the stood up.


"This is ABSURD!! Breathing and concentrating are good for getting stronger. He must be a fucking idiot if he thinks that will work!"


Shouted Unosika and cleaned her nose once again.


"Teacher Izak tried it as well, and he said it works, but it takes effort! NOW SHUT UP!"


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