The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 26: Chapter 25

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Back at the school building, an army of well-dressed mages was investigating the missing part of the school, and another bunch of people were standing by around the building. Not far from the school stood Izak and an older man next to him. The man was wearing the same uniform as the others; the only difference was that he had a gold star on his shoulders. The man was very tall, much taller than Izak, and was very well built; he was stretching the fabric he was wearing to its very limit. He had very light blue eyes and short dark brown hair. On his face, he had a large scar coming from the right side of his chin all the way to his nose, then from there to his forehead. In one hand, he was holding some documents, and in his other hand, he had a red coloured wand with a light blue crystal at the end; he also had a lighted cigar in his mouth.

"So you are saying that they only vanished without a trace... Along with my daughter... Izak, I do hope you will be able to find them!"

"You needn't worry, sir, your daughter, Finits, is with a relatively powerful instructor; although he is nowhere as strong as you are, he is certainly capable!"

"I hope you are right, Izak... Well, so far, you have always been right! I just can't help it... As a father, I am worried about my daughter!"

"I can understand, sir! But with our current information and technology, we are unable to cause these special events on our own... these can only appear naturally! Even if we were able to create it artificially, How would we be able to know how it works exactly? Sir, you should head home... There is nothing we can do now, not even someone with your status!"

Said Izak; however, moments later, a sudden burst of purple energy erupted, and the whole school building collapsed, then started burning with purple flames. Many of the investigating agents were killed or injured in the process; however, moments later, a sudden wave of purple flame flew towards the tall man. The man let go of the documents and used his bare hands to stop the flames.

"Most excellent! It seems I won't have to hold back!"

Said a deep voice coming from the flames, and suddenly a man in black, plated armour with a black cape walked through the purple flames.

"And who might you be, stranger?!"

"Black... One of His Majesty's generals. And I am here to test your strength! Blain Inous! We already have your daughter as a hostage, so I hope your level of strength will be just as I hope it is. Since you fool mainly use magic with wands, I will give you a handicap, and I will also limit myself to using magic!"

Declared the armoured man and pointed his long sword at the man using only his right hand.

"Izak...go and inform everyone... This is not as simple as we have previously anticipated. It is not a threat to a city or area... It is a serious threat to the nation, maybe even to humanity!"

Said Blain and quickly pointed his wand at the armoured knight; however, he quickly slashed the air aiming at Izak unleashing a powerful wave of purple energy. Much to Izak's luck, Blain was fast enough and reacted in time by creating a shield of yellow energy, blocking the purple attack.


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Shouted Blain, and for a brief moment, a magic circle appeared in front of his wand, and then a powerful beam of yellow energy erupted from the tip of his wand. The knight quickly reacted and blocked the beam with his sword. Though he managed to avoid being hit directly, he was being pushed back. As he was being pushed back, he started laughing.


Shouted the knight, and he was wrapped around by a purple aura and stopped sliding, and instead slashed his sword, creating a very thin purple slash, which stopped the yellow energy, and when it reached Blain, blasted him backwards.

"Adios... Blain Inous... It was fun, but I have to go now. After all, I have to report the date I have collected to His Majesty! But don't worry, I have a special present prepared just for you!"

Declared the knight and thrust his blade into the ground with great force, causing a powerful blast of purple energy to surround him. The energy vanished within moments, along with the knight. Blain, on the other hand, stood up and dusted himself. He had a slight bleeding cut on his chest but seemed perfectly fine.

"Izak... We need to take drastic measures... This was a declaration of war."

"But, sir, you seemed to be in control of the situation. I am sure you could defeat him."

"Under certain circumstances, yes... but I am sure that both of us were hiding our strength... If we went all out, I am sure this area would have been utterly destroyed... and I might have lost my life in the fight."

Said Blain, and then looked at his wand. It had cracked all over, and the crystal at the tip was already shattered. Blain raised his wand and showed it to Izak.

"I believe this destruction is not something that should be taken lightly! This was a creation of the best craftsmen in the world, so I think my concern has solid ground. Now let's go back to HQ... we have a report to fill in, and we have a rescue mission to prepare."

"Yes sir... but are you sure you are alright?! You are bleeding."

"Yes... this is nothing but a scratch! Now let us go!"

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