The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 27: Chapter 26

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Many days later, Nolin finally woke up. Then he was in previously was now an empty hole in the ground, with a stone pillar in its centre. The hole was dozens of meters deep, and the bottom part of it was much wider than the upper part. Nolin was not far from the stone pillar, and once he woke up, he just stayed still and just stared at the roof of the cave.


"It seems that the experiment was a success, and you seem to have healed up quite nicely. Now then, onto step two... I believe you have noticed that although you are well-versed in magic, you are precisely weak. Even if you enhance your physical capabilities, you are still too weak, and you have to use some of your power on that. You need to train your body. So if you want to escape, you have to get strong enough to care your way up... The hole is not that deep; if I remember correctly, it is about 57 meters deep... Maybe a bit more."


Said someone from above, and Nolin quickly opened his mouth, but he was still unable to produce any kind of sound. So he sat up and looked at his clothes. He was still wearing his formal suit, although it was in a detrimental state, as it was mostly torn.


"I don't know, and I don't care WHO you are, but I will do WHATEVER I want! I take no orders from anyone! I will just simply jump out, and that's it."


Thought Nolin, and a smug smile appeared on his face. After about a minute of sitting idly, he stood up. As he inspected his body, he concluded that his injuries had been perfectly healed; however, he was still weak. As Nolin slightly moved around, he suddenly kneeled down and jumped up; the moment his feet left the ground, a green aura appeared around him,  his aura was consumed by the walls of the pit, and after about seven meters, he fell back, hitting the ground.


"This pit is quite the contraption! Maybe that guy wants to help me progress faster and also force me to get stronger physically... Without breaking these stone walls, I will not be able to escape unless I am able to exert more power than the array can absorb... Or... Could it be that he just wants to stall me and see me struggle and suffer? I am sure he did do something to that pool because I feel a bit different than usual..."


Thought Nolin and pushed himself up. Then continued his line of thoughts.


"It seems to exert and control my magical, magical powers is limited since every last drop of magical power is being drawn to the ground... It means it will be much easier for me to absorb it!"


Then Nolin stood up and walked over to the wall, and punched it gently.


"Yeah... not gonna happen. I would most likely break my hands if I tried, and I wouldn't be able to do any kind of damage... What about the centre stone? Eh... not. Even if I managed to climb up, the sides are too far, and if the array still extends over there, as well, I would fall to my death..."


Nolin sighed, then started walking around in circles. And after a few circles, he punched the wall harder than he did before. It did absolutely nothing to the wall.


"I guess I will have to start physical training... At least if I will not have to focus that much on my physical abilities in the future."


Meanwhile, back at the castle of the emperor, the ruler was sitting on his throne just like before, and in front of him kneeled Black.


"Your Majesty! I have tested one of the potential target's strengths, as you have requested! That man has great potential, should we turn him over to us. Should we train him properly, he could easily defeat any generals. But his current strength is quite lacking."


"Interesting... tell me more!"


"Yes! I was greatly holding back in order to only test him, but in the process, I injured him, even while using only magic against him. That world seems to be the weakest. Their techniques are vaguely weaker than anything we have ever seen, and also, they mainly rely on their technological items. If...I may voice my opinion. I believe, despite that person called Nolin being much weaker than him... from what I have heard from my soldier, he could be a more valuable asset to your army than that man!"


"No... I want to see him mature without much intervention! Also, I do hope you have found out about his location!"


"About that... we were able to track him down, but he is being protected...By the only being in this world that we can not convert. He is the last man in this world who still would not bend his knee before you. And we dare not invade his base, as he is..."


"That is enough... Monitor the area; I want to know when and how they will move next... I am sure he will help Nolin get stronger... fascinating news... The real reason I have called you here today is that the fourth world seems to have quite a powerful resistance."


Said the emperor, and a wide smile appeared on his face; then, he stood up and walked over to Black, who was looking at his feet as the ruler walked.


"Stand up, and we will depart...I have high hopes that the resistance is truly as big of a problem as it was described in the report."


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The knight followed the ruler's order and stood up, and then the monarch snapped his fingers, and a powerful purple aura was emitted from him, and in a split second, they were high up in the sky above a devastated, crumbling castle. Around the castle, there were thousands of corpses. All of them were wearing the same black, plated armour. Not far from the demolished entrance of the castle was a large pile of corpses, and on it sat four men. All the men were wearing silver, plated armour and had two swords on their backs. The moment they noticed Black and the monarch, they stood up. The emperor smiled and then, along with Black, landed on the ground.

"You ruthless bastard! Do you know how many innocent people you have killed?"


Shouted one of the men pointing his sword at Black.


"Deal with them!"


Said the ruler, and Black instantly kicked off and rushed at the closest man. And the monarch started walking towards them slowly. The men focused on Black, who already drew his blade and was about to slash them, but one of them easily blocked his blade, and others swiftly thrust his chest with their swords, and then one of them kicked him back. Seeing that, the ruler simply smiled, then snapped his fingers; and then Black turned into a purple mist.


"Hm... not bad..."


"So you are that so-called monarch, I presume. You have come here to face us! I regret to inform you that you will die here today! I am the hero who will save humanity!"


"Kid, it seems you are still wet behind your eras... Fairytales do not exist! This is the harsh, cruel reality! You should grow up first and then try to stand in my way."


"Kill him!"


Shouted the man standing who stopped Black's attack.




Said the emperor and while he was still walking forward started staring at the three men who rushed towards him. The moment the men reached him, they slashed him at the same time; however, upon hitting the emperor's body, they caused no damage, not even damaged his gown. The knights almost instantly fell down, and the ruler walked forward.


"W-what did you do to them?!"


"Nothing much; they were just too weak to harm me... But you, you might be promising!"


Said the ruler and crossed his arms. The knight started shaking, and before he could step forward, a purple hand condensed from energy appeared before him and hit him at an incredible speed, and once it hit him, the man was sent flying backwards. While he was flying, he vomited blood, and moments later, he flew across a town's wall, and then through many houses, and finally landed on the ground with his face down.




Said the man as he coughed blood and pushed himself up. His armour was mostly destroyed, and as he kneeled up, he quickly removed his helmet. He had short blonde hair and yellow eyes, and from his deformed helmet, he had gained a scar on his forehead. While the people living in the town rushed out to see what had happened, the man was finally able to stand up; however, he had no time to regain his composure, as he noticed a purple glow, and he quickly looked up. Above him, the emperor was floating, and he was smiling.


"You are still breathing; I must congratulate you. You are tougher than you look. For that, I will give your world some delay. Now sleep."


Said the ruler and pointed at the ground. Around the city, a magic circle appeared, and then the whole town vanished in a purple pillar of flames. As for the monarch, he smiled and then teleported back to his castle, into his throne room, right in front of his throne, and then sat down. In front of him kneeled Black, who seemed to be bleeding. He had purple blood and already had a large pool around him. The ruler coldly glared at him and then.


"Sire... I am sorry... I was careless... they were stronger than I anticipated."


"Black... You should be the strongest among my generals, yet you were trounced... I am disappointed. You must go back to square one and start training again."

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