The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 29: Chapter 28

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Nolin kept on doing his sets of pushups for hours; eventually, he collapsed from exhaustion and fell asleep. The next morning as he woke up, his hands were healed once again, but still, he had a muscle strain. He pushed himself up and walked over to the barrel of green liquid. Much to his surprise, it was full once again. However, he didn't think much; he simply leaned over to it and started slurping without using the mug. He almost drank half of the liquid, then cleaned his mouth and, with a smile on his face, sat down.


"I will not give up that easily... I will just have to combine the two!"


Thought Nolin, and he rubbed his wrist. Then he closed his eyes, and his usually thin green aura appeared around him, and then he started doing pushups. While he was doing pushups, his eyes were closed, and he was concentrating. And after about a minute, from the ground, tiny green particles started emerging and then slowly moved towards Nolin. And once they reached his aura, the particles were absorbed. Although he was doing pushups much slower, he was also absorbing magical power. He kept on going until he collapsed, and only then did Nolin take a break. He was panting heavily, and after a long break, he instantly continued doing pushups.


He continued this for the whole day, and when he woke up the next day, he started the day by drinking. Just like before, his barrel was filled once again. And then he sat down and closed his eyes, and started meditating for about an hour. While he was meditating, he once again created his usual green aura. After minutes of staying still and being focused, he jumped up, dashed over to the wall of the pit, and punched it with all of his might. The moment he launched his fist, it had a powerful green aura, but it was gradually being sucked away,y and by the time his hand reached the wall, it was already consumed entirely. Nolin hit the wall without any kind of magical enhancement; his knuckles were broken, and the skin was partially torn off. As Nolin slowly pulled his hand back, blood started dripping down from his hand, painting the ground red. At that moment, Nolin had a light grin on his smile. Although he did put everything into that one punch, the wall didn't seem damaged at all.


"This will be one hack of a challenge! I will have to come up with a better plan to enhance my progress!"


Thought Nolin, then he sat back down to meditate and absorb magical power from the surroundings. For the following three days, he was only meditating, sleeping and drinking; he let his muscles rest. Meanwhile, his injured fist gradually healed, in a day, his skin was completely healed, and three days was barely enough for his knuckles to heal. On the fourth day, the moment he woke up, he walked over to the centre of the pit, kneeled down and touched the ground not far from the pillar. Once he touched the ground, he closed his eyes and focused all of his power on his palm, which he used to touch the ground. Soon a tiny green circle appeared around his palm, and after a few seconds, another, but a bit bigger. As time went by, more and more concentric circles appeared, but the bigger the circle was, the longer it took to produce. And once he finished, the green circles on the ground faded, but they were still slightly noticeable.


"I am going to use the dese magical power down here as weight. With this, I will not only work out with my own weight, but it will also act as if the pit had a stronger gravitational force. I will gradually increase it every day... I have to escape as fast as possible!"


Thought Nolin, and he slowly pushed himself up; he was slightly struggling to stand up. He stumbled over to the barrel, lifted it up with difficulties, and then drank it in one go. At first, the liquid slopped everywhere, but he didn't care; a small puddle formed under him by the time he was finished drinking. He put the barrel back down and started working out once again. He was struggling to do pushups, and even after he started using his magical powers, he was still struggling, but he did not give up.

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