The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 38: Chapter 37

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Nolin smiled and once again closed his eyes and started meditating. But this time, no green aura appeared around him, instead, the surface of the blue water next to him started shaking and tiny waves appeared on it. Moments later in a thin stream the liquid started flowing upward from the pool, and towards Nolin. As it touched Nolin, some of it was absorbed by Nolin, but some remained and started forming a bubble around him. The process gradually got faster and faster, but Nolin was not able to absorb everything; causing the liquid around him to grow bigger and bigger.


After about twenty minutes the water around Nolin had grown considerably, and the level of the water in the poll dropped slightly. At that point, Nolin was pulling the liquid away at about four times greater than it was generated by the blue crystal, but it caused Nolin to struggle. The larger the excess water around Nolin grew, the slower he was able to absorb the liquid; but suddenly a powerful yellowish-green aura appeared around him, and the water around him was absorbed almost instantaneously. The new aura around Nolin stayed around him, and it looked like flames, and from that point on; the moment the liquid touched Nolin's aura, it turned evaporated. A few minutes later; Nolin's body was completely healed, not even scars were left behind. But most of his veins were swollen and were yellowish-green, just like his current flaming aura.


In about an hour Nolin managed to absorb the whole pool, and once he was finished he fell back and fell asleep, however, his aura was still burning around him. Nolin's body started to give cracking sounds, and after about a minute of cracking, suddenly, he opened his eyes; his eyes were coloured yellowish-green, just like his veins and aura, and he started smiling. He used his legs to stand up, and he slowly raised his body, but he was moving ponderously.


"Ha! Finally! I have gained enough power to control your body to some extent. Although I still have to get used to it, I will figure it out; thanks to your hard work I reached this level of control relatively quickly... But I have to admit, it would have been better if you were more careful... It was a pain in the ass to keep you alive all the time, and heal you!"


Said Nolin and he slowly walked over to the blue crystal.


"You must be tired... I can understand that you have had it rough for quite some time, and also you had to work twice as hard because I was leaching on you... Since we are connected, while you are sleeping I will help us reach the third tier, in your so-called magic system or whatever you call it!"


Continued his monologue Nolin and touched the blue crystal, and instantly, the crystal started glowing, and from Nolin's palm, a yellowish-green substance slowly covered the crystal, which then began to slowly shrink; once it was the size of a head the yellowish-green substance vanished, and Nolin let go of the crystal, which fell into the pool deep under it. Although its size drastically decreased, it still continued to produce that blue liquid at the same rate as before. 


"It will most likely use up most of my remaining power, but it will be beneficial for me as well in the long run!"


Added Nolin, and his aura drastically increased and was wildly moving around. Soon it lost its yellowish colour; after about five minute's Nolin's veins also lost their colour, and only his eyes remained yellowish-green.


"It was great fun! This should be sufficient... You might even be able to reach the fourth tier as well, but I don't really know how it works yet... Although I will be inactive for quite some time, I hope you will show me more of your world, Nolin! Let us have prosperous, perpetual cooperation and coexistence!"


Siad Nolin and his eyes finally lost their yellowish colour and were once again green. Then Nolin fell to the ground, and then he closed his eyes; moments later, he started snoring.

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Meanwhile back where Nolin previously defeated the four black knights. Two black knights were kneeling in front of Back.


"Sir! I regret to inform you, that we have lost Nolin!"


"It seems I underestimated him... Who would have thought that despite being so much weaker than me, he would be able to find and remove my tracking spell... He is quite tricky, but he is not good enough to play me for a fool! I do have an idea where he could be"




"To that damn immortal's cave! He must be hiding there. I am sure that some kind of valuables is hidden in there, and when he finds them and finally shows his face... We will not only kill him, but also retrieve the items, and present them to His Majesty!"


"You are just as brilliant as ever sir!"


"Now go and secure that location!"


Shouted Black and the knights before him quickly jumped up and rushed away. After the two soldiers left Black clenched his fists and kicked the ground.


"FUCK! That old bastard! He must have helped him somehow! It would be impossible for him to rid himself of my spell! I will definitely gut him, and that old bastard!"


Screamed Black and once again kicked the ground and a devastating purple blast erupted from him, which completely erased everything in a large area. After the energy emitted by Black decapitated; Black was standing in a deep crater, and everything around him was smoking, some parts of the crater were slightly molten.

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