The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 39: Chapter 38

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"Fuck... How long was I sleeping?! I feel refreshed, but my whole body hurts..."


Uttered Nolin and he slowly pushed himself up; he moved his head from one side to another a few times then shook it. It took him about a minute to fully wake up; after looked around in search of the blue crystal. Once he noticed that its size was drastically reduced and was in the slowly filling pool he sat back down. 


"Ugh... I can't seem to remember how the crystal shrunk down...All I know is that I have trained quite a lot because I can feel that my power has risen, but I am not yet able to reach the third tier... But now that I have accumulated this level of strength, I might be able to forge some kind of weapon... Well, first I still have to check what that black crystal is."


Declared Nolin and looked at the black crystal. After a few minutes of sitting idly and staring at the crystal, Nolin finally stood up and approached it. Nolin slowly extended his hand and touched the crystal with his middle finger and moments later with his palm. The crystal started glowing with a very dim silver colour and Nolin found himself floating in outer space. he could see thousands of stars all around him. He nervously looked up and down; left and right, back and forth.


"Don't tell me... This feeling must be true... Although this is just an illusion created by that piece of stone, it still has this much power to cause me to fall under its illusion spell... That piece of crystal seems to be a condensed part of space?! I only had this feeling when I was fighting against that self-proclaimed god back on that island in space..."


Suddenly a small silver object hit Nolin's head and he found himself back at the cave, on the floor meters away from the black crystal. He was trembling with excitement and smiling. He pushed himself up and walked over to the green crystal as he started laughing.


"Hah... A good priest learns until death! I thought I was an expert already... But, it seems, even this piece of stone could still teach me something new..."


Said Nolin after he stopped laughing and then while still grinning, he closed his right hand, and a green glow appeared in it, which soon formed into a hammer. Nolin took a deep breath, and hit the green crystal with all of his might, causing a blinding green light and a green energy wave to be emitted by the crystal. Nolin was punched back by the burst of energy, but instead of harming him he collected it and it remained around him. Now with a serious expression hit the stone once again. The same bright light and energy appeared but it had no effect on Nolin anymore, and instead, he started continuously hitting the crystal. After every hit, he gathered the released energy, further increasing the power of his next hit.


Nolin hammered that crystal for long minutes until the crystal suddenly cracked, and tiny fragments from the green crystal sprung everywhere. The tiny pieces had such force that as some hit Nolin, he was pushed back. Nolin was slightly stunned, but after shaking his head he proceeded to walk back, but he stopped for a brief moment and looked at the black crystal. The crystal's outline had a purple glow and was emitting a purplish light, within the dark area caused by the black crystal. Nolin stepped closer to it, and suddenly a powerful purple blast of energy slammed Nolin to the wall of the chamber.




Uttered Nolin and lost consciousness. The wall he hit had an imprint of him and he fell forward, hitting the ground with his face.


When Nolin finally opened his eyes. much to his surprise, he was laying on his back and he was not in a cave. instead, he was in a tent. He quickly jumped up and looked around and looked at his clothes.


"What the hell happened?!"

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Thought to himself Nolin as he noticed that he was wearing slightly damaged seemingly flexible green clothing. The dress was rough from the outside but was glowing as if it was some kind of crystal. Next to him, was a green sword forged from the same material as his outfit, and in the weapon's hilt, two crystals were inbuilt; a blue and a black crystal. As Nolin looked at his sword, he buried his head into his palms and screamed loudly.


"What the fuck! How is it possible?! How could I be this stupid?!"


Shouted Nolin and moments later he jumped up, grabbed his blade and looked into it. He noticed that he had long silver hair, reaching the bottom of his back. 


"How the hell could I be this stupid?! The reason I was able to so easily touch and use those crystals is that they are crystals from my past world... But it doesn't make any sense! How could they appear?! This is... This must be the work of that self-proclaimed god; since he had the power to bring me back to my original world, he should be able to place those three crystals here as well...This is an illusion to show me my past mistakes! I am back to who I once was... This illusion is so prominent that even my formal power is restored... I am a tier ten mage!"


Utered Nolin then sat back down and scratched his head.


"If...If I remember correctly, this is the time when the two opposing worlds clashed and I was asked to be the leader of the operation... But back at that time, I was careless and didn't care about anything, winning was the only thing I was focused on! Even if it is an illusion... I will correct my mistake from that day, even if this illusion lasts for only a short period of time, I will correct my mistake... Back at the time, this was the largest battle that have ever happened... 3.2 Billion against 3 Billion... Although we had more men... we still lost because of my reckless decision!"


Mumbled Nolin as he gripped his hands more and more. However, he was suddenly surprised as someone entered his tent. A woman wearing a green and light blue battle gown, wearing a green, plated helmet. 


"Teacher, is everything alright? I heard a scream. Did something happen?"


"No...Nothing... Just get ready for the battle!"


"Yes sir!"


Replied the woman, and she quickly left the tent. Nolin took a deep breath and stepped outside his tent. It was dawn.


"I had been forced to take three disciplines... Now they are acting as vice-captains in the army of this world... One of them is a regular human being just like me; the second one is a demon, and the third one is a vampire... Maybe I should take students again... That would help me deal with things easier... Maybe those four could be my first four... But then again, they are not as strong and accustomed... Or rather... They were not forced to learn how to use their magical powers properly..."

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