The System Abandoned by the Hero becomes a Demon System

Chapter 10: Volume 1*Chapter 9*

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I never knew that I would see the day I would be looking down and not from a counter. Those subordinates of mine did a better job than I could imagine.

Even all the data that I held followed after they hooked me up to a bigger monitor. The projector now displays on the screen and items from the shop will appear in the tubes.

I was one step closer to enacting my revenge on the world's first Hunter. Well, I still had a long way to go, but I felt like things were getting better.

The team was small and there were still people that needed to be recruited but I felt like I finally got somewhere.

Right now, I peered through my screen at the subordinates that gathered in the meeting room. Today we were gathered to talk about our plans for the future.

The one speaking as a representative today was Pen since he was the Intelligence Agent. 

He passed around folders prepared by himself last night, something I tasked him to do.

Lillian yawns, she's half asleep and it's only six o'clock in the morning, "what's this about? I'm so sleepy." She complains.

"The boss wanted to have a meeting with everyone this morning. We're here to talk about what we will be doing from now on. In the folders, there are tasks and future plans for everyone to focus on." Pen explains taking a seat.

"Can I ask a question?" Utan raises her hand.


E.C.S: [Go ahead.]


"What exactly is the goal here? Why are we gathered together and working for a System? No offense, Boss." Utan asked.

"Let's get something straight first. Since today I'm the representative, I'll be the one to talk for the boss. No one here has any say in what happens around here. Whatever the boss says, goes. We each signed a contract, as subordinates, we should shut the fuck up, and do as told," Pen states.

"Harsh, but not wrong. Once we all came here our lives were no longer ours. I'm alright with that, all of us are here for a reason. It doesn't matter what that reason is, all we can do is what the Boss tells us to do." Kyoto agrees.

The others had nothing to say about this. It was true that they each had their reasons for agreeing to follow a System, and no one wanted to miss out on the opportunity to be a part of something huge. 


E.C.S: [Proceed with the meeting, Pen.]


"Right. I want to talk about our future. Please open your folders and take a look at the first page." Pen orders.

The rustling of folders as they opened filled the room and Pen continued with the meeting. 

"The first page is about guild resources and hunter recruitment. For the Recruitment Department, your priority is to find someone that qualifies as a Guild Master. Our boss will not have just anyone, So Lillian put together three options to choose from, Lillian." Pen passes the torch.

Lillian stands and takes over for a bit, "Boss, can you show everyone the possible recruits?" She asked.

I pulled up a new screen to show everyone the possible Guild Master recruits.

"Let's start with our first recruit prospect; French Asato. She's an ex-hunter with a military background and high-level intelligence. Right now, her rank is at C, if molded and trained toward her potential she could become an S-Level Guild Master. Her leadership is at B-Rank and her combat is at A-Rank. If we're talking about a Guild Master who's not afraid to get her hands dirty, she'd be the choice to choose. Her loyalty to whoever she works for is guaranteed." Lillian finished.

"I feel like she's too good to be true. I like her already." Pen says.

"I agree, let's check out the others first before saying that, though," Kyoto says.

Lillian continues to the next recruit prospect, "next, we have Lex Benaius, a wealthy businessman. He's never hunted monsters before, but he studied a lot about them and he scored the highest in the exam for hunters. His rank is also C-Rank, but his potential as a Guild Master only reaches A-Rank. His leadership skill is S Rank and his combat skills are at F-Rank. Getting his hands dirty is also not a problem for him, but he branches out his loyalty." 

"It's true he would make a good choice since he used to be a businessman, but..." Pen trailed off.

"He doesn't qualify, even with those credentials, I'm afraid someone who branches his loyalty cannot work under our boss." Kyoto finished for Pen.

The others silently agree to this.

"Last, we have Agren Wolff. An office worker currently hiding his identity. When searching the boss's database we learned that Agren worked for a secret organization, though we're not sure with who. Honestly, there's not much information on him, but the reason he's a choice is that his potential as a Guild Master was also A-Rank. His skills are currently unknown and his sense of loyalty is also unknown."

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Pen leans back with a shake of his head, "there's no way I'd agree to choose him." He rejected.

"Same, he's too much of a liability. Everything about him screams dangerous." Kyoto says.

The other two also had something to say about this profile.

"Alright, so everyone here votes to try to recruit, Miss Asato?" Lillian asked.   

Everyone put in their votes for French Asato and they continued on to the next subject which was taken up by Kyoto.

"I'm here to explain how tasks will be given from now on. Boss has set up a new system for everyone and changed tasks to missions. After our computer engineer made some forced upgrades, Boss can now generate missions with a few limitations. Rewards are still based on contributions and the same will apply to hunters once hired. Missions are given to all the ranks involved. Each person will receive this device made by our mechanic, Mr. Rui. It's a Status watch that will show each of your levels, stats, and growth. Here." 

Utan stood and passed around a watch she had been working on since she got here.

"A projector screen will show in front of you, the watch will immediately identify you using the boss's profile data that was installed into the watch. Everyone will also receive their missions with these Status watches using a signal tower that will be built by our mechanic. For now, all it does is show your basic information. You will be able to spread your stats wherever you please, but be sure to focus only on what your jobs are. Next, I want to talk about what everyone here wants, more employees in each department." Kyoto paused when Lillian interrupted.

"About the tower, when will it be standing?" She asked.

Kyoto nodded over at Mr. Rui. He answers, "it shouldn't take me more than four days. For now, you'll have to come to the boss for any new missions."

"Employees will be hired as long as each department submits what kind of employee you are looking for to the Recruitment Department. Lillian will do her best and also hire more Recruitment Agents that will be able to handle your requests. Another thing boss wanted me to mention was the shop and inventory slots. This will be added to the watches once everyone here has reached level five. Also, Mr. Rui is still working on this feature. Right now it will be a greyed-out button until further notice. Access to the shop, if you do reach level five, will be through the boss, and items will be sent through the new pipes set up to lead to each department and building that has been built." Kyoto lowered the paper he was reading.



E.C.S: [Thank you for that, Kyoto.]



"My pleasure to be of help, Boss," Kyoto says and sits down.



E.C.S: [Everyone here has done a wonderful job. Each of you should have a reward sent to your bedrooms once you get there. I want to take the time to mention that the shop only generates items according to your jobs. I also have received a new skill that allows me to use a wide range of Alerts that you each will learn about from Kyoto. As for now, this meeting is over. Everyone is dismissed.]



Just like that, the meeting was over and everyone was leaving to go to their departments. Kyoto stayed behind to tell E.C.S. how his research for a low-grade potion was coming along.

The others split up into their stations or departments. Both Lillian and Pen worked in the Alliance Hall, while Utan and Mr. Rui worked at Center Base.  

Utan's main focus is to continue upgrading E.C.S and Mr. Rui had to focus on Status Watches and the Signal Tower that would not only be used for the watches.

Everyone will be busy today as well. 






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