The System Abandoned by the Hero becomes a Demon System

Chapter 11: Volume 1*Chapter 10*

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Gaven Alliance Headquarters


Not a well-known guild but they had their fair share of fans. The Guild Master of Gaven Alliance, Pete Lanchester, was a C Rank Tank but an A Rank Guild Master. 

Right now, he was searching for an old friend of his that disappeared days ago but there has been no success in finding them.

His assistant, Yi, had not been able to gather any intel on someone Pete held dear. 

"I'm sorry, Guild Master." Yi apologizes. 

Pete runs his fingers through his hair before letting out a sigh, "it's impossible for someone to just vanish into thin air." He says frustrated. 

There was a tap on the door before someone peeked in, "um Guild Master, there seems to be a problem." The woman says nervously.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Well, it's the Hero Alliance, they're here requesting to meet you." 

Pete sighs again, if it's those bastards then there's no reason to understand what happened to his friend. "Let them in." He ordered.

The woman stepped back, and the door was opened to reveal an older but handsome gentleman. This man was the start of everything, the S Rank and the very first Hunter, Lunen Frey.

"It's been a while, old pal." Lunen greets.

Pete glares, "why have you come here, Frey?" He asked his tone icy cold.

Lunen looks around before his gaze falls back onto him, "it hurts my feelings when an old friend treats me this coldly. "

Pete does his best not to blow a lid, "get to the point." He warns. 

Lunen stares at him for a bit before speaking, "alright, I'm here because our friend has gone missing, you see. I've been looking for him and I thought perhaps you might know where he went." 

It's as he thought, this had something to do with this bastard, "ex-friend. Our friendship died two years ago when you became, "that", God's Apostle." Pete scorns.

"You're still hating me because of that? Fine, I'm assuming that you have no clue where he is." Lunen says.

"The last time I saw Kyoto was when he was with you. If he's missing, then maybe you know why." Pete challenges.

Lunen doesn't answer, instead, his mana surrounds them making the air suffocating to the point that everyone was struggling to breathe. 

"Oh my, it seems I got a little angry. I couldn't help but feel hurt that my dear friend thinks I would harm Kyoto." Lunen says retracting his mana.

That bastard, he did it on purpose! One of the bodyguards leaned in towards Lunen and whispers something. Lunen nods before turning his attention back to him, "since it looks like I'm not wanted here I should be on my way. I hope we can meet again sometime." Lunen exits the office.

"Yi, search everything, find Kyoto now. If that bastard finds him I doubt Kyoto will live to see another day." Pete orders.

"Yes, Guild Master," Yi says rushing to do just that.

Kyoto, I hope you're okay, Pete thought.



Back at Central Base


"So, we're calling our Guild Eternal Core?" Lillian asked.

"Yeah, the boss already agreed to it." Pen answers. 

"Did you tell Kyoto?" She asked.

"Yeah, he seemed pretty busy in the underground laboratory. I wonder what that flower is." Pen answers.

"Do you not like it?" Pen asked.

"I like it. Anyways, I should head out to do my mission." Lillian says standing to leave.

"Ah, don't take too long," Pen says with a wave.





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Using the car that was brought along when she and Pen were hired, Lillian left the premises to go recruit a Guild Master for their Alliance. 

The place she had to go to, was an old storm house that was located near some mountains outside of Bangkok. 

Reading up on the information Pen found on her target, she learned that French Asato was in seclusion after retiring from the military.

Something happened that caused a woman like this to retire. From all the information gathered this woman was born to train others. 

Lillian was curious to meet her.

The drive took her nine hours before she was driving a curved road up a solitary mountain three hours outside of Bangkok. 

She came across a "Do Not Trespass" sign at the top of the mountain and pulled over to park her car. Climbing out of the vehicle, Lillian walked up to the sign and notices the Storm house about ten meters away.

There didn't seem to be any signs of life so she risked everything by climbing over the "Do Not Trespass" sign. 

As soon as she did this she heard a click behind her, the sound of a gun being prepared to shoot. Lillian immediately raises her hands in surrender.

What she wanted to know was, when did someone come up behind her?

"Who are you?" The voice sounded raspy and with a touch of feminine.

"French Asato?" She asked.

There was a bit of silence, "youngens these days. Haven't ya parents taught ya manners? It's Sergent Asato, get it right." The voice says.

Lillian risked turning to look back, she faced the barrel of a shotgun and a woman who was a bit like what she imagined, tall with an athletic build. 

There was a long scar that went right across her right eye and in her other hand, she held a cigarette to her lips while squinting at her with suspicion. 

"I apologize, Sergent Asato, I only came with an offer, I'm not selling anything I promise," Lillian says still holding up her hands.

French Asato draws on the cigarette before throwing it down to the ground and putting it out with her steel-toed boots. 

The aura this woman possessed was out of this world, Lillian had a tough time not trembling in fear just looking at her. 

"Alright, I'll give ya five minutes ta explain yaself here. Four minutes now." 

Lillian nods and quickly went into the reason she was there, when she finished explaining everything, she waited for any type of reaction that wasn't the sound of a gunshot. 

"What yar telling me is that ya boss is creating an Alliance that needs a Guild Master and I'm that person?" French asked.

Lillian nods, "that's right, we need your expertise, Sergent. only someone with your credentials would be able to train and lead the hunters we recruit in the future." Lillian answers.

"This is beyond what I thought ya were going to say," She lowers her shotgun and nods towards her storm house, "come, we'll talk more about this inside."

Lillian was finally able to lower her hands and followed French inside the storm house. 

After talking more about it and pulling out the contract made recently for the Guild Master position, French took a look at it. "Wow, looks like I'll get quite the pay if I work for this boss of yours," French says after going over the contract.

"That's right, Boss says it's only right if the person overseeing the hunters gets the best conditions. You'll receive high-tier pay according to your contributions and forty percent of the dungeon loot will be put toward the guild. You also have another room that is your bedroom that will be inside the guild master's office." Lillian explains.

French takes a seat in the other chair across from Lillian after making them both coffee, "I admit, ya offer doesn't sound half bad. It sounds like ya just started, which means ya have nothing other than ya word, am I right?" She asked.

Lillian bites her lips nervously. It was true that right now there was nothing for this woman to accept willingly. They can't pay her until they got access to any dungeons, this recruit will probably go downhill.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. But even so, my boss is someone you'll least expect, unfortunately, we are no longer allowed to disclose who the boss is unless you're a part of the Alliance." Lillian tells her. 

French was quiet for a while and Lillian could hear the ticking sound of a clock on a nearby wall. 

French lights another cigarette before saying anything, "it doesn't seem very reliable but I'm suddenly curious about this boss of yours." French puts the contract on the table and leans back.

"If you want me to sign this contract, I want to add a few more conditions," French says.

Lillian saw hope, this was great since the boss already agreed to possible conditions if needed, "what are they?" She asked.

"If I become Guild Master I want complete authority over the hunters, of course, I'll still report to the higher-ups. Another is if there are any new hunter recruits I want no say on how I test them. If I find them lacking in any way I get to say whether or not they can stay, are these conditions a problem?" French asked.

"If not I will sign." 

"There's no problem at all!" Lillian says excitedly. 

There had already been talk about the conditions Sergent Asato brought up, it looks like Pen was right after all.

Lillian pulls out a pen and hands it over, once the Sergent signed they shook hands, "welcome to the Eternal Core Alliance, Sergent Asato." She says.

"No," French says, "it's guild master now."

"Yes, Guild Master." Lillian agrees.

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