The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 87: Chapter 85: First day at the academy (part 2)

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- *Yawn*(... what a boring day... I wish, no, I want to go training...)

Turns out the Hokage did give a speech.

... a long-winded speech, after we entered the academy and all this year students got in.

It was difficult to tell what exactly he was talking about but, all I heard was something about leaves and fire or something.

To be sincere a lot of what he said I didn't fully understand. He used some very complicated words, which made me feel stupid for not understanding what the old coot was saying or trying to indoctrinate us into believing and agreeing with him.

Though I could tell that most of my classmates had no idea what he was talking about for the most part, not even I understood and I tried really hard to not fall asleep.

Sometimes I forget how language in this world is so complicated. Many double meanings to things, I think... Or sometimes I feel that people are purposely vague in what they mean, and leave it to our interpretation.

But I don't think it is all due to language.

...Regardless, I should probably start studying for real.

I somehow tricked myself to believe that training was like having fun to some degree but it will probably not work anymore, and I won't be able to play the genius card, if I can't tell or read what people tell me.

According to C, my brain and his systems are interlinked so everything he remembers, I remember too to some degree subconsciously...but I just have a hard time accessing it.

It is true that I think that I vaguely remember every word that I have been shown for the last few years, but I just don't have any idea what they mean.

I thought the remembering stuff was just normal for all children, since it was the same for Saya and most of the other kids at the orphanage.

In fact, I wasn't even the best student there.

One of Saya's friends was.

...I think it was some random girl with freckles and bright brown hair.

...She didn't like me.

Or was scared of me, for some weird reason.

I don't understand why... I never bullied her or hit her.

Pretty sure sister Kasumi would have killed me... besides the fact that it is just wrong.

Not to mention that I try to be a gentleman with all girls, since I don't know who my wife in the future might be.

To be totally honest, I don't really care about that, I just want to be popular for once.

Moreover, it seems quite normal to marry people that you are acquainted from childhood in this village.

Granny Akane married a man that was her childhood friend, and the priest in the orphanage... well, he is single for more than obvious reasons, but he said something similar.

He told us why we should be kind to each other and that love might be closer than we might think.

So...complete bullsh*t.

I haven't felt anything close to love in all my years living in the village.

Seems that he is just a no good pervert at the end of the day.

Who talked a strange amount about the glory of nuns and their uniform or whatever.

It is hard to take him seriously...I can't believe I got my name from such a strange man.

The worst part was that he was basically the closest to a father figure in my life.

Having to watch him behave strangely everyday or every time we came across a pretty lady was embarrassing.

Especially when I needed him for approval for something, and a beautiful woman was near by.

I wonder why he is alone? If he is so easily infatuated with pretty ladies, but that might be because he is a priest.

I still remember the last time I was at the hospital because I got sick from too many injections from taking othersDNA inside myself, and the entire time was very embarrassing.

Gushing about nurse uniforms.

Actually, why are the nurse uniforms very similar to my old world?

For a shinobi village I feel somethings are not very shinobi-like.

It's more like a normal town with shinobi aspects.

Still, I can't ignore that there is some truth to what he told us... the love part...I'm not too sure about the nurse uniforms.

I should probably try to see potential brides in the future...because outside the village might be hard.

We can't all marry kazekage's daughters like Shikamaru.

Besides, it is hard to leave or enter the village, without proper documentation.

I tried to leave once, just to see how different things are outside but some shinobi guy appeared out of nowhere and lifted me up as soon as I took a step outside.

It was a shock to because I made sure the way was clear and because the village is pretty lax security wise.

I think because most know how stupid it would be to cause trouble in a ninja village, and here in konohagakure, people always seem to care a whole lot about the village for some weird reason.

Regardless, that man who caught me...I still can't remember his name or face but he was pretty stern.

He gave me a lecture as to why I couldn't leave the village without having a permit or someone who had one.

If I were a normal child I would have cried, instead I just rolled my eyes at him telling me that I could get eaten by a wild beasts.

We live in a village with the most ferocious beast of all, a kaiju that can blow up mountains and landscapes with nukes like energy balls fired from its mouth.

I think I can handle a bear or two since there are some within the forests inside the village anyway.

But my unimpressed face did not make the man ease up on the lecture, instead I was forced into a dogeza.

It was the most embarrassing experience of my life to date.

It was that or potentially end up at the police station or the orphanage and face Satan's daughter; Sister Kasumi.

...I had no choice...I had to endure the shame silently.

But that event did cement the idea that if I want to leave the village, I should probably do it in the dead of the night, like Sasuke.

That or become a shinobi or merchant.

So, if I can't become a powerful shinobi or a wealthy merchant in the future I may need to settle down in the village with someone, since I won't be granted a special permit to live outside, worse, I may get my memories read or erased since I am now a shinobi in training.

... A tough choice.

The boruto era seems truly great.

People can more easily marry people of other villages or seemingly leave to their own discretion.

From what I experienced so far, I can't even begin to grasp that concept.

Seems like straight up impossible to me right now.

People in the village are pretty closed off to outsiders or those who stand out in a bad way, like discreetly but also publicly shunned.

...It's a mess.

I like living in the village, but the people... are just hard to like.

But that's just something I've gotten used to...

Anyways, after the hokage's stupid and time-consuming speech, we checked out the academy.

It is quite big, the show doesn't do it justice.

Not one bit.

There are several levels.

Even a special room to conduct sparing sessions or conduct exams.

It is also somehow connected to the where the Hokage office, which I had absolutely no idea. Though one can't really get there from where the academy is located.

Also, strangely, I didn't see any higher class students.

Which makes me believe that b*stard Shikamaru may have been right about today being a half day or just a day for the newly/freshly accepted future disposable body bags- I mean students.

Regardless the tour went on for a full hour.

I don't think we got to explore most of it.

Not that I care.

It was just a boring school with a lot of places to exercise.

After we got inside the classroom, Shikamaru left my side and sat somewhere else with Choji in toe.

They were next to me during the whole tour.

I'm pretty sure that they knew each other from before.

The same for a lot of other students.

They seemed to already have a best friend or something in that vein... but I have none.

...I have Naruto, who people think I am very good friend with.

Which is absolutely not true in the slightest.

But I don't understand why Shikamaru even bothered talking to me.

Whatever the reason might be, I don't really care at this point, I am just glad that he is gone.

- (Good riddance!)

As soon as I found a spot to seat Naruto followed me to take a seat near me as well. He seemed very happy but I heard none of what he said in his loud voice and smiles, I was too busy focused on the brat that was next to Naruto...It was that weird Gekkou kid?!

-( Why did he follow me?! I get why Naruto did but him? I don't think that I talked to him prior, maybe it was his father that told him to do it...he looks like a villain from a gangster movie so I wouldn't probably put it past him...What is going on in the Gekkou clan?)

While I was wondering what this was about, Not-Iruka started talking some nonsense about history of Konoha and the academy in a seemingly tired manner.

Like he had said those words hundreds of times.

Our teacher's eyes are one step away to looking like the ones belonging to a dead fish.

Reminds me of Kakashi...a bit.

Are all ninjas somewhat dead inside?

That can't be true.

Guy-san made it sound like being a ninja is great, but now that I think almost every shinobi I've met seems a

Well, Guy-san is odd too but, not like the others.

I don't know how to explain well, but even Hiruzen seemed sad and tired at times when he delivered his speech...It is really easy to tell since it is so different from the look the children I usually hang out with have, but I am starting to think it is not just the crushing weight that comes with adulthood.

- (Urgh! That guy was not truly born to be a teacher, but I guess I truly have to start calling him not-Iruka sensei, I mean Oreo-sensei. He doesn't seems to be the type of guy who will lose his sh*t if I don't.)

The explanation about the academy went on and on to my utmost displeasure.

I looked around me that I was not the only one bored out of my mind.

Some are struggling not to fall asleep while some have completely given up about pretending to be listening to the nonsense being thrown at us.

The whole set of ramblings about Konohagakure and the academy went on for about an hour.

Then as the bell finally rang, which I had no idea that it would at 12 o clock, our assigned teacher finally stopped dumping the history lesson on us.

However, to me this is all quite surprising.

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I didn't know this school had so much history.

More like a lot boring and useless history, but history nonetheless.

I just thought Tobirama asked for a plot of land from Hashirama, so that he could use it to further his warmongering ambitions by brainwashing gullible children whose loyalty to their clan was still shaky.

At least that's how I am sure it when going by his stupid older brother's personality.

He was probably not privy to Tobirama's truest intentions.


While I was still thinking, I watched a classmate pass me by.

My now classmates, were either talking to each other or leaving the classroom in droves.

-(Man, I feel so tired from basically doing nothing... I wonder if my previous school was this boring too.)

But as I started thinking about my previous life I got a bit sad and annoyed, so I decided to look outside through the window.

The perks of having a window seat.

Those dumb kids had no idea how boring class would be, they only cared about sitting close to their friends, so it was a piece of cake for me to grab one for myself.

But not even looking outside or grabbing my desired seat could cheer me up.

To me, being in this world was starting to feel a little bit like a bad dream.

When I saw the footage of the city I used to live in the past, all sorts of emotions started to seep right through.

I've just now started to truly realize how much of my life I truly lost.

My previous life was gone.

The same for my parents.

Both for the ones I have  forgotten and the ones I never got to meet.

...they were all gone and under.

I sometimes would like to think what it could have been.

Especially during festivals.

When I see happy families going on about their lives and enjoying is hard to pretend it doesn't affect least in some way.

It wasn't sadness that I was feeling but at times...these feelings would get too heavy for me to simply bare.

Now, I am truly alone...

-(one can only imagine what could have been...but maybe I am just homesick. My apartment is so quiet and too big for me to live on my own...I'm even starting to miss the complete disorder during lunchtime at the orphanage...just a bit.)

As I looked outside the window and time passed, I saw parents coming to pick up their children. makes me realize even though we're now starting our studies to become ninjas...we truly are kids.

-(...I wonder... if my parents would have come to see me off and pick me up too?)

Were they shinobi as well?

... would they have been proud of my accomplishments of getting into the academy safely?

...If I was a good son...that they could be proud of...

- Hm? (that man with the weird pink he Sakura's father?)

I saw the figure of a man and woman seemingly laughing among the crowd of parents waiting for their children without seemingly a care in the world.

I can easily speculate that couple are probably Sakura Haruno's, not that I know or remember what her parents looked like, but that man is the only person I've seen so far with pink hair in the village... it must be a rare type of hair color for people in our region.

Not that I am positive about that.

In fact, I recognize all most none of the parents present.

But even I could tell easily tell whose parents some of them might be.

Such as the big guy with the head full of bright red hair was.

Either he's Choji's father or perhaps someone with Uzumaki blood?

Red hair seems to also be rare here too...he's the first one I've seen so far.

-*sigh* (it's pointless to think of those things...I probably should leave as well.)

I would have left a long time ago, but I haven't left because Naruto keeps talking to that gekkou kid or something; and due to me being in the corner I can't exactly leave.

The guy doesn't seem to care too much about what Naruto is saying since he keeps eyeing me from time to time.

-(Does he really think he is being discreet about it? What a joke.)

I only pretend not to notice because I don't want to talk to him regardless.

And Naruto doesn't seem to care or notice, he seems just happy to have someone to talk to.

I kinda envy Takao and Naruto in that aspect, those guys can get distracted so easily.

Every time I do, I can only think of what I should be doing instead of goofing off.

Always, worrying about the war that is about tear this continent to sunder, and knowing that I have no say or am unable to change anything, if I let things go like in the show.

I will just end up becoming a random shinobi who would die in the war.  Crushed or eaten by Obito's and Madara's monster army.

...I really have to change things as much as I can.  

Even though I met Shisui-san again 2 weeks ago...It didn't seem like it had any effect. He put on a kind older type of face throughout the time we spent together but I could tell that he wasn't exactly happy.

I'm not sure what was going on in his mind, but I didn't want to ask either, even though I was happy to spend time with him one more time, but when he stared at seemingly nothing far away...he dropped the facade ever so slightly and I got a bit scared of him.

I truly had no idea what may have been going through his mind.

So, I tried digging deeper with C's help and from what I gathered; this is around the time that the Uchiha clan and the konohagakure administration are about to enter the really heated part.

It should also be around where him and Itachi went to kill a man called Mukai or something.

Seems like he was a descendant of the Hyuga clan...but to be honest I didn't really care about any of that.

Now that I am on track to become a shinobi...The fact such a kind man like Shisui goes on missions to kill people, even if they are criminals... is a bit scary.

Makes me a bit scared at how truly close death has been all around me and breathing down my neck this whole time...and I have been none the wiser.

But it is not just me, but it could be said that about anyone around me.

Shisui-san will die...

I can't do anything about that.

Knowing Shisui-san even if I told him about what is to transpire between Danzo and the clan, or all his evil acts.

I can't just accuse a member of the council with so many far-fetched claims, and even if he were to use a genjutsu on me, so that he knows that I am telling the truth; I doubt that alone will be enough stop everything going on at this point.

I doubt he would not decide to sacrifice himself in some other fashion... altering the events of the Uchiha far more dangerous for this world.

As far as I know he may even erase my memories and choose to believe in the future that Naruto wants to create.

I know the world will eventually go to sh*t in about 30 years. And even how it goes to sh*t... but I don't know what truly happens after that.

I know what Kawaki and Boruto, go on to do and who they fight...but I don't know the final result of the overall story nor do I believe I want anyone I know to die with the events that will come next.

Although, Tsunade's speech in Boruto about the losses the 4th great ninja war, always made me feel like propaganda anti-uchiha...I cant deny that 2 Uchihas were the main cause for most of it.

I think I am starting to understand why Obito and Madara went that far to in trying to save everyone or correct the world.

It may be the uchiha blood or chakra within me that...makes me feel like I hate losing...or want to do things my way.

The strong ego found in some Uchiha members is strange.

Having 3 or more of them with those special eyes and the power of all the tail beasts under their control... adding their unshakable determination even against impossible odds... it could truly cause the end of the world...

-*sigh* this is truly hard...I don't know what to do...(Time is running out.)

- I know what you mean barely understood what Orio-sensei said. I almost fell asleep.(Naruto)

- What? (... where is that Gekkou clan kid?)

Before I realized I said my inner thoughts out loud and Naruto, who was sitting next to me, started talking some nonsense.

The Gekkou clan kid is also gone as well.

- I'm telling you that I thought going to school would be fun but if classes are this hard and so much to remember, I'm going to fall asleep every time. (Naruto)

-... I see.(I have no idea what exactly we were talking about. I mostly just said "yeah" the whole time... it works surprisingly well.)

I looked at the stressed Naruto and couldn't help but roll my eyes at how stupid or how much real world knowledge the guy next to me has.

He mistook a worthless history lesson for an actual class.

If he is truly this gullible, how does he even survive without parents?

- Hey don't look at me like that! You too didn't get what our sensei was talking about! (Naruto)

Naruto said it, in quite an angry manner, I think he was just about to grab me by the collar of my shirt.

-...(Our sensei?... My only masters are Shisui-san.. and Guy-san if he ever decides to teach me something useful for once, and not horrible training regiments that he likes to make up.)

Though this twerp has been acting slightly weird...weirder, ever since the tryouts.

He's slightly more confrontational... at least more than usual.

I sometimes forget how hot-headed this guy often is.

I think he was a lot like that in the beginning of the manga as well.

If you make too much fun of him, or if he truly feels like you are undermining him;, he easily snaps.

As we grew up, I started to realize that this kid may shoulder too many things and has a hard time opening up or truly expressing himself.

Not that I actually listen to him.

...But it may also be that the Kyuubi influences him somehow... even if it is ever so slightly.

I planned to cut my ties with Naruto at some point since I already got most things I wanted from him.

Now that we are in the same class... I feel that enough is enough.

It maybe the time to start planning to do so, but I shouldn't rush it.

- *Sigh* Naruto, what we heard just now is not actually, needed for class. It is just a story of how the academy got built, nothing more. it's not like in the tryouts.

- R-right, I knew that! I was just checking that you got it too, since you seemed to be struggling to listen in class. Hmph! You should thank me for trying to look out for you. (Naruto)

- Of course, jeez, thanks... (This is my life now for the next 5 to 6 years... for almost everyday of the week?... I got to find a way to get out as soon as possible).

- So what are you going to do about tomorrow?

- Tomorrow? I...guess I will just come to the academy again...(I already feel like skipping school but Saya will definitely be on my case if I do that.)

- What?! Not that you agreed to fight the guy sitting next to us.

- Huh? I did!?

Chapter end

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