The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 88: Chapter 86: It’s not my fault if I am not popular!

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A month has passed since the academy started and I've decided to mostly stop listening to lessons in class.


I also did not fight that weird kid, who challenged me over something.

I told him I had hurt myself recently and he actually believed me!


What a moron.


Rather, he's actually a good guy.


He keeps asking everyday if I am ok... it's annoying.


I think he might not be all there.


I don't think that he is just dense or stupid anymore.


Just still don't know his name but at this point it is just too awkward for me to ask.


Besides that nothing interesting happened.


I now mostly spend my days looking at instruction books...they have a lot of pictures...hand drawn pictures...I get that a lot of people probably don't know how to read or read very well.


I am the perfect example of that.


Still, why are the books hand drawn?


I don't know.


But I am starting to think that the books that old couple sell for cheap are like ancient or something...that would certainly explain the low prices.


Regardless, I now understand the basics of farming something or even craftsmanship.


A very rudimentary one but one nonetheless...both skills are mostly useless for me right now, but if I become a rogue in the future at the very least I will have hard time starving...may even become a farmer or a woodworker.


...though I can't exactly tell what the books tried to explain to me about trying to check

if a soil is good or not.


Nor do I have cow sh*t or know where to buy, in order to test its there's still a lot to learn.


In fact, since I have to go to the academy very early in the morning and only come out at 3 pm, I am having a hard time keeping up with all my projects.


Though now I have found something close to a balance for all my activities. Though I have less time to train.


Sometimes I pretty much sleep in the training grounds and go back home early in the morning to take a shower, then I leave for the academy.


But I still can't believe that I am now at the sitting at the academy I've seen a few times in the anime.


Not because it is a great magical place or anything.


It's not a Harry P*tter situation.


I haven't even seen anyone perform hand seals or even a jutsu.


The senseis there are just your boring/tired overworked adults, I find it hard  to believe some of them have been on the battlefield, much less war.


If it were not for the facial scars of some of the senseis -and one wearing an eye patch because they were missing an eye- their uniforms would just be for show.


It is just pretty much a primary school with a lot of training hours.


That must be what it feels to go into one of those sports schools.


Still the whole thing feels surreal, especially when I recognized some of the rooms from the show.


Or much less for me becoming an actual student or have classes in is pretty strange, though now I see it as a big waste of time and a kid nursery to some degree.


I don't think I totally belong there.


Or at the very least not in my class, but then again my reading level is way too low for me to try to pull a Kakashi and try to graduate.


I can barely hang by in trying to learn how to write.


If I did something so stupid, my reputation as a genius would be ruined.


I still have 2 months or something from getting my report card, but so far so good.


I have managed to get mostly good grades on everything that they asked of me.


Though for someone with a previous life experience that should be either in high school or college


It would be kind of humiliating, if I somehow failed anything they asked of me yet.


Things are much easier than they were at the exam, just a lot of homework though.


But for me to fail so far, would be straight up impossible.


Especially since I have not been asked to do anything remotely shinobi-like even after a month of having to spend my time at the academy.


It is rather annoying.


I have less free time and freedom than a month ago, when I used to live at the orphanage.


Class there only lasted for 2 hours, even if I had to do chores everyday, it wasn't that long either.

But I now spend almost half of my days stuck at the academy doing nothing.


Besides studying, and occasionally training.


It is overall a waste of my time.


I feel that I am getting worse at everything.


Even my training and progress has progressively slowed down...and there's so much homework everyday.


Which is not too bad for me who has a super computer for as a skill inside my mind, but it's a pain that it doesn't really help me write or perform tasks assigned any faster.


Turns out that shinobi have to be very well learned...I kinda hate learning. Especially things that I am not automatically good at or are simple to me that I don't have to apply myself actually bother trying.


The only thing I'm naturally gifted at is math...but the math we are now learning is literally the most basic of basics.


Such as counting numbers and other kiddy stuff.


Though we are moving at a swift pace.


If we continue moving so fast, I believe by next term, we will be out of the 2nd grade curriculum.


Not all are able to keep up with the very fast pace of learning.


That damn teacher is even making me have to teach Naruto and Toshi, to some degree.


Just because I happen to know them and seemingly have no problems in all my classes.


Those two morrons are wasting more of my time.


Though thanks to that I have gathered some skin tissues from Toshi and Naruto but they are useless to me and it's not enough.


At this rhythm it would take 3 years for me to get anything out of this.

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Not that I care.


I don't really care about Toshi's DNA.


I had all my life to gather it, but it never even crossed my mind.


So it is overall useless.


And Naruto's DNA I don't really need it either.


Not at this point.


However, it may serve in the future. I heard one could hijack another's summon if they had the other's DNA.


Since Naruto in the future will go to mount Miyaboku. It may be my only ticket on how to find out how to get there.


Thus, why I reluctantly accepted to teach them.


Though I now have many ways to get Naruto's DNA to some degree, blood samples or patches of skin and muscles tissues are the best samples for me.


So ultimately, I could've said no, but I want to appear nice in front of the class.


Especially the girls.


I want to seem kind and nice to everyone, I had a kind of sh*t reputation at the orphanage there was no salvaging it...but they all only have eyes for "Sasuke-kun!"


For the most part.


Even though I am far more handsome and take care of my appearance, which is a great pain in the ass.


But the worst part about it, is that... is...that it actually backfired.


One, girls prefer bad boys...for some reason.


Seems that the more they ignore them the more obsessed with them girls become.


I don't want love, I just want to be popular... I can never fit in... but that served as a reminder that my skill is not all powerful.


Two, some of the girls thought I was just a weird manly girl with a boyish type of name.


Turns out "Homura" is unisex kind of name (though apparently that variation has a different  Kanji for it).


What a tragedy... Though I've never met a person with a name like mine... nor do I actually know a lot of people.


This is the land of, there are probably a lot of Homuras (flames or blaze)'s out there...


I am currently trying to find new ways to write my name though I can't write to save my life.


Turns out I am not the only one.


When we were supposed to write our names everybody used just wrote theirs in katakana as well...which just raises so many questions I never initially realized.


...and I may never find out how Naruto is written properly.


Meh, whatever.


Not that I care... but those are pretty much how boring days have been lately.


Going to school, homework, then training, then reading books to get smarter and know more stuff.

Finally on the weekend work and practice stuff I've learned after teaching Takao one or a few things.


It is very tiresome.


Even in my dreams I am there training.


But it is not all bad. I've learned a lot about our country and the world at large to some degree.



During the first week of the academy, besides our usual kiddy classes, us students had to learn many terms and concepts belonging to the shinobi world.


Not only that but also had classes on many subjects that had almost nothing to do with being a shinobi, such as math, writing, history, geography and several of other subjects.


Such as calligraphy for some odd reason.


...Sadly, I am not too good at writing with a brush. Thankfully that class doesn't seem to be graded.


Although, most subjects had almost nothing to do about being a shinobi, the contents of the classes where formatted with the fact that the children were studying to be shinobi.


Which raised the question as to why Naruto knows so little about the world in the anime?...but he falls asleep in class a lot.


It is quite worrisome...and annoying.


I want to sleep too.


Well, discretely of course.


I do have an image to maintain after all.




Regardless, the Naruto falling asleep in class problem, is not just because I think that he believes that class is boring... though there is certainly that, but seeing how tired he seemed while sleeping it is definitely something else as well.


Knowing him, he probably stays late at night trying to train or study.


This guy just hates losing more than anyone I know.


Though I cannot confirm anything.


I could do it if I saw traces of any injuries on his body but the guy is too dense to even realize that he heals unnaturally fast.


If he ever gets a small injury on his body, on the next day... it is just gone. Like it never was there in the first place.


It's no Hashirama cells but damn that's op.


I could find out if what I theorize is true, but I am too scared that he might ask me for help.


And I don't really want to waste more time on cr*p I don't need.


-...(Well, I will just read my book and wait for the end of today's lesson)


I turned my head and got a good look at the clock on the back but only to find out that there's still about 3 hours left.


I turned my head to the side and continued reading my book.


The teacher seems to think that I am studying something else because I am technically quite far ahead and have no problem in most matters....or he doesn't really care as long as I don't make any sound and the book I am reading is not forbidden.

Not that I am reading anything but C can more or less translate in real time any words I have seen the definitions of and plays them back inside my head.


Still, I wonder what he'd think if he knew I was reading a book about farming.


Not that it would stop me from reading it though.


Chapter end.



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