The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 89: Chapter 87: Crazy, how time flies.

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I finished reading my book, and thank god Naruto fell asleep almost as quickly as he woke up.

The teacher didn't seem to care though...I think I am starting to see a pattern.

Well, as long as I can get some work done I don't really care.

But since I am done with my current book and have some money for this month's living expenses I can buy probably 2 more of those cheap books from that bookstore.

I already know mostly how to fish and cultivate fruits...perhaps I should try to learn something which has to do with plants.

I want to buy something that helps me build stuff like machines a la Iron man but I don't know about anything about crafting, metallurgy or creating something to begin with.

All I know...well, vaguely remember is the most basic form of building an electric circuit.

I used to be in the computer club because, it was right in front of the field which I used to spy on the cheerleader practices.

Not on purpose but accidents did happen...


I am starting to understand why I was never popular.

Well whatever, class is over.
I will think of something to buy when I get there anyway.

Besides, I need to buy groceries.

My house is full of terrible vegetables that I grew badly and they don't look too good for me to eat.

I'd probably get diarrhea.

Even the rodents I captured to taste it refused to eat it.

I had to feed them cheese from my fridge.

Because I can't release them yet; I still have many tests to run.

And I've fed them too much for just not let those lazy bastards go.

Cheese ain't cheap.

They have to contribute to my experiments as repayment.

And since they are technically just wild rodents that I caught near the garbage lot, I am not breaking the rule by having pets in my apartment.

I can always feign culpability if I am caught.

Not that they are ever getting out of their cage that I made myself with my woods crafting skills.

The perfect plan.

I am really frighteningly smart and shrewd.

Sometimes I surprise myself at how clever I am, I would have made a great lawyer though nothing beats being a shinobi that can run on water and disappear on command.

So I've made the right choice.

- (I'd better go now...)

I usually leave class after everybody leaves first.

Normally students don't leave class after the bell rings.

They either talk to their friends.

Those that have issues or are behind try to get extra classes so that they can catch up.

It is normally not forced on anyone unless one fails to do something.

Since I've never had any major issues doing anything I don't really know how things really things go.

Though most students are quite good only a few people I have ever seen being forced to participate.

Now that most are gone to do whatever business they are trying to conduct, I am now free to leave uninterrupted.

Though, I sometimes leave with Saya and the others that live nearby.

But she's studying today and the others...I don't f*ing know.

- Well, I guess that's it for today. Never thought that the math and history about shinobis could be so *yawn* boring.(I'm still angry, why most of the girls left with that bast*rd Sasuke! What am I doing wrong?! I don't smell bad right?! I even winked at most of them... I don't understand women. )

- wait you understood all that? (Naruto)

- huh? what are you talking about?

- The lesson we just had! Jeez! (Naruto)

- (Oh, that... I wasn't really paying attention but I guess. Anyone who went through at least 8th grade would easily be able to understand this level of math...though for history I have C to thank for that...)well it is not that difficult to begin with, besides most of the stuff I learned already.

- Really!? Can you help me again?!(Naruto)

-... let me think about it?

Instead of thinking about it Homura took his things and started to leave to the dismay of Naruto who assisted at the whole scene trying to make sense of it all but finally snapped back as Homura was about to leave the room.

- H-hey! Homura! (Naruto)

He also gathered his things and went after Homura.

And Homura, who appeared to be in deep thought while walking down the corridor, but wasn't actually thinking about anything.

Remained silent and kept walking at his own pace.

Seemingly without a care in the world.

But since Naruto was running after him he easily caught up to Homura and put him under a tight

And as soon as he caught up to Homura, he put him under a headlock from behind.

Which Homura was none the wiser and was unable to do anything while Naruto was semi-choking him for the crap he just pulled early.

- G-G-Give!

- I can't hear you! (Naruto)

- Give!! Argh...L-let me go!

- So you won't runaway? (Naruto)

But instead of answering Homura simply violently nodded several times.

It took a few seconds for Homura to recover but as soon as he did he started walking once again.

With Naruto following while next to him while Homura was clearing out his throat.

He was now a somewhat model student.

A genius.

Getting into fights at the academy was unbecoming of him, so he chose to exact his revenge some other time and some other way in the future.

And it was somewhat his fault from dropping his guard like that.

Not that he knew if it was even possible to sense someone coming towards him.

Usually during fights, one's senses are just sharpened to the extremes due to how much adrenaline is pumping through them, making people become a tad more paranoid and become aware of danger coming from their surroundings.

This was not one of those situations so Homura got choke by someone who barely knows how to fight.

A complete disgrace.

Especially for one who is a so called genius.

Making Homura believe that he still had much to learn, besides learning how to mold chakra or the other things necessary for a shinobi to excel.

Despite of any of that Homura and Naruto continued to walk in silence, even as they went down the stairs and Homura simply pretended that his throat hurt and grunted several times as if to see if something was wrong.

But as soon as they left the main building Naruto got really annoyed.

- damn you, Homura! I know that I didn't choke you so hard for you to be checking your throat all this time.- said Naruto while pointing at me, but also while keeping pace with me; since I never stopped walking.(Naruto)

-...and if I say no, will you stop bothering me to help you?

- No!(Naruto)

- well, now you can see why I haven't said anything....(I help him too much, that I'm starting to believe that Hiruzen should start paying me...but my main issue is that Naruto was supposed to be a bad student...that's how the entire plot started... and I really want that forbidden scroll...With my ability to remember things, even five minutes is enough for me to get what I need...)

- We're friends! Friends always help each other!(Naruto)

- ...You have a pretty convenient idea of friendship, huh? Can I borrow money? I'm pretty short this month, friend.

- Kuh... I am short on it too...(Naruto)

- Cheapskate! what a great friend you are.

- Who are you calling a cheapskate!? I really don't have much anymore!... I ate more than I this month..I can't. Maybe next month I can do something, like a cup ramen. Though I can't promise the flavor.(Naruto)

- Then, maybe next month I can help you too. In order to be fair.

- Come on! I will never survive the lesson till next month without your help! You have to help me! Pretty please!(Naruto)

- Hm?! Why? Why do I have to do that? Haven't I helped you enough already?

- Still, help me! I can barely hang in there, and Oryo sensei is always mad at me when I tell him that I don't understand something. Don't you wana read your books in peace and not have sensei come to our table to explain things to me?(Naruto)

- true... I am tired of him always coming to our table to get mad at you or have me help you....I can't even take naps during class or read my books in peace.

(I almost forgot that Naruto is sorta hated by most staff at the academy or something. At least it was like that at the very beginning of the manga...One of the teachers even said that he should be killed off, after Naruto stole the forbidden scroll. So my guess is that the staff mostly just put a brave front due to the 3rd's orders. Even our seemingly apathetic sensei tries to hide it but he does a really poor job when he starts to get irritated after Naruto pulls a prank... he gets a tad more emotional to say the least...crumbling that non-caring facade of his... that's why I have difficulties trusting shinobis.)

- so will you help me?!(Naruto)


- Great! I knew you'd come around.(Naruto)

- Yeah, yeah but only during break time tomorrow. I believe you can manage most of it by yourself once I teach you my secret technique (that does not exist) to learn faster but history you're on your own.(There's no way to learn history without putting effort...)

- thanks, I will owe you one! (Naruto)

-...(This guy is pretty crafty...He is Minato's kid no doubt.)

- *Grin* Ah... you know...I...(Naruto)

Naruto was getting closer to me once again, but I darted slightly to the side to avoid whatever he was planning to do.

- It's ok, Naruto. I get it.

-*Grin* I see. (Naruto)

Truth be told, I have no idea what Naruto was about to say.

I can't care.
Caring is the easiest way to lose focus... and I need all the focus I can have at this time.

Plus, I don't want to get emotional with others.

Naruto seemed to be trying to tell me something important but I stopped him immediately.

Besides, his best friend is Sasuke, not me.

I have no intention to take that role or becoming something close to that.

Nor, do I believe we have much in common, besides our circumstances to some degree.

He's just confused right now.

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I don't want him to think that if one day I fake my own death, he may take it personally.

Also, I understand people getting touchy when they are happy and bromance culture, but it is just not for me.

Plus, he hangs out in the wild a lot.

That's all I will say.

But I guess if I leave things like this... it will make things weird later.

I may even send the wrong message.

- ...You know why avoided you?!

- Huh?(Naruto)

- Because you like to touch people all the time! What's with you always trying to touch people!? No wonder that pinky girl hates you.

- Pinky? Ah! Sakura-chan! Sakura-chan doesn't hate me! She is just being deceived by that b*stard Sasuke!(Naruto)

- Can you tell me exactly how she is being deceived? Seems to me that he hates her.(I once saw her talk to him in class alone for him to ask her who she was. I felt awkward that I pretended not to be in the class at that moment. He and I usually stay in class alone whenever we have free time. And I lie down to take a nap or read a book so it is no wonder she never saw me at that time. )

- so you understand too?! That is why I have to save her from him! You are popular with the girls, can't you talk to her?(Naruto)

- What?! No that's not true. (I am popular!? How is that!? I'm trying so hard to be their hero. All I get are giggles or laughs and them telling me that I am being silly. I blame Saya for telling lies about me...though I have not tried to get to know none of the girls I know that will get married in the future. All I get anytime I talk to them is the face of their annoying brats in my head. And how bad they will be in the future... though I like Sarada...I think it is because she reminds me of the beautiful Mikoto-sama. Well, she's her grand child after all. Her beauty is that family's only saving grace.)*Nod* *Nod*

- Why are you nodding!? Wait... so you agree!?(Naruto)

- Huh? No! Why should I do that!? (That girl is extremely violent! She hangs out in the woods near the academy and punches dummies for hours on end, while yelling stuff all afternoon... I can only think that she's crazy, and more than that she's extremely dangerous...Who knows what will happen to me if I get on her bad side?)

*3rd person POV*

Contrary to what Homura may believe, Homura is just as clueless as the people he criticizes.

Homura could also not get a clue if a girl likes him or not.

Not at the orphanage, and now, not at the academy.

But he mostly ruined his reputation at the academy on his own.

He spends most of his time reading or more likely trying to decipher the information inside his books that he brings to read in class; and doesn't pay attention to his surroundings at all and is completely immersed in doing his own things.

That he did not realize that most stopped approaching him because they think he has no interest in anything else besides studying and reading.

Even when most try to approach him; it was usually to ask for things they don't know about.

Homura trying to play the nice guy could only pretend to be very welcoming, while everyone who knew him could only stare at him with suspicion at his seemingly change of character.

Only to feel creeped out or that he was planning something.

Since all parties are so young and none of them understand their feelings, much less those belonging to others, it was a disaster on all fronts.

Particularly since he was only nice to girls and to any boy who got too close to him or asked him for help was given the cold shoulder or reluctantly helped them.

Still that charade somewhat worked and his image as the smart students started to take shape little by little.

Though Homura tried to play it cool, in the guise of a collected young man.

Most of it flew past the heads of his young classmates.

The fact that most saw him as a weird bookworm that always helps them if they have an issue, became Homura de-facto status inside the classroom.

So although his grades were about as good as Sasuke's, his fame was definitely not like Sasuke's.

Whose dark and serious attitude that seemed to care about no one and was effortlessly cool became the de-facto cool guy of the class.

All the boys hated him and wanted to be him, while the girls were absolutely infatuated.

Moreover, the really persistent ones like Sakura, remained close to him to his chagrin.

So, in a way all parties suffered.

No one was happy with their current situation.

Everyone was losing.
Everyone was drowning.

The only difference was that... some were drowning faster than others.

At least for those stupid enough to care about things beyond their control and worked on themselves.

Unfortunately for Naruto and Homura, both craved attention.

Like madmen trying to achieve impossible goals.

So much so, that their strange behavior at times put those around them to deem them to be somewhat strange.

At least some are better at pretending that they can keep themselves in check.

- I am facing the same problem over here, why would I add more to my plate? I wish we had more p.e...(so that they'd see how great I am...I'm really starting to think that most see me as weakling as of late. Have they forgotten how good I was during the cause it sure seems like it. Dog boy doesn't back down any more when he tries to get on my nerves. I want to teach him who's top dog so badly.)

- P.E.?(Naruto)

- I-I mean, training. (Safe)

- Oh, that! Yeah, me too! I heard most of our classmates have already started training with their parents...(Naruto)

- Pfft! You call what they do training?! But you're right... I am really getting tired of being stuck inside all day long. (I am starting to think that my orphanage,tries to teach children how to do school work early, because if some of some of us get to go to the academy they'd have to spend more time catching up with the clan heirs in their training...that or get us to find a job as fast as possible. Most kids there leave at 12 or 14.)

- me too...and if I fought that b*stard Sasuke and beat him, I am sure that Sakura-chan would wake up and come to me.*giggles*(Naruto)

-...sure about that, huh? That sounds like not a great plan. I can tell he'd whoop your ass...hard!

-what?! I can beat that guy any day!(Naruto)

- Sure buddy. Besides, aren't you already popular? Don't you have that white-eyed girl talking to you from time to time?

- white eyed-oh! Hinata!? Her!? S-she is a bit creepy.(Naruto)

- Creepy, huh? (That's the future mother of your children...too bad. She will become such a babe...but her personality puts me off a bit...and those blank...soulless eyes... She's the perfect mix of terrifying and a babe...I'm so conflicted... weirdly that's the same way I feel about Kaguya...That and the fact that she's basically a parasite...and a monster.)

- Yeah. If I approach her, she runs away or stops talking altogether...and when she starts talking to me... I wait for her to finish, she never seems to finish her sentences and stops talking altogether...I think she doesn't know many words...(Naruto)

-...right...(What a weird interpretation of things, I can't believe how dense this guy is..) better not say what you said to me to the others?

- W-why?(Naruto)

- Her family are crazy rich and powerful...if they hear you badmouthing their princess...we may 1 day find your dead body in some dumpster.

- R-really?!! She is a princess?! She doesn't look like a princess though...? (What should a princess look like?) (Naruto)

- figure of speech.(What is he imagining now?)

- F-fikure of speech?(Naruto)

- Jeez! S-she is not a real princess!!

- I-I see... (Homura gets worked up very easily...I thought he was becoming quieter but it is clearly not that...)(Naruto)

- (..though toneri called her the byakugan who even knows)... Anyway she is not a princess(for the most part). She's rich!

- .... Got it..(She's rich, huh? she must be able to eat as much as she wants like so much pork ramen, or duck ramen...I'm starting to get hungry just thinking about it.)(Naruto)

Seeing Naruto become all calm and pensive, Homura wondered what Naruto was imagining in his head.

- ?...Huh... She's the daughter of a big/ rich family. It's like saying your beloved pink-I mean Sakura-chan looks like a princess, because she comes from a rich family.(Are ninjas rich?...doesn't seem likely.)

- Sakura-chan a...princess...hehehe(Naruto)

-...w-what the hell are you imagining?

-?! Ah! N-nothing!(Naruto)

- Any way...I guess we part ways here.

Homura stopped at a busy shopping street.

- Here?... You going to buy something?(Naruto)

- ?...yeah... you should know that the perks of living alone, also mean wasting time shopping for oneself.

Homura thought that Naruto change of tone was odd, but ultimately thought nothing about it.

- yeah, I...guess. Then, I guess I will see you tomorrow. See ya!(Naruto)

- yep! see ya!

Homura looked at the back of Naruto leaving.

Until, he turned away and went about his business.

Homura did not think much of it and started heading towards the shopping district and suddenly memories he had completely forgotten, resurfaced in his mind.

- ...right... I completely forgot.

While looking at this shopping district Homura became even more convinced of something.

Especially when he stopped in front of a store that jolted his memories even more.

- This was the shopping district that I met Naruto all those years ago.

Homura almost reminded completely still in the busy street, while people went on about their days with seemingly not a care in their minds.
The laughter and noise now seemed almost non-existent to Homura, which caught the attention of the shop-owner who thought he wanted to buy something and came to greet Homura.

- Welcome, do you want to buy something, son?

Homura looked at the man, and for a brief instant he seemed to have had deja view effect happening to him.

The image of the man in front of him overlapped with the one he had seen a few years ago.

The man's face had become ever so slightly more pronounced and the increased number of crow feet under his eyes were a clear indicator of time passing by.

- No, I was just passing by... Maybe next time. (...)

After Homura said those words he left not even waiting for the shop-owners to say something.

He seemed to have become overall more depressed, which was a far cry from a few minutes ago.

He recalled the shop-owner's angry face from all those years ago. He wanted to get angry at the shop-owner for how badly he treated Naruto in the past.

However, that would not change anything.

Now he could only wonder what this man felt inside his heart.

The pain he suffered at losing his family must have also been excruciating.

He didn't understand it before, but now that he's living all alone, Homura now feels much more the emptiness of going to a lonely apartment and having no relatives, or family to call his own.

He couldn't even begin to imagine the man's pain.
Would he one day suffer the same fate?

Everyday that fear becomes more and more likely to Homura.

No matter how much he tries he cannot shake those feelings away.

Though to him that doesn't excuse the fact that the man mistreated a child so easily and publicly for all to see all those years ago.

- (Guess no I understand why Naruto started acting so weirdly a few minutes ago. I'd also hate to come here if I was treated poorly as he has been. Should I help with that?... I am kind of tired of having to share some of my food with him...everyday my wallet is beginning to hurt...)..I hate having to think of complicated things. *sigh* That's why I don't like being anyone's friend. Their problems become your problems as well.

As if trying to think of something else Homura started scratching his and went on to buy he needed for the week, wondering if he could somehow cook ramen for Naruto, as an apology but decided to buy one cup of instant noodles instead, regardless of flavor.

So that he could give to him tomorrow.

Chapter end

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