The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 90: Chapter 88: Surprise sparring!?

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Another day, and another day of class for the students attending the academy.

It has now been almost 3 months since the school year started since Homura and co. started attending the academy.

Homura has managed to read or at the very least review most of the information imparted by a version of himself that left him every bit of knowledge he had gathered from their memories of their previous life.

However, this made him give up a lot of his normal intense training routine, but more he re-read the things he had forgotten and the more he became enthralled by it.

In the past, Homura did enjoy reading and watching shows about science and scientific concepts but he had a short memory and a short attention span, making him move on quickly from topic to the next.

Or switch courses completely.

Now, it was different.

His brain and mind retained information much better.

Either due to the chakra flowing through his body or the skill super-computing.

Perhaps it was even a combination of both.

But regardless of what the reason might be, it was much easier for him to understand and remember things than ever before if he just focused.

It might have been just his mind playing tricks on him but Homura, even started to think that perhaps the lessons themselves and the large amounts of copying down texts and learning the curriculum had somewhat of an effect on him.

To some degree, he chose to believe that classes were not overall pointless as he had thought.

But having to study, going to class and everything else was truly starting to get Homura mentally exhausted, the only thing that made his mind relax was that they'd be having a short break soon due to exams being close around the corner.

Not that he was afraid of failing any written exams.

So far he had aced all of them, leaving his reputation of an honor student intact, even if he really did not act like one not one bit.

Still, nobody could ultimately argue against results; and results Homura delivered.

To the satisfaction of all his teachers.

But perhaps today would be different.

- today class, we will be having a surprise mock battle and shuriken training session. (Sensei)

- yay! Alright!- Yelled in joy some of the kids inside the class; they were tired of stuck behind their desks in most classes and not learning anything on the field after all the time they had spent since the start of the school year.

However, not all kids were blindly happy about their current predicament.

- ooh~~- was the sound some dejected students let out of their mouths to signal their dissatisfaction.

Though some voices were louder than most and by it, which caused their personal bias to become public knowledge.

- Yosha! You all will finally see my greatness!- spoke Naruto out loud.


- your greatness?! Get real you moron! We will show you the power of the Inuzuka clan! Right, Akamaru?! (Kiba)

- woof! (Akamaru)

The dog on top of Kiba's head, Akamaru, barked as if agreeing with his master.

- Why you!? You want to go!? I will show you what I can do! Grrr!- said Naruto while clenching his left fist next to fist face.

- Hmph! Bring it on, loser!

As Naruto and Kiba so openly declared the animosity to one another, the reality was that  almost no one in class paid attention to them.

After all, they both had a reputation for being loudmouthed idiots to some degree.


-*yawn* (Why are those guys always so loud?...but sparring, huh? What a drag... but fresh air would be nice though.)

Shikamaru, who finally woke up from his short nap a few minutes ago, was not exactly pleased by the announcement he had just heard.

Instead he saw it as an opportunity to get to late around outside.

Though to a quietly sitting student wearing glasses, none of the noise he heard affected him.

-.... (a sparring competition )(shino)

Shino Aburame, son of Shibi Aburame was always serious to a fault.

So much so that no one tried to him and the same went vice versa, but even he wanted to prove himself to his classmates, at least to see who were truly the stronger ones among the class.

Since, all they did was learning the basics katas taught at the academy, as someone who already had a clear foundation the current training was not to his liking and he had felt stuck.

He wanted to measure himself to the so-called young genius of the Uchiha clan.

He looked at the boy himself but the boy only looked at him with a slightly gain in interest.

-...(Him, huh? He seems capable, unlike the others...And he is from the Aburame clan, father told me about them before... He may be a good enough challenge.)(Sasuke)

However, that exchange would be cut short.

Due to the person next to Shino was none other than Sakura.

Who thought Sasuke was suddenly looking at her with renewed interest and was not about to waste this chance to cheer on the person she was infatuated with.

- Sasuke-kun good luck! I will be cheering for you! (Sakura)

- S-Sakura! How dare you try to steal a step ahead of me! Sasuke-kun good luck! I know you will win easily! I will be cheering for you! (Ino)


- *nerve* (Sasuke)

An annoyed Sasuke said nothing and remained completely silent, although he was slightly excited at the prospect of proving himself to his older brother and father by showing that he was ahead of his peers.


- Sakura-chan, you should root for me! I will win for sure! (Naruto)


-...good luck...narut- (Hinata)


However, unlike his intended target, it was Hinata who tried to root for him but her voice was so low that no one heard her and she was immediately cut by the voice of Sakura who was pleased by Naruto mentioning her name so publicly for all to hear.

Under fear that her beloved Sasuke might get the wrong idea of her and Naruto's at this point non-existant relationship.

- Eh?! You! There's no way in hell you're winning against Sasuke-kun. Sasuke-kun beat that loud brat! (Sakura)

- *sniff* Sakura-chan...(Naruto)

A dejected Naruto almost shed a tear, at Sakura's rebuttal.

But to Homura who was sitting close to Naruto only one thing came to his mind.

- (Since when do those 2 talk to each other?)

It seemed that while he wasn't looking, Naruto, truly started to try to catch Sakura's attention.

Which was surprising since those two had never interacted before to his knowledge.

It wasn't that odd.

Since these 2 would one day become teammates.

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However, certain people never interacted with others within the class.

Like most teen dramas, people within the class rarely interacted with people they had no affinity whatsoever.

Either be Naruto, Homura, or even Sasuke.

None of those 3 have partaken in a conversation where they were all involved at once.

In fact Homura hasn't shared a single word with Sasuke ever since all those years ago n the training grounds near the Uchiha compound.

Regardless of class dynamics, others, seemed rather more nonchalant at the entire situation.

- I swear, the guys in this class are truly crazy.(Toshi)

Toshi who was sitting next to Saya could not help but let out his true feelings.

He was quite

- But isn't that fun? (Saya)

- Fun?( What is she talking about?... D-don't tell me she wants to fight me, right? N-no, that can't be right. Saya-chan even if she's strong she doesn't enjoy fighting or hurting others. ) (Toshi)

Remembering Saya's slap Homura into unconsciousness when he once said that he planned to make a 100 hundred girlfriends during his time at the academy, such doubts became more and more prevalent.

Toshio believes that he can take down even Sasuke if he applied himself or anyone for that matter, that was just to show how much he believed in his own hype.

Whether if it was earned or pure delusion.

Who could tell? 

He did pass the tryouts so perhaps there was some truth to it.

However, the thought of having to face Saya, especially on his own the comfortable bubble where his ego resided started to show some cracks.

Saya was someone he always feared angering to some degree.

She was never violent against him but he used to share a room with Homura, and Homura's almost inaudible cries at night due to the pain he felt, after pulling a joke or a stupid plan of his always resulted in her pushing him in some way. 

He could only imagine the worse of it.

Though, he didn't know the truth.

In fact, Homura was so scared of Saya giving him any of her punishments that he would hurt himself in trying to make her spare him or sister Kasumi.

The Homura crying himself to sleep at night, was just a byproduct of Homura trying to convince himself that his shattered pride was still intact.

Not that he knew any of that, not helped by  the lies that Homura would spread about Saya's cruelty.

He never believed any of it, but he had nevertheless subconsciously developed an apprehension to the young girl.

Thus, fighting her was something he never considered.

For the first time in his life, doubts started to implement inside his psyche.

- *smile*(Saya)

- R-right, hahaha (...I hope I don't paired against her.)

Though Toshio was for the first reflecting on his own powerlessness, the person sitting on the row beneath his, was also trying to muster as much strength as he could; in order to defeat their perceived enemy.

Such was the existential crisis that the young Gekkou clansman was faced.

- I won't disappoint my father! (Gekkou clansmen)- said the Gekkou clan's young clansmen while holding his sword and looking past Naruto, only for his eyes reach Homura's location.

The latter was just annoyed at how unruly his classmates tend to be especially since Naruto and Kiba were at each other's throat for almost a minute now.

He was debating to either knock Naruto out to stop the pointless arguing, but it would probably ruin his scheme in trying to be more popular with the girls in class.

However, the intensity from the young swordsman stare finally got to him.


- Eh?...

Homura suddenly felt a chill.

He felt as if a predator had lock sights onto him, but to his surprise it was the weird guy that always carried a sword with him no matter what.


He carefully tried to pretend that nothing was bothering him, even though he was extremely confused as to why this was happening.

-.....(Hm? the f*ck is going on here? Why is that guy staring at me? Is he in love with me or something? he a she? Don't tell me this is a reverse cross-dressing situation!? N-no, no, no, that definitely isn't the why is he doing that?)

But before he could sort out his feelings, their head teacher's patience was about to reach a limit.

- everyone, pipe down!!(Sensei)

The previously rowdy class started to settle down.

They may be children, but they all knew when to get serious if their sensei demanded it of them.

Some out of fear, some because they've grown in a shinobi household.

So all noise present, disappeared as if it never existed and all students focused their attention on their teacher in front of them.

- As I was saying we will be having matches of 1 vs 1. The boys will be supervised by me, while Koizumi-sensei will be overseeing the girls. The students who win will move forward and fight further, while the losers will be eliminated. Understood?(Sensei)

The revelation brought a several disparity of reactions.

Somewhere happy with the current setting, like the boy with dark brown hair and fire-colored eyes.

- Phew! (I'm safe. I mean, I just have to train a bit more and I am sure I won't lose.)- Thought the young Toshio while wiping out the sweat on his forehead with the back of his right hand.

Though this revelation may have been a god sent miracle to some, others were more inquisitional about the overall proceedings of the entire thing.

- Eh? What happens if we fight a strong guy in the first round? (Choji)

- Seems rather counterproductive, but just one match is good for me *yawn* (Shikamaru)

- *vein popped up* we will be having many more sparring contests. This is only the first of many we will have, so I can assess your level, and Shikamaru, you will be fighting more than once if you win. So don't go losing without trying or I'll make you run 20 laps.(Sensei)


-If everyone understands, we will be going to the training ground right now.(Sensei)

-yes~~~~(All students)

All the students answered their mentor and started preparing themselves to leave the classroom.

Though Homura himself was having a hard time doing as he was told but a glance from his assigned teacher was enough to make him put down the book he was reading and start to make his way out.

-( What a pain, I am a bit tired from training inside my mind yesterday... why do they have to choose today of all days...) *yawn*





Chapter end

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