The Tale of Some Random Shinobi (Naruto)

Chapter 91: Chapter 89: Homura vs Toshio

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After Oryo sensei b*tched about sparring...we drew lots and our names were written on a board, tournament style.

I was lucky.

Not only my number is one of the last ones but my first opponent was a nobody.

Which was a clear indicator of mediocrity.

I won easily.

I didn't even know that guy was in my class.

He was talking about revenge or something... he must have been confused.

-It was the first time I saw him in my entire life.

Not that I need to pay attention to the words of a clearly misremembering nobody. 

Though his 2 friends that came to help me after I kicked his ass also gave me looks of wanting to try something, but again I am sure they are just misremembering or delusional and want to say  they defeated the great ORE!(ME!)

At some point I wanted to yell out: "It was me! HOMURA!!!" to whatever they were blaming me for...

But I can't do that.

I am now a model student a boy genius with high scores, doing stupid things like this will make people not take me seriously.

So I held it in... If they come at me in secret later, I can safely use that line.

Anyway, since I was among the last ones to pass my rounds and won pretty easily the second round is already on currently.

The people who advanced the first round were Sasuke, Gekkou guy, Dog boy, bug boy, toshi, naruto some randos and me!

Quincy lost to gekkou guy...must have hurt him.

Gekkou guy didn't even use his bokuto (wooden sword),, not for the lack of trying.

He said something about warrior and other stuff...were ninjas wanabe... there is no warrior code for us, just ninja codes and they don't encourage us to play fair... did he truly come to the right school? The ninja codes or rules or whatever teach said they were, are the reason as to why ninjas have a bad rep...that and... killing for money. 

...What a weirdo. 

At least he listen when I talk to him.

He is among the few people that understand my words should be taken seriously at all times.

...I just can't handle his intense stare, especially when I am at the receiving end...a shame. We could have been great friends.

But I dodge a bullet regardless since he is so stubborn.

The teacher guy had to remind him that this entire...Tournament?

This...Whatever is going on is, is nothing more than a practice session in order to see how far we have come since starting learning the school's style of martial arts...

I don't know its name but reminds me a bit of Guy-san's but most martial arts blend together to me unless they have glaring differences such as taekwondo and jujitsu. Nobody confusing those 2, that's for sure.

 Though I feel bad for Quincy, his opponent was not even using his preferred weapon and he  still lost. 

That gotta hurt.

Not that I watched their fight anyway. 

The only fight I watch are fights with Homura, baby!

Well, that's not entirely true I did end up watching one fight.

Shikamaru's fight.

Shikamaru's fight was something else...wasting my time in this heat... He's dead to me.

To think his ability to drag fights on was something innate to him and not something he learned at the academy.

Some people call it strategy, I call it a lack of power.

I'd better move on because just thinking about it makes me mad.

Rando number something 6, I want to say, fought Sasuke in the first round...the result was no surprise.

No surprise to anyone who bothered watching.

Sasuke is mine to defeat.

So that I can achieve class peak popularity. 

After that was... Naruto. Yep, it was definitely Naruto.

I didn't watch in its entirety but a few glances was enough to tell all I needed.

Naruto's fight was clearly the weirdest I've seen so far in my life.

Clearly he knows not how to fight...most here have never been in 1 so that is not a problem.

But it was messy nonetheless, he tried to jump at his opponent and tried flashy moves, which would definitely not work so well against opponents in the next round.

Yes, he won.

His opponent also clearly knew not how to fight as well.

But I guess if you are aggressive enough, even though you don't know how to fight you are bound to win against a no name coward.

For his sake, he better not try that sh*t with patience for nonsensical acrobatics is limited.

Not that it would matter my next opponent is not him but Toshi.

Toshi's whoopass has been a long time coming.

The bast*rd thinks I am a joke.

I told a joke yesterday while we were on our way to the academy and he stole it!

Those idiot brats laughed their hearts out.

I couldn't tell that joke to others because I am a boy genius, and not crass/boy/genius.

When I confroted him about it.

He said it was different joke.

B*stard! I was there! I was in the class, just lying down. 

However, that's not why I wana give him a good beating.

I've lived next to that swine for years on end, I've enough gripes to fill that entire room.

Plus, he never plays my hypeman, he thinks he is better than me! 


It's time to show him reality!

Fire-jutsu obsessed jerk!

I waited for my turn to come.

And after a few minutes, it finally came once again,

I head to the field and entered a circle, toshi did the same.

- good luck Homura, you got this!(Naruto)

-(Shut up naruto!) 

- you have great friend there, too bad he wasted his time on you.(Toshio)

- Sass? From you? Noooo wayyyy. And I thought I was the boy genius, b-but could it be you?

- See. This, this part is why people think you're a jerk.(Toshio)

- Kuh! S-shut up toshi! And I'm the one who has to waste my time and money for that needy bastard!

- You've been acting quite weird never do change...good for me. I have been wanting to serve you a can of whoopass for a longtime now.(Toshio)

- Get real! The only thing you will be serving are going to be your missing teeth.

-That's it!(Toshio)

-hmph! *smirk*

As Toshi lost his cool and was about to attack me, Oryo sensei stopped him.

-?!...S-sensei...I was ready that's all.(Toshio)

- Liar! And a coward to boot...*smirk*

- You?!...(This asshole...)(Toshio)

However, sensei simply remained next to both of us and let out a small sigh.

- Before any fight I have to give you the ok signal understood?!(Sensei)

- Yes!(Toshio)

- meh...

-...also Homura, if you do anything of the sort that you mentioned previously, you will be going straight to the principal's office. The same goes for you too Toshio.


-.... do the union sign(Sensei)

Reluctantly we do the union sign.

As if he acknowledge our duel he nodded slightly and moved a bit further away before giving us the ok signal.

-A~nd start!(Sensei)

We break off the union sign and step back immediately.

I took a fighting stance but then realized I don't really need it.

So I break it off to relax.

Even started stretching my muscles, without a care in the world.

-!? You! What are you doing!?(Toshio)

- ...

I say nothing and continue to stretch uninterrupted.

-H-Homura... you looking down on me?! This time homura you going down.

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Toshi darts towards me at full speed with a straight hook...but I avoided easily by moving my head slightly.

Still pretending to be stretching my neck.

- !?(Toshio)

I can tell that he is surprised.

No surprise, anyone could tell the same if they saw such shocked look on his face from as close as I was.  

Used my SC skill but for Toshi, but I now see that it was a bit of an overkill... but I need to break that stupid pride of his.

Besides a straight attack like that and at such a speed, will never hit me.

He needs to learn it the hard way.

So I headed towards him.

Walking slowly.

He becomes more vigilant this time and put a little bit more space between us.

Smart choice.

Too bad that's the smartest choice you've made in a long time.

Toshi doesn't understand who I truly am, but today he shall understand the gap between us.

Unlike him, I've been forging myself for years non-stop.

I've trained with Guy-san for years now. 

On and off again.

After the terrible training regiments I've been through...I am completely insane.

-you! Damn it!(Toshio)

He attacked me with a barrage of strikes.

A series of punches, kicks, leg sweeps but I simply avoid them while moving forward.

Always getting closer and closer to him.

He has no other choice but to try to some space between every time he feels more and more cornered.  

- Damn it! why can't I hit you!? (Toshio)

- why indeed... Aren't you a genius?

- *nerve* Homura!!!(Toshio)

He tried to hit me with a clean hit to the face...but I avoided it just as easy as everything else he threw at me.

Not only as time passed his hits lost power the same could be said for speed and accuracy, but the hotheaded imbecile did not realize that he had broken his stance and was now just irrationally punching me.

But to me this just leaves him wide open.

So I avoid another of his fists coming for my chin and swiftly use left hand to aim for his chest, and used my palm against his chest to push him back a bit.

It was no gentle fist. 

just a pushed with my hand with enough force for his body to fall back a little.

Which worked with no issues since his balance was broken when he decided to forgo any attempts at defending himself.

-Damn it! What was that for!?(Toshio)

-...look below you.

- what...!?(Toshio)

He looked below and realized he had left the circle.

-Winner Homura! Now you 2 do the reconciliation sign.

I approached Toshi and put my hand forward while smirking.


He was having trouble doing what the teacher asked of him at first but did it anyway.

-Now next match will be...(Sensei)

I don't waste my listening who the next candidates were and leave the ring.

Surprisingly Toshi followed without uttering a single word.

We headed back to the other boys.

- woah, that was pretty impressive. *Munch* (Choji)

- you made it look like it was easy.(Rando guy)

-Don't praise him too much! He fought a weakling. If you had fought me it'd be a different story!(Kiba)

-what did you say!? Say that again once you face me!(Toshio)

- I would, but you'd lose right anyway. hahaha! (kiba)

- Why you little...(Toshio)

Toshi clenched his fist, I'm not sure that he is trying to keep his temper in check.

He is usually a pretty easy going guy. 

But can get quite worked up over nothing.

And by nothing, I mean his massive ego.

But before I could say something to defuse the situation hear the praises, someone else beat me to the punch.

-...calm down guys. There's nothing to fight over other wise teach might get mad, well, madder. (Shikamaru)

I wanted to say a few things but stop since someone else was approaching once again.

-....shikamaru is right. (Shino)

We all paused and look at shino.

- so that's what you sound like?(He actually sounds quite cool for a cheeky brat.)

- I thought you couldn' (Naruto)


Instead of replying to Naruto's clearly insensitive comment he stayed quiet.

Making kind just move on.

-Anyway, don't lose until you fight me!(Kiba)

Kiba pointed at me before he went away. he is next. 

He is litteraly supposed to be one of the guys fighting next.

But to me dog boy and I don't have that kind of relationship. 

We don't have a relationship at all.

- what was that about?

- he obviously wants to challenge you.(Shikamaru)

- really? boy is really shy. He didn't have to declare that out loud.

- hahaha, but I know how he feels. I want to challenge Sasuke too! (Naruto)


I looked towards Sasuke and he gives me the same look he always had but this was a bit different. Not that it mattered because he looked away soon after, as if he had lost interest.

- Next Sasuke vs Naruto! (Sensei)

-Oh I am next! Finally I'll make Sasuke pay! (Naruto)

- give him hell!

I gave Naruto a thumbs up while smiling.

- Count on me! Believe it! (Naruto)

He did the exact same.

But as he left for the ring I couldn't help but chuckle a little.'re a sick b*stard you don't believe he will win at all.

-...didn't you say before that stranger things have happened.


- At least I sent him off with a bit of hope in his heart! And besides, he was the only one who rooted for me! Why is that!? Is toshi more popular than me? Or are you all jealous of my greatness!


-.... I see why the 2 of you are friends. you and Naruto are quite similar.(Naruto)


Me and Naruto are Similar?

However a peculiar scene just happened before Naruto's fight started.

He turned to us and started to yell something.

- Just you all watch it! I am going to kick his ass! So you guys better praise me and my greatness! Hahahaha! (I, UZUMAKI NARUTO! Will the one popular in class! Wait for me Sakura-chan!)(Naruto)

Why did he start laughing out loud?

It is his first time fighting Sasuke and he is a already boasting about beating him.

...what a show embarrassing.

Chapter end

Extra chap because of 5 star rating thx for the support.

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