The Throne Of The Dark

Chapter 16: Fall Of A General

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Athena muttered to herself

"A Boss Battle..."

Inside the training hall,

Darell felt his blood boiling when he looked at the Scorched Raven General. He felt his blood screaming with excitement as if it was welcoming the challenge.

He looked at the Raven General and used Inspect to check its stats.

[ Beast - Scorched Raven General ]

[ Rank - 06 ]

[ STR - 768 ]

[ AGI - 895 ]

[ VIT - 632 ]

[ DEF - 801 ]

[ Ability - Fire ]

Darell was shocked when he saw the ridiculously high stats. But before he could think of anything, he saw the system's notifications.


[ Quest - Defeat the Scorched Ravens ]

[ Reward - 1000 XP ]

[ Special Quest - Kill the Scorched Raven General ]

[ Reward - SuperNova (Skill)]

When Darell saw the quests, he wasn't surprised but what shocked him was the reward for the special quest. 

The last time the system rewarded him with skill was back when he entered the Forest Of Fyn for the first time. The skill that the system rewarded was extremely useful and he tried to find the rank of the skill but it didn't even show up in the system shop.

He almost jumped in joy but he stopped himself and looked around. He saw everyone defending themselves against Raven's horde.

He took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

Darell opened his eyes and spoke with an excited glint in his eyes " Time to go all out."

He activated Burst, Death's Touch, and Star Strike. Instantly, all of the Ravens turned towards him. Emma, Lilith, Eric, and Ariel who were busy fighting the Ravens felt overwhelming pressure around them. They looked at Darell and their jaws dropped.

The Scorched Raven General looked at Darell and shuddered its body. He saw Darell and felt his instincts screaming at him as if it was warning him. He realized that these individuals were dangerous but the most dangerous of them was Darell. He realized that he had to kill Darell quickly or else he might perish.

The Raven General then ordered more Ravens to attack him to tire him out. 

Most of the Ravens attacking Emma, Lilith, Eric, and Ariel shifted their attention towards Darell and flew towards him. 

Darell smirked when he saw most of the Ravens flying towards him. He had already formulated a plan to defeat the Raven General but he needed his friends' help to defeat it. He began slaughtering the Ravens as he thought the first part of the plan was accomplished.

Darell's strength had reached 1000 after he used Burst and Star Strike but it came at a cost of MP. He felt his mana depleting rapidly so he decided to finish this battle as soon as possible.

Around 100,000 Ravens continued their assault on him. Darell was annoyed because he would kill hundreds of Ravens but they would be quickly replaced. He took a deep breath and spread his hands out. He brought his hands together and clapped. The clap had so much power which burst 10,000 Ravens' bodies. 

The Raven General shouted and created two fire golems. The fire golems only held a sword in one hand. They ran towards him but Darell used his sword combat technique Earth - Shattering Slash and instantly cut them down.

The Raven General created more fire golems but Darell cut them down instantly while he butchered the Ravens. The Raven General saw that his golems and the Ravens were not of much help and he felt that Darell was toying with them. He opened his beak and created a fireball. The fireball was massive in size and dark red. He shot the fireball at Darell.

 Before the fireball hit Darell, he used Teleport as he disappeared and appeared a hundred meters back from where he was standing. The fireball hit the ground and exploded which created a 5-meter-long crater on it.

Darell smirked at the Raven General who was flying in the sky and arrogantly gestured his hand at the Raven General to come at him.

The Raven General was enraged as he saw Darell's provocative gesture. He then shot more fireballs at Darell.

Darell's smile widened when he saw more fireballs coming at him. He used Teleport to dodge the fireballs.

As he was dodging the fireballs, he and Lilith made eye contact for a second. He winked at her and used Space Tear to dodge another fireball and then used Teleport to teleport away. 

Lilith understood Darell's plan and she smiled.

She continued killing the Ravens but she whispered to herself in a mosquito-like voice.

Ariel who was on the other side, busy fighting the Ravens heard Lilith and smiled wickedly.

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She had obtained a rank 03 hypnosis skill when she was on the safe floor. She used the hypnosis skill and the Ravens stopped attacking her. She then ordered the Ravens to attack the Raven General from behind.

She ran towards Emma, Lilith, and Eric and used her skill to order the Ravens to sneak attack the Raven General.

They had figured out Darell's plan. While the Raven General was busy fighting Darell, they would sneak attack him to break down his defenses.

They then used their skills and attacked the Raven General.

The Raven General felt weird when he noticed that his connection with the Ravens had been broken. But he was busy dealing with Darell, so he ignored it and continued attacking him.

He felt a sharp pain in his back and he turned around his head. He found all the Ravens attacking him with fireballs and Emma, Lilith Eric, and Ariel attacking him.

He turned around his body to deal with them but that was his mistake. As he turned around, Darell used Teleport and he appeared behind him.

Darell punched the Raven General with all of his strength. The Raven General didn't anticipate the attack and he was thrown to the round. 

Darell appeared on the ground and looked at the Raven General. The Raven General got up and shouted in anger. His body glowed in a dark red color and was covered with a dark red substance that was burning with a brilliant flame.

Darell saw its transformation and realized that the Raven General was going to fight him seriously. 

The Raven General spread its wings and several red feathers broke off from his wings and flew towards Darell like an arrow. Darell activated his skill Nihility and the feathers passed through him. 

He ran towards the Raven General and fought the Raven General as he punched, kicked, and slashed the Raven General.  

Their fight went on for a couple of minutes.

Darell was gasping for air as he stood while leaning against a tree. His sword had been shattered to pieces and was lying on the ground. His right arm was broken and he couldn't feel it. He struggled to stand but he bit his lips and endured the pain.

He looked at the Raven General whose beak had been partly broken. One of his wings had been broken and his other wings had been devoid of his dark red feathers.









Darell ignored the system's warning as he was intrigued by the rewards that he would obtain from the quests.

The Raven General took a final gamble as he opened his beak and created another fireball.

Darell knew that he couldn't escape from the fireball as he didn't have enough MP to dodge it.

He gritted his teeth in rage and ran towards the Raven General.


He threw his fist at the fireball. As his fist collided with the fireball in the mouth of the Raven General, it exploded with much higher intensity.

All of the Ravens were torn apart and their bodies burst due to the impact of the explosion.

Emma, Lilith, Eric, and Ariel were thrown away due to the impact of the explosion.

For some time, the battlefield was utterly silent.

Only Emma, Lilith, Eric, and Ariel remained as they stood up and looked at the dust from the explosion.

As the dust cleared, they saw Darell standing still.

As Darell had collided with the fireball, the explosion blew apart the Raven General's body. Darell strangely survived the explosion.

Darell heard a ton of notifications from the system but he threw them at the back of his head. His mind was hazy and his vision was blurred. He looked at his hands only to find them charred beyond recognition. He could see the bones of his fingers and his arms.

" Oh ....Shit..."

Darell muttered before his body fell to the ground and he lost consciousness.


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