The Throne Of The Dark

Chapter 37: Competition

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"Alfith! Alfen!"

The boy called out to the girls after the fight. The girls were resting on the floor of the dungeon.

Alfith and Alfen turned around in the direction of the person calling out to them.

The boy was running towards them. He had blonde messy hair which enhanced his charm. Blonde eyebrows and shiny black eyes that held the passion of a warrior would pull everybody's attention toward him.

Although his features made him look handsome, he had an ordinary face. He had a well-built body fitting of a warrior. 

He came running towards them while wearing a simple light black armor covering his whole body except his face. 

He came towards them and was momentarily stunned by the beauty of the twins. 

Alfith Wysteria had purple bluish hair as her purple hair faded out to blue at the tips. Her wavy hair flew down to her waist. She had shiny black eyes and purple bluish eyebrows.

She had cherry red lips and a small cute nose. Her pale features enhanced her feminine charm and made her look like a real-life doll. 

She wore shiny black armor which had exquisite white patterns engraved into it. 

On her back, there were two wings artistically created on her armor. This gave the others the feeling of being in the presence of a divine being. 

She had a non-existent chest while her curves were defined enough for her to be called a succubus. 

Alfen Wysteria also had purple bluish like her sister but her hair wasn't long like Alfith's but cut short to her shoulders. 

Her purple bluish eyebrows and shiny black eyes were similar to her sister's. Even her small cute nose and cherry red lips were similar. 

But, the thing which separated her from her sister was her bountiful chest, unlike her sister's non-existent chest. 

Her well-defined curves along with her bountiful curves made her look like a true succubus. 

She wore a similar armor to Alfith but the colors of the armor were different. 

She had white armor with black lines engraved in it. 

Alfith had a stern expression on her face while she held the spear but it softened a little after seeing the boy's face. 

If one were to look closely, there was a tinge of blush on her face. 

" Vylan! Are you okay? Did you get any injuries? 

You should train more if you don't want to be left behind." she spoke with a serious tone. 

Vylan embarrassingly replied, "I am fine. The fire falcon, wasn't a tough opponent for me this time." 

Alfith nodded and asked, "How is the armo–" 

Before she could continue, she was interrupted by her sister's cheerful voice. 


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Alfen smothered Vylan's face on her chest while she hugged him. 

She cheerfully asked, "How is the armor? I made it for you by the best blacksmith in the kingdom. 

Do you like it, my dear Vylan~~" 

Vylan's face was beet red at this moment and felt hot. 

Suddenly, an eerie atmosphere surrounded them while they hugged. 

" Vylan Dastow!! "

Both of them hurriedly released each other when they saw the scary expression on Alfith's face. 

Alfen said, "Ahem, sorry but WE made the armor. Do you like it?" 

He replied while sneaking glances at Alfen's bountiful chest, "Yes, I love it. This time, I didn't burn my clothes when I transformed."

Alfith saw his gaze on her sister's chest then she looked at her chest and her mood worsened. 

She didn't listen any longer and walked away with a "Hmph!" 

Vylan saw her walk away and asked Alfen, "Did I say something wrong?" 

Alfen knew why Alfith walked away which made her feel superior. She grabbed Vylan's arm and both of them followed her. 

Alfith and Alfen Wysteria were the daughters of Duke Wysteria or the 'agriculture minister.'

Vylan Dastow was a commoner who had a unique body that enabled him to transform into a human with fire-spitting eyes and hair. 

They sat at the place where they had camped and drank to quench their thirst. 

Alfen was cleaning her axes from the blood and the dirt while Alfith was drinking soup.

Vylan who was also drinking the soup exclaimed, "Delicious! You have amazing culinary skills, Alfith." 

Alfith blushed at his compliment but still maintained an annoyed attitude. 

She switched to her serious tone and asked, " Are you ready for the upcoming competition, Vylan?" 

Vylan nodded and gripped his red sword beside him as he thought about the battle between Darell and the Scorched Raven General. 

She said, "We have to show the people we aren't going to be left behind. 

Those people always hog everybody's attention everywhere they go. This is our advantage, nobody pays attention to us. So, we have to surprise them by reaching the top. 

We have worked hard for the top 3. So, we will do anything to achieve it."

"' For the top 3!!! "' 

The three of them shouted enthusiastically amid the roars and shrieks in the dungeon.

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