The Throne Of The Dark

Chapter 40: Start Of The Test

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Two hours later,

All of the students had gathered in front of the dungeon.

Athena said, "I would once again advise you to read the rules written on the stone tablet.

If you have already done so, then I would give you some advice.

First, check your equipments and armor. It should be in perfect shape. Your armor will give you a second life in dangerous situations. If you have bad armor even a goblin would cause life-threatening injuries to you.

Second, always keep your potions ready

Never neglect them. They will provide you with extra fuel to fight. Stock up on all types of potions because you never know when you would need them.

Third, never be relaxed in a fight. The moment you do so is the moment you lose your life. Some monsters are intelligent enough to pounce on the momentary lapse of judgment.

Fourth, be careful of traps. There will be traps in it so you need to keep your eyes open for them.

With that, I conclude this speech and wish you the best of luck. "

" " YEAH!!" "

The entrance was opened and the students rushed inside it.

Darell and the rest were standing at the back. They had worn their armor and had done everything else.

Although, they had only worn their armor and had their weapons because all of the potions, tents, food, etc were stored by Darell using his skill Space Arsenal.

After some time, when the students rushed into the dungeon and lessened, Darell  asked his friends and asked, "Ready?"

They nodded with determination and confidence exuding from their eyes.

Darell smiled and said, "Let's go!"

Just as he entered the dungeon, he heard the system reminding him of a new quest.

[ DING ]

[ Quest - Conquer 'The Temple Of Sunless Terror' dungeon

  – Since this is the first time the host has entered a dungeon, the system will provide the host a hint.

'Open your eyes, there are opportunities everywhere you see.'] 

Darell was pleasantly surprised when he saw that a quest was given to him but he was even more surprised when he didn't see any rewards. It meant that the reward for the quest would be very special. 

He confidently entered the dungeon with the others. 

They walk for some time and arrived at the corridor of the dungeon. 

Some students remained in the corridor. Some were afraid to go further while some were checking their equipment. 

Darel and the others looked around and saw some eerie things. 

A group of demonic faces had been carved into the walls. A tile labyrinth covered the floor. Skeletons hanged from the chains and manacles against the walls. 

A moldy odor and a hissing noise filled the corridor. A shallow pool of water covered the floor.

Also, the walls had been engraved with geometric patterns.

Darell shook his head when he saw how cowardly some students acted. 

Emma looked around and saw that there was very little illumination for them to see ahead. So, she created little orbs of light that floated around them and some distance ahead of them. 

Darell looked at her and gave her a thumbs up for her quick thinking while she winked mischievously. 

They carefully stepped before a room. 

Darell read the strange symbols at the door and to his surprise, he could understand what was written on them. 

He said, "These symbols might be saying that this is room 01."

He looked at them and asked, "Everyone ready?" 

They readied their weapons and nodded. 

He carefully opened the door and  stepped inside the room. 

To their dismay, the room was empty. 

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Ariel saw that there were no monsters and said, "If there are no monsters, then we should inspect this room because there are so many doors surrounding us." 

Everyone agreed and started to inspect the room. 

After some time, they gathered at a particular door.

Darell said, "There are so many doors but if we open the wrong one, then we would have to fight too strong monsters. So, we should be careful and complete this dungeon by going through it systematically."

Eric said, "Yes, I saw that the symbols on the doors are somewhat similar to our numerical symbols. So, we should enter room 02."

They entered room 02 and they saw that there were no monsters.

Then, they entered room 03, and again, there were no monsters. 

Frustrated by the lack of monsters, they entered room 04.

Finally, there were weird monsters standing around the room. 

They resembled hairy, feral goblins and were about 7 feet tall. Their noses and claws were similar to those of bears. They were armored and also had armed themselves with a variety of purloined gear. 

Darell activated Inspect on the monsters. 

[ Beast - Goblinoid ] 

[ Rank - 01 ] 

[ STR - 126 ] 

[ AGI - 85 ] 

[ VIT - 104 ] 

[ DEF - 121 ] 

[ Ability - Earth ] 

Just then, he heard the system giving him a quest. 

[ DING ] 

[ Quest - Kill the Goblinoids and Goblinoid General ] 

[ Reward - 1000 XP ] 

'Goblinoid General?' 

He looked around and saw the same hairy, feral goblin but with much better armor and weapon.

He used Inspect and found out that it was a rank 02 monster. 

Lilith said, "There are about 25 of the same goblin-like monsters but there is one behind wearing better armor. So he must be their chief or general or something." 

Ariel said, "I will sit this one out. I can vaguely sense that these guys are of no danger to us. I think there is no need for all of us to waste our mana." 

Emma and Lilith also agreed. 

Darell unsheathed his sword and said, "I will kill them." 

He used Teleport and arrived in between the Goblinoids. 

He used the hilt of his sword to blast open several of their heads. They were much weaker than him physically and four or five punches were enough for him to kill three of them. 

He flipped around and sliced open the chests of the surrounding Goblinoids. He then used one of them as his meat shield and let him take all of the strikes of the remaining Goblinoids. 

He threw his meat shield toward them after he had died. The meat shield exploded after they were struck with it. 

As blood flew everywhere, he used this opportunity to hack off their heads. 

Then, he directly teleported in front of the Goblinoid General and he sliced his head open without wasting any time. 

He then heard a notification from the system alerting him that he had completed his quest. 

He backed off as the floor started shaking and a platform upon which there were placed several coins and a few potions. 

They collected the rewards and extracted the beast cores. 

Darell looked at his clock and said, "Let's call it a day. Even though we have only started, we still have a month left." 

He took out all of their equipment and asked with a mischievous smile, "Who wants some blueberry honey wine at dinner?"

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