The Unloved

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 – A Foolish Waste

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Gei went to the forest every day. She cut down trees with the edge of her hand, and sucked out the life elements like she did the earth elements within the stone of her plateau.

Each tree was taken back to the wasteland intact, and processed up on top after she tossed it up. She wanted planks for furniture, and firewood for the winter.

She collected silver as she sold her salt, while things remained quiet within Stormwall.

Her old family never came to look for her, nor did they know she was the one to cause all their problems. Lise did brisk business with the salt, while Sala kept her salt as supply for her business, only selling some from time to time. It wasn't a lot of silver, but it became noticed after a month.

A decrease of a few hundred silver per month was not a huge drop, but it indicated a potential problem. Once they investigated where the loss occurred, Liam attempted to fix the problem by sending out his guards to intimidate Lise.

They were sent back with instructions that made Liam grind his teeth in rage.

"What do you mean 'Mind your own business'?" Liam growled at his subordinates. The guard swallowed a lump that formed in his throat.

"The guard captain of Stormwall made it clear. Lise is under the protection of someone powerful." He said. "If we wish to antagonize that person, go out onto the wasteland and fight them head on. They won't allow it inside the town." Liam growled.

"Don't we bribe those bastards?" He rang a bell. Steward Kell appeared moments later. "Didn't we bribe the guard captain this month?" The steward sighed a bit.

"The captain refused to accept the silver this time." Kell said. "The governor has made it clear to the guards, and to anyone who is an official of Stormwall. If they accept our silver, they will be booted from the town. They are more afraid of the one on the wasteland than they are of us." Kell watched Liam growl like an enraged dog, gritting his teeth and baring them.

"That's all I hear! That one on the wasteland! Didn't we send the Mercenary Union after her?" He said angrily.

"Yes. They lost thirty one men in one night." Steward Kell said, and watched as Liam jumped to his feet.

"Thirty one? A child killed thirty one mercenaries in a night?" Liam scoffed. "That is so much bear shit!"

"The Union Master doesn't believe it's bear shit, sir. He's waiting for the capital to send someone before he makes any other moves. They should be here in a few days." Kell kept his face clear of any judgment, but he knew that Liam would not wait.

"Go to Honored Blood Hall. I want to make a request."


* * *


Steward Kell held the thin leather scroll in his shaking hands while he walked through the main lobby of the bar. Things were subdued, without the intensity that could be found among the mercenaries, the so-called adventurers that young boys wished to become.

No one looked at him, but that is what his eyes told him. His senses said that every eye in the place was on him right now.

He walked up to the bar counter, where a young woman quietly polished the oiled oak surface. She didn't lift her eyes, but pushed forward a tray. He gently placed the scroll on the tray, and moved to the right.

"You are aware of the penalty for false records, and incomplete information." She said softly.

"My employer, Liam Griel, is aware." Kell said in a small voice. He watched her pick up the tray and take it to a door. She slid it through a slot, and within a minute, the tray was returned empty. She went back to the counter with the tray.

"The request has been accepted." She said, and watched him leave with a small smirk on her lips. She tapped the counter three times, and picked up a piece of leather that had been turned face down. She read it, and set it aside.

"Investigate the recent actions of the Mercenary Union." She said quietly. "I don't want any of our people to go out without complete information." A set of steps moved away, the only sign that her words were listened to.

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It was the reason why the Honored Blood Hall was so infamous. They were careful, and completely unlike all other killers. Some assassin halls would try to hide what they were with clever tricks to blend in.

The Honored Blood Hall trained their people to kill, and they didn't hide it. Should the king decide they outlived their usefulness, there were always members not in the open, and ones unlikely to be found again. They would remain a dagger in the dark, rebuild their strength, and strike when least expected.

A king of the past had attempted to wipe them out, but paid the price five years later. Honored Blood assassins were in multiple countries, and couldn't be wiped out. Their trainers were among the guards of every kingdom, and unlike the common assassins of their hall, they hid their skills and origins.

The master of this hall had an unusual quirk in his personality as well. He was completely devoted to Ena, that world's main goddess, to the point of fanaticism.

Any word against his goddess would result in harsh responses, and without concern for the consequences.

This time, Liam Griel stepped in a big pile of bear shit. His request included in the inference that the person on the wasteland was impersonating Ena herself.

The Griel family had only lost some silver, and a bit of their reputation. Their response to this loss was a complete overreaction, and not their last one either.

The Griels had already angered the Mercenary Union by sending them on a suicide mission. The representative from the capital was on the way to deal with him. He had irritated the governor of Stormwall due to the rampant bribery and abuse of power, which put the governor on the defensive in order to avoid Gei's possible retribution.

He didn't want to tangle with someone who could kill an iron tusked boar, even if she only looked like a child. Now, he had involved the Honored Blood Hall.

Liam was nothing if not thorough.


* * *


The man grinned, a slightly unhinged look in his eyes as he read the information his people hunted down.

"Killed thirty one mercenaries, of which the first six triggered the larger attack. Only the ones she let live are the ones who lived. The Union Master is silent on the event beyond what is known." The one at the bar said. She handed him another scroll.

"She brutalized their servants, and killed multiple guards when they attempted to steal from Lise, the merchant. There is no more information about her. Nothing to verify the claim that she says she's the goddess Ena." She said. The man's grin widened.

"Send eight men. Lower tier. Two high rankers. Instruct the veterans to stay back and see how she reacts." His eyes narrowed as he considered the possibility that someone was using his devotion against him.

"If she kills the six, have the two veterans sheathe their weapons and approach carefully. No hostile movement. See if she makes the claim." He snorted.

"Sending us after a child. This is not just wrong, it also feels like we're being taken as fools." He thought for another moment. "On second thought, have them all approach with their weapons sheathed, and ask to talk to her."

"You wouldn't think this deeply on other jobs, sir." She said. He nodded.

"That's true, but this is not normal. We've never taken the life of children before because it was never necessary." He waved his hand at the front of the bar. "All my people were once orphans, abandoned by their parents, or starving as children. People like the Griels made them like that. I will not execute them unless it is necessary." He looked towards the mountains in the far distance.

"She once stopped that mountain from erupting. Back before she remembered who she was. She has a fondness for children, abused slaves, and abandoned women. Would I not disrespect her if I didn't investigate this claim?" He said. She smirked.

"One day, she will wake again, sir. Maybe she'll see a use for us then."


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