The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 10: Chapter X

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In the end, Marianne chose a knee-length, dark blue dress with white butterflies sticking out as a design. The neckline, upper chest area and full sleeves were lace. It was a really beautiful dress; I would wear it happily if it weren’t for the fact, it was for the prince who ends up killing Astelle.


Marianne woke me up at sun rise to dress me up, before that however, she bathed me, then with beautiful scented oils, applied lotion and took care of my hair. Now she’s dressing me up and doing my hair. She styled my light purple hair into a side braid with white baby flowers decorating it and tying it up with a dark blue ribbon.  


Tch, If it were up to me, I would wear sweatpants and a hoodie, so he can know how I give no fucks about him! Gah! He pisses me off now! I thought he was charming from the novel but now that I see Astelle’s memories, he’s actually a bastard!


Ok, for now I should worry about meeting and acting like Astelle. It’s almost tea time. “My lady! You’re ready now!” I look into the full body mirror and noticed how gorgeous I look!


Goodness! Astelle really is gorgeous! I still can’t believe no one had a crush on her. Seriously? Look at her! ... Me!  


I suddenly remembered something from my past! There... was never a moment I felt like this...


Self-confident. There were always doubts, but now looking at myself move in the mirror... I feel that it’s me, and I’m pretty.  


“M-my lady!?” I heard Marianne scream, I turned to look at her, surprised at her outburst, but as soon as I did, I felt something warm trickle down my cheeks. I turned away and wiped them away as quickly as I could.


Marianne said nothing. I turned with my poker face again, pretending that didn’t happen. She smiled and led me to the gazebo in the gardens where I’d meet the prince.  


What...what was that about? Why did I cry? I can barely remember my past, so why did that one fact make me cry? Was my past painful? Why can’t I remember? Why? Why? Why?!


I heard Marianne say, “The Prince has arrived, he’ll be making his way to you shortly, are you still up for it, my lady?” I nodded surely and she walked away.


I heard footsteps and got up from my seat. He wore a white royal get up, with of course gold linings, studs and everything. His eyes were an even brighter gold colour with dark wavy black hair.  


‘Why the fuck was this bastard hot?’


“I greet the Prince of the Sol Empire,” I bowed but rolled my eyes slightly.

“And I greet the young Star of the Asterion family,” he bowed his head. Bastard, you should properly bow to a lady like me!


*Note that ladies do not curse, yet she is and has totally forgotten the fact*


“Let’s sit,” Xavier spoke after we greeted each other. The Butler who escorted him here left long ago, now it was just us two.

Awkward, should I make conversation? No! He’s just a jerk! A handsome jerk but whatever!


“How have you been?” He asked. “I have been well, your highness, and you, your highness, how have you been feeling?” I looked at him in the eyes. He stared back, “Well, yes, I’ve been fine,”  


Now, there was no conversation at all. ‘Why is he like this today? From Astelle’s memories, he usually doesn’t even bother greeting her?’


“There’s something I wanted to say to you,” he suddenly spoke up again. I looked up at him and he looked disgusted from out of nowhere. He was fine just seconds ago!


“How many times have I said to not say your highness? Are you trying to make them find out? Are you that dense?” Xavier spoke out.


‘Whoa whoa whoa where did that come from?!’


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Out of pure shock of the sudden hatred of his voice, I didn’t reply, “At the soon coming-of-age party, don’t do anything to embarrass me, it’s a warning, you always seem to do something stupid.”  




With my skilled emotionless face, I nodded and ate a biscuit to disguise the fact that I might punch him soon. He glared a bit and got up.  


“That’s all then. I’m leaving. I haven’t come here to entertain you,” He left without waiting for my reply and left me there sitting.


What. The. Fuck?! Ooooh, he wants to get slapped, doesn’t he?!


Stop. My old self is arising. I was getting better at not cursing, but this dude had to show up!


“Then what shall I call you?” I suddenly spoke up. He turned around and raised his eyebrow. “Figure it out,” he crossed his arms. “Then you will be fine with any endearment I address you as?” I asked looking him in the eyes.  


He looks at me suspiciously, “Depends.” This son of a-


“Do you want us to seem like a couple?” I asked another question. He comes and sits down, intrigued. “What else do you expect?” He huffs.  


“Then, would Xavier suffice?” He scrunches his nose up, showing his disgust at me stating his name. “No, then Dear?” He looked constipated.


So picky, yeesh.


“One question, would you do the same?” He looked confused, “What do you mean? Stop being vague,”  


“Call me by an endearment as well?” I said, nonchalantly. However, I’m inwardly smirking at his face. I’m starting to like this confused constipated look. You can practically see the demon horns and tail sprouting out of nowhere.


“Why should I?” He says leaning back in to chair as the wind rustles his hair. Crap, that was pretty.


“Ahem, to be fair, of course, think it of some sort of treaty, I’ll call you by an endearment if you do the same, after all we need to be seen as a couple, yes?” I raised my cup of tea and took a sip.  


You can see him deflate a little, he coughed, “Fine, may that be as is, next time you greet me, you shall call me by.... an endearment and I shall do the same,” he looked nauseous. He’s only being polite because I was logical about it.


He got up and turned around to walk away, I wanted to see his reaction cause I’m a sadist. “Farewell then, darling,” I said drinking my tea but still looking from the side of my eye at him.


He froze, turned around to look at me, however I wasn’t and he just continues walking, He mumbled loud enough for me to hear, “What’s wrong with her today?”  


Before speaking louder, “Yes, till next time...dear,” he mumbled “dear” before speedily walking away.


As soon as he walked away far enough, I burst into quiet laughter, as to not alert any maid or anything about my laugh. That was ridiculous! Oh my god! I’d feel bad if he weren’t such a jerk to me.


Goodness, why was that still cute though?!  


“My lady!” Marianne came in the direction of which Xavier just left. “His majesty is quite a handsome fellow, yes?” She grinned as seeing my cheerful mood but I couldn’t help but think of slapping myself for agreeing with her.

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